We can't have that traduction Français
1,200 traduction parallèle
The only thing that we have that you can't build is our minds.
La seule chose qu'on a et que vous ne pouvez fabriquer... c'est notre esprit.
It can't be a coincidence that this is going on while we have a group of telepaths on board.
La présence des télépathes n'est peut-être pas une coincidence.
We can't have another lawsuit like we had on that Blackwell case.
On n'a pas besoin d'un autre proces Blackwell.
Good God, general, we can't have that.
Mon général, c'est trop demander.
We can't afford to have them poking around. That's how we got here in the first place.
On en est là à cause d'elle.
We can't have that.
Je n'y tiens pas.
No, we can't have that.
En effet.
We've become aware that the sea is very polluted, and we don't yet know exactly what effect it can have.
On s'aperçoit simplement que la mer est très polluée et on ne sait pas encore exatement quel effet ça peut avoir.
I love the coral reefs, because... it's a bit like a garden, with all these animals, but a garden which is a bit in another world, in that of the sea and us, we go there, but... we have no gills, so we can't stay there long,
J'aime beaucoup les récifs coralliens parce que c'est un peu comme un jardin avec tous ces animaux, mais un jardin qui est un peu dans un autre monde, dans celui de la mer et nous, on y va, mais on n'a pas de branchies,
We still have Earth to deal with and we can't do that until our pieces are in place, so take a day for yourself.
On ne pourra traiter le problème de la Terre... que quand tout sera prêt. Prenez une journée!
I know, and that's why we can't have an Egyptian car.
Je sais, c'est pour ça qu'on ne peut pas avoir de voiture égyptienne.
He said that we can't be weak, that we can't dismiss the miracle, that we have to be strong enough to make mysteries real.
Il disait qu'il ne faut pas être faible et rejeter les miracles. On doit être assez fort pour que les mystères deviennent réels.
You can say it's illegal or immoral or whatever you want to say... but you have to understand that we didn't do it because we were ashamed... but because you were our son and we loved you.
Tu peux trouver ça illégal ou immoral, c'est ton droit. Mais tu dois comprendre qu'on ne l'a pas fait parce qu'on avait honte, mais parce que tu étais notre fils et que nous t'aimions.
We can't let that happen. What did you have in mind?
Nous devons les en empêcher.
These people have just been keeping it safe for me, and as you say, we can't be a hundred percent certain that they're going to obey me.
Aussi je savais que tu résoudrais les mystères de la porte.
We still have this varnish that doesn't configure, but... but we can run comparison tests and see if this is the source of the copy.
Mais le vernis ne rime à rien. On ferait des tests comparatifs pour savoir si c'est l'original.
You're gonna have to call him and tell him that we can't do it.
Tu dois l'appeler et lui dire que nous ne pouvons pas le faire.
That's the one thing we can't have here.
C'est la seule chose que nous n'ayons pas ici.
We can't have toys out on the market that may be dangerous.
On ne peut pas mettre des jouets dangereux sur le marché.
and now they're trying to tell me that there's some sort of misunderstanding and that now we can't have padded ones!
Là, ils disent qu'on s'est mal compris. On peut plus avoir des rembourrées!
Can't we have that?
On ne pourrait pas avoir... ça?
Can't we have a... that?
On ne pourrait pas avoir... ça?
We have some... We can't confirm that at this time.
On ne peut encore le confirmer.
The Met Office just told me We can expect thunderstorms this afternoon and sunshine in the early afternoon, so I have to break that news to him. Some of my extras haven't turned up. Most of them have, though, and they've got an unusual task ahead.
Vous pouvez regarder tous les clichés pris de l'espace, il restera quelquechose d'indescriptible dans le plaisir de l'avoir vu de la fenêtre.
We can't have that. On you it looks good.
Ca a l'air de vous réussir.
And we find out that her tubes or whatever are blocked, so she can't have any kids.
On a découvert qu'elle avait les tubes bouchés, elle ne peut pas avoir d'enfants.
- Do we have to? - Can't we just play with that big parachute again or something?
On préférerait sauter en parachute.
They can't know that we have fireworks in the trunk.
