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We've got to move traduction Français

223 traduction parallèle
We've got to wait for Vanning to make that one false move.
Il faut attendre que Vanning commette une erreur.
If it would only move Old Miser Stevens. We've still got to pay him.
Si ce grippe-sou de Stevens pouvait en pleurer aussi!
She's packing me off tomorrow. We've got to move fast.
Elle me renvoie demain, il faut faire vite
We've got to move again.
Il faut qu'on bouge.
Could we at least rest here until tomorrow? No, you've got to move on.
- Pouvons-nous rester jusqu'à demain?
The getaway's been fixed and we've got ten days to plan every last move.
Il nous reste 10 jours pour la mise au point.
We've got to figure out our next move.
Il faut trouver quoi faire.
We've got to get a move and quit playing footsie.
On doit agir.
We've got to move tonight to Mitla.
On doit aller à Mitla ce soir.
Now we've got to get a move on. We've a lot to do this morning.
On a beaucoup à faire ce matin.
We've got to move in for the closer angle, okay?
On va régler la caméra.
I've got it from a better source, we're on orders to move to the coast tomorrow for amphibious training.
Une source encore meilleure m'a révélé qu'on a... l'ordre d'aller demain vers la côte pour entraînement amphibie.
So I threw him down and took his money, and now we've got to move in to Dragonwyck.
J'ai pris l'argent et il ne nous reste qu'à déménager.
I said don't move. We've got to find out if you're all right first.
Laissez-nous... le temps de voir si tout va bien.
We've got to keep our eyes open, watch every move they make.
Nous devons ouvrir l'œil, observer chacun de leurs gestes.
Jan, come on, we've got to move!
Jan, viens, il faut sortir d'ici!
We've got to move, Mark.
Nous devons partir, Mark.
Things keep up this way, we've got to form our own vigilantes if the FBI is scared to move in here and help us.
Si ça continue, nous devrons nous défendre nous-mêmes. Puisque le FBI a peur de venir nous aider.
We've got to move. Forty miles?
Il faut partir.
If we're gonna launch before the Americans, we've got to get a move on.
Je suis sûr que Brian va réfléchir.
Hurry, we've got to move to higher ground.
La lave sera vite arrivée. Dépêchez-vous.
We've got to move fast.
Nous devons agir vite.
Get a move on. We've got to hurry.
Venez vite!
We've got to take Elsa out, and leave her for at least a week and we've got to move camp so that she can't find us.
Il faut emmener Elsa et la laisser au moins une semaine. Il faudra lever le camp pour qu'elle ne nous trouve pas.
Now, we've got to move fast.
Il faut faire vite.
Now we've got to move.
Il faut désormais agir.
We've got to move fast.
Il faut se dépêcher.
Now Ben, Jamie, we've got to find out more about Chameleon Youth Tours, but the trouble is, we're not free to move around with the authorities looking for us.
Très bien. Il faut en découvrir plus sur Caméléon Tourisme, mais on n'est pas libres de nos mouvements, avec les autorités qui nous cherchent.
We've got a long way to move this gun, and we're gonna get it into position if it takes all day.
On a du boulot pour bouger ce canon, et on sera en place, même si on y met la journée.
We've got 20 miles to walk and 9 hours to walk it in, so move it out!
On a 30 bornes à se taper en 9 heures!
There's the left side of the audience, stage right here, that wants to be fed, has got to slowly move it through the forest to the Hog Farm where we've got about 17 lines going to serve with,
Ceux qui sont à ma droite... et qui veulent manger... doivent traverser le bois... et gagner la "Hog Farm" où un bataillon de serveurs les attend.
We've got to think about our next move.
Peu importe, Tozo est mort.
Come on, Buck, we've got to move!
Filons, Buck...
- We've got to move along. - Yes, sir.
- Nous devons nous remettre en route.
- We've got to move Dorothy.
- Il faut déplacer Dorothy.
We've got to move now, sir.
Il faut lever l'ancre, capitaine.
We've got to move out if we're to intercept Baltar's ships.
Il faut partir si on veut intercepter les vaisseaux de Baltar.
We've got to move fast.
Nous devons faire vite.
We have to move now with everything we've got.
On doit employer toutes nos ressources.
We've got to find a way to move him out. That's problem number one.
Le problème no 1 est de trouver le moyen de l'écarter.
We've got to move faster.
On doit agir plus vite.
Sorry. We all got our problems, but you're gonna have to move this car. Hey, a nephew like mine you've never seen.
Si vous perdez le chien, vous devrez expliquer ça à Dominic.
- Hauk sent me. We've got to move fast
- Il faut qu'on fasse vite.
We've got to move on before they get a chance to use it.
Nous devons avoir terminé avant qu'ils l'utilisent.
- We've got to move.
- Partons d'ici.
We've got to move fast.
On doit agir vite.
Professor, we've got to move it.
Professeur, il faut la déplacer.
We've got to move out. Bury him!
Enterrons-le et partons.
- Il faut qu'on déplace Armen.
Tom, we've got to move.
Tom, faut qu'on bouge.
Now we've got to figure out our next move.
Maintenant, il faut savoir quoi faire.

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