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We have to move fast traduction Français

107 traduction parallèle
- No. We have to move fast.
On doit aller vite.
We have to move fast.
Il faut faire vite.
In an hour, the whole town'll be awake, so we have to move fast.
Dans une heure, tout le village sera réveillé, alors il faut faire vite.
Then we have to move fast.
Alors il faut faire vite.
- We have to move fast.
- Nous devons faire vite.
We have to move fast to beat the other med schools.
Il va falloir prendre les autres écoles de vitesse.
Gregor has agreed to use his army to help us but we have to move fast.
Grégor va se mobiliser, mais il faut faire vite.
We have to move fast, attack her at home.
Vite, attaquons-la chez elle.
We have to move fast, before night comes.
Il faut faire vite, que la nuit ne nous surprenne pas.
But we have to move fast. I...
On doit agir vite.
Alright, but we have to move fast.
Parfait, mais dépêchons-nous.
We have to move fast.
Ca fout les jetons ici.
Okay, then we have to move fast.
Alors il faut faire vite.
You said we have to move fast. We do.
T'as dit qu'on devait déménager rapidement.
- Which is why we have to move fast if we have any hope of catching him or finding this painting.
- C'est pourquoi on doit réagir vite, si on veut le coincer et récupérer cette toile.
We have to move fast.
On doit faire vite.
But we have to move fast.
Mais on doit faire vite.
But we're under a lot of pressure, and we have to move fast.
Mais nous avons la pression et on doit faire vite.
Soldiers, we have to move fast!
Soldats, faites vite!
But we have to move fast so they don't know what's happening.
Il faut faire vite. Qu'ils ne sachent pas ce qui se passe.
I can't tell you yet, my darling, but we have to leave early tomorrow morning and we have to move fast.
Je ne peux pas encore te le dire chérie, mais nous devons partir demain, de bonne heure et rapidement.
He's stalling local authorities, but we have to move fast.
Il ralentit les autorités locales, mais on doit faire vite.
We're going to have to move fast.
On devra aller très vite.
Theoretically, you're right, David, but to cover an area that great in the time that we have, why, I doubt if 1,000 dump trucks could move that salt over there fast enough.
En théorie, vous avez raison, David, mais pour couvrir une telle zone en si peu de temps, je ne crois pas que mille camions puissent transporter assez de sel assez vite.
We're gonna have to move fast now, after what's happened.
Il va falloir être rapide, après ce qui s'est passé.
Well, we'll have to move fast.
- Bien, il va falloir agir vite.
We'll have to move fast, Albert.
Il faudra agir vite, Albert.
However it goes, we're gonna have to move fast.
Quoiqu'il advienne, il faudra faire vite.
If those guards identify us, we'll have to move fast.
Si ces gardes nous identifient, nous devrons bouger vite.
But we're gonna have to move fast and hit'em high.
Il va falloir agir vite et frapper fort.
Now we have to move fast.
Il faut faire vite.
So we have to move on this fast.
Alors il faut faire vite.
So we'll have to move fast if we want to enter the film festival.
Donc on devra se dépêcher si on veut entrer au festival du film.
Well, we'll have to move fast,'cause if you guys can get our timer back, we won't have much time left. Good.
Il faudra faire vite.
She said we'd have to move fast - that this Triumvirate threatened her husband... because of her action to rescue the children... and her opposition to something she called Gemini.
Que le Triumvirat menaçait son mari car elle défendait les enfants et s'opposait au Projet Gémeaux. Ils menaçaient papa?
- Yeah. Listen, we're gonna have to be able to move fast.
Va falloir faire vite.
We're going to have to move fast. All of Moya is glowing.
Il faut qu'on se dépêche.La totalité de Moya se met à briller.
We're gonna have to move on this, and we're gonna have to move fast.
Il va falloir agir et vite.
- Well, how long will that take? - We'll have to move fast.
- Il va falloir bouger vite.
We're gonna have to move fast.
Il faut agir vite. J'y vais le premier.
We'll have to move fast, so it'll have to be the poker.
- À l'Aylesham.
The compression of her nerve endings is the only thing keeping her from passing out from the pain, and we have to move her fast.
La compression de ses extrémités nerveuses est la seule chose qui lui permette de supporter la douleur, et nous devons la bouger rapidement.
Simon, the move is too fast, so we're gonna have to slow it down and I wanna add one thing, so just watch for a second.
Simon, tu as bougé trop vite, alors il va falloir ralentir et je voudrais ajouter un truc, alors regardez.
We agreed we don't want to move too fast, and yet somehow, we have a baby.
On était d'accord pour ne pas aller trop vite, mais nous avons un bébé en quelque sorte.
And we have an officer missing, so we need to move fast.
Et un agent a disparu, alors on doit partir vite.
Once the gate's secure, we're gonna have to move fast.
Une fois la porte sécurisée, il va falloir agir vite.
- We'll have to move fast.
- Dépêchons-nous!
Okay, we're going to have to move fast.
Il va falloir agir vite.
- We're gonna have to move fast.
Mais il faut faire vite.
We're gonna have to move fast, because he's injured.
On va devoir faire vite, il est blessé.
Look, we don't have to move this fast, Kitty.
Rien ne presse. On peut y aller doucement.

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