Tu me laisses parler.
She's having her period. We do however have an official statement for all the concerned citites about the matter with the giant snake that we can't seem to put out.
Malgré tout, voici une déclaration pour les villes touchées par cette chenille incontrôlable.
Since it's the end of the day and there is no Nog in sight, we can only draw one conclusion. That I don't have a problem.
Etant donné que c'est la fin de la journée et que Nog n'est pas là, nous pouvons en tirer la conclusion que je n'ai aucun problème.
Our diagnostics have concluded that we can't risk using this technology again, but we did manage to get 300 light - years closer to home.
D'après les diagnostics, la technologie n'est pas réutilisable. Mais nous nous sommes rapprochés de 300 années-lumière.
We have to let the rest of the crew know what's happening- - that as long as they know they're in a dream, they can't be harmed.
Il faut dire au reste de l'équipage qu'il ne risque rien.
Our holy word should have been strong enough to undo whatever it was that kept us from eternity but still we can't pass through the gate.
Notre mot sacré aurait dû nous donner l'éternité, mais on ne peut pas traverser.
We can't have'em smelling'that fire.
- L'odeur du feu risque de nous faire repérer.
Hell, I don't even know if we can stop it. All I do know is that we have to try.
J'ignore si nous l'arrêterons, mais nous devons essayer.
Well, we don't have much time. We can't take too many hits like that.
On n'a pas le temps, il faut y aller.
You think that if you have no floats we won't do drag cause we can't march in heels.
Tu crois qu'on pourra pas défiler en talons hauts?
Later, when we become more mature, we have that line, if you're getting on well with someone you can say,
Plus tard, quand on devient plus mûrs, on a cette phrase, si tu t'entends bien avec quelqu'un, que tu peux dire :
Then, we stick to them. That way, they can't have a moment alone with the boy and nothing will happen to him.
Comme ça, ils ne restent jamais seuls avec le môme... et ils ne peuvent rien lui faire.
I can't tell you how much we have in common in that way.
Toi et moi, on a beaucoup en commun.
And well it's true, we all do have our little fantasies, you were wrong to think that men like you can't be in them.
S'il est vrai qu'on a toutes nos petits fantasmes... tu as tort de croire qu'un homme comme toi n'y a pas sa place. Etre sexy...
We certainly can't have anything interfering with that.
Nous ne voulons pas que cet événement soit perturbé.
I'm broke. I can't go to any of the colleges that accepted me, and I can't stay home cos we no longer have one.
Je ne peux aller dans aucune des facs qui m'ont acceptée, et nous n'avons même plus de maison.
Jack really cared about this family and all we've done for him he'd recognize that we already have enough to deal with in the way of problems that we can't help.
Si Jack tenait vraiment à sa famille... avec tout ce qu'on a fait pour lui... il saurait qu'on a déjà assez à faire... avec les problèmes que l'on ne peut éviter.
Great.'Cause we had the fish sticks yesterday, and I enjoyed them so much that I, uh, yeah, I was £ £ l was just saying I can't wait to have fish right away again. Good.
Does this ship have any weapons aboard that are still active? Anything we can use to fight back?
A bord de ce vaisseau, n'y a-t-il vraiment aucune arme utilisable?
We can't have that.
C'est pas possible!
How can you have a roommate that we don't know about?
Pourquoi on ne la connaît pas?
Oh, we can't have that. I mean, that's what they want. Can't have that.
Il ne faut pas, c'est ce qu'ils veulent.
Quickly! We can't have that.
Pas question.
Well, I can't argue with that. If scientific knowledge was all we were after, then the Federation would have built a fleet of probes, not starships.
S'il ne s'agissait que de curiosité scientifique, la Fédération aurait construit une flotte de sondes, pas de vaisseaux.
we can't leave 63
we can't 1514
we can't give up 27
we can't do it 50
we can't wait 112
we can't stop 49
we can't do anything 50
we can't afford it 60
we can't get out 36
we can't go 48
we can't 1514
we can't give up 27
we can't do it 50
we can't wait 112
we can't stop 49
we can't do anything 50
we can't afford it 60
we can't get out 36
we can't go 48