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We've got to help him traduction Français

41 traduction parallèle
- But we've got to stand by him, help him.
- Mais il faut être à ses côtés, l'aider.
We've got to find some way to help him.
Il faut trouver une façon de l'aider.
Clancy, we've got to help him.
Clancy, on doit l'aider.
We've got to find a way to help him.
Nous devons trouver le moyen de l'aider.
Now we've got to help him!
Il faut l'aider.
Look, we're trying to help you. We'd like to find him, but you've got to help us.
On veut vous aider, mais vous devez nous aider aussi.
We've all got to help him, Virginia.
Nous allons tous devoir l'aider, Virginia.
Won't help to catch up with Maygro unless we've got more than words to offer him.
Ça ne servira pas á grand-chose de rattraper Maygro... si on n " a que des paroles á lui offrir.
We've got to help him.
On doit l'aider.
Gump, we've got to help him.
- On doit l'aider.
We've got to help him.
Nous devons l'aider.
Maybe the Captain can help us. We've got to find him.
Le capitaine a peut-être une idée.
We've got to help him.
Il faut l'aider.
- We've got to help him! - Too late!
- Trop tard!
We've got to help him somehow.
II faut qu'on l'aide.
♪ ♪ We've got to help him, Joe.
Il faut l'aider, Joe.
If he's alive, we've got to help him.
Si un humain a un problème, il faut l'aider.
So, that means we've got to help him.
- Alors nous devons l'aider.
- We've got to help him.
- Faut l'aider.
We've got to help him.
On doit aller l'aider.
- We've got to get him help, fast.
Il a besoin d'aide.
We've got to help him, Imam.
Il faut l'aider, Imam.
We've got to help him out today, get him together.
Il faut l'aider aujourd'hui.
Dad, we've got to help him!
Papa, on doit l'aider!
We've got to help him, somehow.
- On doit pouvoir l'aider.
Someone's definitely gonna miss this. Listen, we've got to help him right now, not throw him under a bus.
On doit l'aider, pas tirer sur l'ambulance.
Poor thing. We've got to help him.
Nous devons l'aider.
We've got to help him.
Tu dois l'aider.
Help us! We've got to get him down!
On doit le descendre!
We've got to get him some help.
On doit aller lui chercher de l'aide.
We've got to help him!
On doit aller l'aider!
That's why we've got to help him.
C'est pourquoi il faut l'aider.
She's probably trying to help him without getting us involved. Which means she's about to get herself in shit if we don't stop her. We've got ourselves a road trip, huh boys?
ce qui signifie qu'elle est en train de se mettre dans la merde si on ne la stoppe pas on va en road trip, huh les garçons?
Okay, so if he's still in there, then we've got to help him.
Donc s'il est toujours à l'intérieur, nous devons l'aider.
We've got to get him some help.
On doit chercher de l'aide.

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