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We have to do something traduction Français

1,293 traduction parallèle
Crichton, we have to do something.
Crichton, nous devons faire quelque chose
- Parker, we have to do something.
On doit agir, Parker.
We have to do something about Brody.
On doit s'occuper de Brody.
I know what you're saying, but we have to do something.
- Je sais, - mais on doit agir.
We have to do something.
Nous devons intervenir.
We have to do something else.
Ça n'a pas marché.
- We have to do something. - Do what?
- Il faut faire quelque chose.
We have to do something!
- Faut faire quelque chose! - Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire?
We have to do something fun tonight.
On devrait sortir, ce soir.
It's not working. We have to do something before it's too late.
avant qu'il soit trop tard.
We have to do something!
- Nous devons faire quelque chose!
I'm living with someone that they paid to sleep with me. - We have to do something.
Je vis avec quelqu'un... qu'ils ont payé pour coucher avec moi.
We have to do something that might open the fucking door!
Il faut faire quelque chose pour ouvrir cette putain de porte!
People are dying. We have to do something.
- Des gens souffrent, il faut intervenir.
We have to do something.
Il faut marquer le coup.
We have to do something.
Il faut faire quelque chose.
- We have to do something.
- On doit agir.
We have to do something.
On doit faire quelque chose.
- We have to do something for him.
Il faut faire quelque chose pour lui.
- We have to do something.
- Nous devons faire quelque chose!
Okay, we have to do something about your breath.
Faut faire quelque chose pour ton haleine.
- We have to do something.
- ll faut faire quelque chose.
We have to do something about that.
Il va falloir y remédier.
We have to do something.
Il faut agir.
Dude, we have to do something. This guy is performing more miracles in denver tonight.
Blaine va faire ses miracles ce soir.
We have to do something.
On doit agir.
There's no way we can get near that planet. But we have to do something.
On n'arrivera pas à approcher cette planète.
Well, we have to do something.
On doit faire quelque chose.
We have to do something about your wounds.
Il va falloir prendre soin de vos blessures.
We have to do something about this budget.
Ce budget est irréaliste.
We're gonna have to do something about that.
Il va falloir y remédier.
No. We're gonna have to do something drastic.
Faut prendre des mesures draconiennes.
We believe that he may have had something to do with what happened here tonight.
Nous pensons qu'il est peut-être impliqué dans ce qui s'est passé ce soir.
He has managed to do something that we god have tried and failed to accomplish.
Il a réussi ce que nous, les dieux, n'avons pas su faire.
Eric said this stupid thing about me not working when we're married... and I just want to do something more meaningful with my life than have kids, you know?
Eric a dit ce truc stupide sur le fait que je ne travaillerai pas une fois mariés... mais je veux faire quelque chose de plus signifiant dans ma vie que d'avoir des enfants...
Bob, do you have anything you wish to say... something to Betty before we begin?
Tu veux dire quelque chose? Un conseil à Betty avant de commencer?
But one does not know yet to name this something, therefore, we do not have to believe in its existence.
Mais on ne sait pas encore nommer ce quelque chose, donc, nous ne devons pas croire à son existence.
You have to understand we don't have to do something just for the sake of doing it when it's stupid.
Ce que tu à comprendre un jour n'est pas faire quelque chose pour faire quelque chose. Surtout si c'est n'importe quoi.
Well, we might have to do something about that, too.
Eh bien, on devra s'en occuper également.
So, you have the rest of the day to do something, so we skateboarded.
On a toute la journée à perdre et on s'est mis à faire du skate. On a toute la journée à perdre et on s'est mis à faire du skate.
I figured you might try to do something stupid. We have an opportunity to deal a crippling blow to the Borg.
On pourrait neutraliser les Borgs et sauver des millions de vies.
But, you know, now that you're here, we'll have to figure out something to do.
Mais maintenant que tu es là, on s'arrangera autrement.
We'll have to do something about that.
Il va falloir faire quelque chose.
Hey. We have got to do something special for your birthday.
On doit faire quelque chose de spécial pour ton anniversaire.
Well, it looks like we're gonna have to do something extra special for Mommy and Daddy's anniversary this year.
Cette année, j'aimerais qu'on sorte pour notre anniversaire de mariage.
We're going to have to do something about that arm.
Il va falloir soigner ce bras.
If the Aschen really do have something to hide, I don't think we're gonna get a second chance.
Si les Aschens ont quelque chose à cacher, je ne crois pas qu'on aura une deuxième chance.
Well, we have to do something.
Il faut faire quelque chose.
Sirs! Much as I'd like to see how this plays out, don't we have something important to do? - What can so few of us possibly do?
Oh, espèce de petit... Messieurs. J'adorerais assister à ce spectacle, mais n'avons-nous pas mieux à faire?
And if he was wrong, we'd have something to do.
Au moins, on aurait quelque chose à faire.
If his blood pressure drops, we're going to have to do something.
Sinon, il faudra agir.

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