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What did you do with it traduction Français

226 traduction parallèle
What did you do with it?
Qu'en as-tu fait?
Pop, what did you do with it?
Papa, qu'en as-tu fait?
What did you do with it?
Où est-elle?
- What did you do with it?
- Qu'en as-tu fait?
It's rare. It's precious. What did you do with it?
Qu'en avez-vous fait?
- What did you do with it?
Qu'en avons-nous fait?
What did you do with it, give it back to her tonight?
Qu'en avez-vous fait?
What did you do with it, Stan?
- Qu'est-ce que t'en as fait, Stan?
- What did you do with it?
- Qu'en avez-vous fait?
- What did you do with it?
- Et vous, alors?
That confession Mrs. Smith signed, what did you do with it?
Qu'avez-vous fait des aveux de Mme Smith?
- What did you do with it?
- Qu'est-ce que tu en as fait?
The key, what did you do with it.
Et la clé? Qu'en avez-vous fait?
What did you do with it, Poldi?
Qu'en as-tu fait?
Now, where's the stuff, Poldi? What did you do with it? What did Kochak bring?
Où est la camelote?
What did you do with it?
Qu'en avez-vous fait?
- Come on. What did you do with it?
- Qu'en as-tu fait?
What did you do with it?
- Où est l'argent?
- What did you do with it? - I'll get another.
- Qu'est-ce que vous en avez fait?
What did you do with it?
Vous en avez fait quoi?
What did you do with it?
- Je l'ai donnée au Lieutenant.
- What did you do with it?
- Vous en avez fait quoi?
Now, what did you do with it?
- Qu'en avez-vous fait?
He took the boat. What did you do with it?
- Qu'est-ce que t'as fait avec le bateau?
What did you do with it, you idiot?
Qu'est-ce que t'en as fait, idiot?
Lazarus, eh? And what did you do with it?
Et aussi des chocolats Fuller.
Do you think you can do what you did last night and get away with it?
Après cette nuit, tu t'en tireras pas comme ça.
What did Joseph Wilson do with it when you gave it to him?
Qu'en a-t-il fait?
It's just been bothering me for 15 years. What did you do with those fountain pens you stole? - Rocky!
C'est que depuis 15 ans, je me demande ce que... tu as fait des stylos qu'on a volés?
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you what could they do to me?
Si tu dis aux flics que j'étais dans le coup, qu'est-ce qu'ils me feront?
- Well, how do you know? - What, did she discuss it with you?
Vous en avez discuté ensemble?
Well, even if I did have one, what would you do with it if I threw it?
Même si j'en lançais une, qu'est-ce que tu en ferais?
What did you do, shave it off with a razor?
T'en as fait disparaître?
What did you do with that, leave it in your snood?
Qu'est-ce que t'en as fait?
What did you think I was gonna do? Nothing? Let you get away with it?
Tu croyais que je te laisserais faire?
Well, what did you do with it?
- Ah non?
It's been 3 or 4 months that you smiled at me when I've seen you to tell me that you're ready to do with me what you did with Balestrieri.
ça fait 3 ou 4 mois que vous me souriez en me voyant... que vous êtes prête à faire avec moi ce que vous avez fait avec Balestrieri.
Do you "remember" what you did with it?
Vous "souvenez-vous" de ce que vous en avez fait?
What exactly did you do with that film? Well, let me see if I can explain it to you accurately...
Voyons si je m'en souviens encore...
And what did you do with it?
- 100 000 $.
Suppose we did win. What would you do with it?
Supposez que nous gagnions.
If you did regain your freedom, what would you do with it?
Si vous retrouviez la liberté, qu'en feriez-vous?
What, did he think you had something to do with it?
Il croit que tu y es pour quelque chose?
What did you do with it?
Qu'en as-tu fais?
Spencer, what did you do with Father Cheech? Don't say a word don't say anything let's pick it up and make it, make it
Spence! Il est passé où, Cheech?
I'm sorry I have to do this. I'm also sorry for what I did to you with them. It wasn't my idea.
Je m'excuse d'avoir fait ça avec eux... mais c'était pas mon idée.
Well, what did you do with everything that was in it?
Mais qu'avez-vous fait des choses dedans?
Took his brain. What the hell do you suppose they did with it?
Pourquoi ont-ils pris son cerveau?
Listen, I don't know what my... acquaintance did to upset you, but it's nothing to do with me.
Ecoutez, je ne sais pas ce que mon am – ma connaissance a fait pour vous déplaire, mais ça n'a rien à voir avec moi.
I sold it... what the hell do you think I did with it?
Je les ai vendus..... que croyez-vous?
What did you do it with?
Avec quoi l'as-tu fait?

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