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We've got to find him traduction Français

115 traduction parallèle
Oh, I don't know, but we've got to find him.
Oh, je n'en sais rien Nous devons le retrouver
We've got to find him.
Nous devons avancer. Nous devons le trouver
We've got to find him.
Il faut le retrouver.
Whoever it was, we've got to find him before this night is over.
Il faut le trouver avant l'aube.
- We've got to find him a name.
Il faut lui donner un nom.
We've got to find some way to help him.
Il faut trouver une façon de l'aider.
The whole town isin an uproar. We've got to find him and the letter is the only clue.
C'est notre seul indice pour le retrouver.
I'm scared. we've got to find him.
J'ai peur. Il faut qu'on Le retrouve.
Even if we find him, we've got to be good to sell a butcher a steak. He works at this stuff.
Et même si on le trouve, il sait se défendre.
We'll have to find a doctor who's willing to risk it, we'll have to get Frankie to him within an hour after the execution, and we've got to make sure there's no autopsy performed.
Il faudra un médecin prêt à prendre le risque, il faudra lui amener Frankie dans l'heure suivant l'exécution, et il faudra s'assurer qu'il n'y aura pas d'autopsie.
We've got to find a way to help him.
Nous devons trouver le moyen de l'aider.
Look, we're trying to help you. We'd like to find him, but you've got to help us.
On veut vous aider, mais vous devez nous aider aussi.
We've got to find him.
Nous devons le retrouver.
We've got to find him and stop him ourselves!
Nous devons le trouver et le stopper nous-mêmes.
- We've got to find him.
Nous devons le retrouver!
- We've got to find him, Rick.
Quand on l'aura trouvé, je le tuerai.
We've got to find him.
Il faut le trouver!
We've got to find and kill him, or our secret will be...
Tuons-le pour éviter qu'il ne parle!
We've got to find him before someone else does.
Aux herbes, au fromage, à la tomate, au jambon?
We've got to find him.
Il faut le trouver.
- We've got to find him before he...
- Il faut le retrouver avant qu'il ne...
We've got to find him.
On doit le trouver.
We've got to find him.
Il faut qu'on le trouve.
And unfortunately we've got to find him.
Et malheureusement nous devons le retrouver.
We've got to find him!
Il faut le retrouver.
He's lying low somewhere and we've got to find him.
Il est peut etre caché quelque part et nous allons finir par le trouver.
We've got to find him before his... Appetite is whetted again.
Il faut attraper Blaney avant que sa soif de meurtre le reprenne.
We've got to find him right away.
Il faut le retrouver, et vite.
We've got to find him, do you understand?
Nous devons le trouver, vous comprenez?
We've got to find him before he kills someone.
Nous devons le trouver avant qu'il ne tue.
- Bullshit, you can't dictate Art - hang on, I've got an idea... suppose we... were able to find him a woman so that... they can stay together...
Ne sommes-nous pas tout aussi fautifs? Un artiste a besoin de beauté afin de pouvoir s'exprimer au mieux et, pour parler franchement, ces donzelles ne sont pas l'idéal... - Foutaises, l'Art c'est l'Art!
We've got to find a way to move him out. That's problem number one.
Le problème no 1 est de trouver le moyen de l'écarter.
We've got to find a place where I can face him and we can cover ourselves.
On doit trouver un endroit pour le duel et où on peut se protéger.
We've got to get somebody to go out and find Anthony and bring him back.
Il faut envoyer quelqu'un chercher Anthony et le ramener ici.
We were tricked into taking him on board the Searcher so he could destroy it : You've got to find him and stop him : Where is he?
Épargnons la sensibilité de ceux qui ont coopéré avec nous :
We've got to find Simon to tell him... before he marries some bimbo on the rebound.
II faut trouver Simon pour lui dire avant qu'il n'épouse une pouffiasse par déception.
We've got to find a way to get up there and get it from him.
Il faut trouver un moyen de monter pour la lui prendre.
We've Got To Find Him!
- On doit le trouver.
We've got to try and find him fast.
Il faut le trouver et vite.
( SIGHS ) We've got to find him.
Il faut le trouver.
We've got to find him, before he gets out of the building.
Nous devons le trouver avant qu'il sorte du bâtiment.
Maybe the Captain can help us. We've got to find him.
Le capitaine a peut-être une idée.
We've got to find him and take him out.
On doit le retrouver et le liquider.
We've got to find a way to track him.
Comment faire pour le retrouver?
I've been trying since we got divorced to find him someone. Someone to match his personality.
Depuis notre divorce, je lui cherche une femme qui convienne à sa personnalité.
Yes, we've got to find this man and introduce ourselves to him.
Nous devons trouver cet homme et nous présenter à lui.
So, somehow we've got to find your double and get this baby into him.
Il faut retrouver ton double et lui implanter le bébé.
We've got to find him.
Il faut qu'on le retrouve.
If he's out there we've got to find him.
S'il est sur la station, il faut le retrouver.
We've got to find a way to talk to him.
Il faut trouver un moyen de lui parler.
Well, we've got to find him.
Nous devons le trouver.

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