Were traduction Français
498,617 traduction parallèle
If I were you, I'd be doing everything I can to make sure that my kid wasn't born in a supermax.
Si j'étais toi, je ferais tout ce que je peux pour m'assurer que mon enfant ne naisse pas sous haute sécurité.
They were supposed to be here.
Ils devaient être ici.
Deep down, you knew what he was and you were scared of what he'd do when he learned the truth.
Au fond, tu savais ce qu'il était et tu avais peur de ce qu'il ferait quand il apprendrait la vérité.
We were supposed to do this together.
On était censés le faire ensemble.
They were able to evacuate the high val...
Ils ont été capable d'évacuer l'étage...
They were all evacuated in time.
Ils sont tous été évacués à temps.
So, all the tattoos were leading to this?
Tous les tatouages mènent donc à ça?
Right, but what if yesterday's attacks were a catalyst?
Et si les attaques d'hier étaient un catalyseur?
- I thought you were...
- Je pensais que tu étais...
The intel we had said they were selling nuclear material.
L'informateur a parlé d'une vente de matériel nucléaire.
We were hit.
On a été touché.
We were very worried about you.
On était vraiment inquiet pour toi.
I didn't think you were coming.
Je ne pensais pas que tu viendrais.
The only injuries were consistent with a dead man fall and on top of that, his hoodie was zipped and his jewelry was intact.
Les seules blessures indiquent que la victime est tombée, son sweat était fermé et ses bijoux étaient intacts.
Look, this gun we recovered at a homicide we were working last night.
Le pistolet qu'on a retrouvé concernant l'homicide de la nuit dernière.
A lot of Detective Woods'files were in that group.
Beaucoup de dossiers de l'inspecteur Woods y étaient. - Vraiment?
- They were? - Yep, you're out of luck.
- Vous êtes malchanceux.
But the fact remains that Richie was murdered and you were one of the last people to talk to him.
Mais il reste que Richie a été tué et vous étiez une des dernières personnes à lui parler.
Okay? And you said it felt like you were seeing things.
Tu as dit que tu pensais avoir vu quelque chose.
Because we were watching "The Voice" together at the time Richie was killed.
Parce qu'on regardait "The voice" ensemble lorsque Richie a été tué.
I didn't wanna say anything because we've been best friends since we were kids and this whole thing is because of me.
Je ne voulais rien dire parce qu'on est les meilleurs amis depuis qu'on est enfants et tout ça, c'est à cause de moi.
Look, Eric, as far as we know, you were just defending Jo Jo's honor.
Eric, pour autant qu'on le sache, vous défendiez l'honneur de Jo Jo.
Sergeant, a witness saw one of the offenders drop this when they were fleeing.
Sergent, un témoin a vu un assaillant jeter ça dans leur fuite.
You know, I always heard you were a son of a bitch.
Vous savez, j'ai toujours entendu que vous étiez un fils de pute.
They do, however, match the bills that were confiscated in a home invasion robbery two days ago in Gold Coast.
Ils correspondent cependant à un vol par effraction commis il y a 2 jours à Gold Coast.
This lady was so paranoid that her sons were gonna dip into her lottery cash that she marked all of the bills.
Cette femme avait si peur que ses fils piochent dans son argent qu'elle a fait marquer tous les billets.
Rumor has it you were meritoriously promoted to detective... is that right?
La rumeur dit que vous avez été promu au mérite comme inspecteur... c'est vrai?
There were spent shell casings recovered at all six banks, but any fingerprints on the casings burnt off in the chamber before the shells were ejected.
Ils ont analysé toutes les douilles retrouvées dans les 6 banques, mais toutes les empreintes ont brûlé dans la chambre de l'arme avant que les douilles ne soient éjectées.
However, a dozen rounds recovered were from misfires, so the lab sent these to AFIS, and they analyzed the partial thumbprints left on the primers by whoever loaded the clips.
Une douzaine de cartouches retrouvées viennent de tirs ratés, du coup, le labo les a envoyées à l'AFIS, et ils ont analysé les empreintes partielles laissées par ceux qui ont chargé les armes.
The brothers got printed two years ago when they were arrested in a smash-and-grab robbery.
Les frères ont été enregistrés, il y a deux ans quand ils ont été arrêtés pour cambriolage.
That teenager we saw on a dirt bike when we were in the van, Sammy Ray... I ran his plate and got a hit on a POD camera.
Cet ado qu'on a vu sur une moto quand on était dans le van... j'ai cherché sa plaque et j'ai une correspondance.
These were taken by Detective Olinsky on a surveillance operation.
Ça a été pris par l'inspecteur Olinsky lors d'une surveillance.
You were banging co-eds in law school when I was in the Gang Unit, so I understand how this works.
Vous étiez encore sur les bancs de la fac quand j'étais à l'antigang, donc je comprends comment ça marche.
The owner was your father, and you were with him.
Le propriétaire était votre père, et vous étiez avec lui.
They were like the original neighborhood watch.
Elles sont l'origine de la surveillance de quartier.
We were surprised too.
On a été surpris aussi.
I heard you were there when he went back into failure.
On m'a dit que vous étiez là quand il a fait une rechute.
They were... they were here.
Ils étaient là, juste là.
They were here!
Ils étaient là!
Valley. Or at least we were, until my dad got fed up with the place and decided to vacate and shun it.
Ou du moins, on l'était, jusqu'à ce que mon père se lasse de cet endroit et décide de le quitter et de le fuir.
But they were actually only using us to get to Ahhh!
Mais en fait, ils ne nous utilisaient que pour trouver l'Ahh Vallée.
We thought if you were busy eating, you'd be too distracted to stop us.
On s'est dit que si vous mangiez, vous seriez trop distraits pour nous arrêter.
Yep, used to be every day something big and dangerous happened and they were always at the center of it.
Oui, un truc dangereux arrivait chaque jour et ils y étaient toujours mêlés.
They were doing random sweeps.
Ils font des fouilles aléatoires.
If you were Roarke and you wanted to frame a passenger for blowing up a plane, who would you choose?
Si tu étais Roarke et que tu voulais piéger un passager pour exploser un avion, qui tu choisirais?
If we were speaking to a flight miles away, there would be a tiny, measurable delay in our communications, but there isn't.
Si nous parlons à un vol à quelques km, cela prendrais un délai minime et mesurable dans nos communications
Once President Roarke and the others find out that you were working against us, I'll ask for the privilege of being the one to take you out myself.
Une fois que le Président Roarke et les autres vont voir que tu travaillais contre nous, je vais demander le privilège d'être celle qui va te faire tomber.
Do what you were meant to do.
Fais ce que tu as à faire.
You were thinking long-term.
Tu pensais à long terme.
She knew that the work we were doing might result in a sacrifice for the greater good.
Elle savait que le travail que nous faisions allait être un mal pour un bien.
They were the perfect machine.
Il était une machine parfaite.
werewolf 58
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you drunk 20
were they 152
were you waiting for me 17
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you drunk 20
were they 152
were you waiting for me 17