When i was five traduction Français
411 traduction parallèle
I had my first trance when I was four years old... and my first ectoplasmic manifestation when I was five and a half.
À 4 ans, j'ai eu une transe. Et à 5 ans et demi, mon premier ectoplasme...
My mother got sick when I was five.
Maman est tombée malade quand j'avais 5 ans.
Elle mourut quand j'avais cinq ans.
When I was five I had polio.
A cinq ans, j'ai eu la polio.
Father passed a year ago, Mother when I was five.
Mon père et ma mère sont morts il y a longtemps.
I was separated from my daddy when I was five.
J'ai été séparé de mon père quand j'avais 5 ans.
My mother died when I was five.
Ma mère est morte quand j'avais cinq ans.
A Mickey Mouse robot I built when I was five.
Un robot à l'image de Mickey.
When I was five, my father introduced me to a friend of his, and for no reason at all, I hit him right in the stomach with all my strength.
Quand j'avais 5 ans, mon père m'a présenté à un de ses amis. Sans raison, je l'ai frappé à l'estomac de toutes mes forces.
Uh-huh. Came here with my parents when I was five years old.
Je suis arrivé à l'âge de cinq ans.
When I was five I remember my mother dug earrings out of the car.
Quand j'avais 5 ans, je me souviens que ma mère A trouvé des boucles d'oreille dans la voiture
Because when I was five years old, I was left alone in the hospital on the day I was having my tonsils taken out.
Parce qu'à 5 ans, on m'a laissée seule à l'hôpital quand j'ai été opérée des amygdales.
Rose, what I didn't tell you was, when I was five, Mama enrolled me in a tap-dancing class.
Ce que je t'ai pas dit, c'est que ma mère m'a inscrite à des cours de claquettes.
When I was five, I felt it.
Je l'ai senti quand j'avais cinq ans.
Well, it all started when I was five.
Eh bien, tout a commencé quand j'avais cinq ans.
You called me that when I was five.
Je ne veux plus que tu me parles comme à une enfant!
My father left home when I was five.
Mon père est parti quand j'avais 5 ans.
- Mr. Wilson, he's five. - When I was five, I had some respect.
A cinq ans, j'étais bien élevé.
I heard... that you couldn't see when he was five...
J'ai entendu dire... que vous ne pouviez plus voir quand il a eu 5 ans...
When Spit gets back, tell him like this... the guy I stabbed was down here looking for Spit to give him five bucks for snitching on who done it.
Quand Spit revient, tu lui dis ça... Le type que j'ai poignardé est venu chercher Spit pour lui donner cinq billets pour balancer le coupable.
Five years ago this summer, when I was new to BrookfieId...
II y aura 5 ans... tout nouveau a BrookfieId...
Gordon was here when I drove up five minutes ago.
Gordon était ici quand je suis arrivé il y a cinq minutes.
She was five years old when I gave her her first swimming lesson.
Elle avait 5 ans quand je lui appris à nager.
Even when he was only five I remember him saying,
Il avait 5 ans, je m'en souviens, quand il me dit : "Mammy."
Five weeks later, I was down 240 feet... trying to get a line around the Squalus when he died.
Quand il est mort, un mois après... J'étais encore en mission.
When I was an ensign on a cruiser, five pounds of cheese was missing.
Quand j'ai servi sur un croiseur, cinq livres de fromage ont disparu.
That day when they knew you had five ships to load I was greeted with six more cases of "beriberi" "double beriberi" this time.
Quand il y a eu ces cinq navires à charger, ils m'ont gratifié de six nouveaux cas de béribéri. De double béribéri, cette fois.
She was about five miles east of Roches Douvres when I boarded her.
Il était à 8km à l'est de Roches Douvres quand je suis monté à bord.
I'm happy, I left when he was five.
Quand je l'ai quitté, il avait cinq ans.
When I was a few weeks old, my father died, and mother unable to raise me, she sent me to live with honourable grandparents, who raised me until I was five years old.
Lorsque j'ai eu quelques semaines, mon père est mort, et ma mère, ne pouvant m'élever, m'a envoyée vivre chez mes respectables grands-parents jusqu'à mes cinq ans.
After all, I did start when I was five.
- Un ami est venu l'année dernière.
And here, here is a character sketch that I did in less than five minutes. The queen, when she was Princess Elizabeth, on a tour of Africa years ago.
Voici un portrait-minute de la reine d'Angleterre, quand elle n'était que la princesse Elisabeth.
And I thought I was living on a grand scale when I moved into a five-room apartment.
Et moi qui croyais que mon cinq-pièces était luxueux.
When you were five years old and came home stiff-lipped, anguished because the other boys tormented you, saying that you weren't really Vulcan I watched you, knowing that inside the human part of you was crying.
Quand tu avais 5 ans et que tu rentrais soucieux, angoissé, parce que les autres enfants s'étaient moqués de toi, je t'observais, sachant qu'à l'intérieur, le Spock humain pleurait.
They delivered only five beakers, and one of the bowls arrived chipped, which it was not when I paid for it.
Je n'en ai reçu que cinq et une des poteries est ébréchée. Elle ne l'était pas quand je l'ai payée.
You only remember your adoptive name, "Malone"? Well, Tia was around three... and I was five when the Malones adopted us.
Tia avait trois ans et moi cinq quand les Malone nous ont adoptés.
When I was about four or five, my father sent me in here one day with a note.
Quand j'avais 4 ou 5 ans mon père m'a envoyé ici avec un mot.
She was only five years old when I gave her the rights to the play Birthday Present.
Pour ses 5 ans, je lui ai offert les droits de ma pièce.
The townfolk clapped When I was only five
On m'applaudissait Je n'avais que cinq ans
When I was your age, I would lug 50 pounds of ice up five, six flights of stairs!
A ton äge, je montais 6 étages avec 25 kilos de glace!
Five years ago, when I was in summer camp, I didn't just get bawled out by the counselor. I got sent home.
Il y a cinq ans, quand j'étais en camp d'été, l'éducateur ne s'est pas contenté de m'engueuler. ll m'a renvoyé.
I am an orphan, and when I was barely five years old, I was taken to an orphanage not far from here.
je suis un orphelin, et quand j'avais à peine cinq ans, j'étais prises dans un orphelinat non loin d'ici.
I needed to start the engine when I was 50 yards away and five minutes into the future.
Il fallait que j'allume le moteur à 45 mètres et 5 minutes dans le futur.
One time he bought me, when I was about five, he bought me an ice cream cone and I dropped it.
Un jour, je devais avoir 5 ans, il m'a acheté une glace. Je l'ai fait tomber.
When I was a little girl, like four or five... if I had a nightmare, I'd always bring my dad in.
Oui, quand j'étais petite, vers 4 ou 5 ans. Je faisais venir mon père.
Look, five months ago you checked out on me, and the one nice thing I could say about you was that when you left, you left.
Il y a cinq mois, tu t'es tiré. Et la seule chose bien, c'est que quand t'es parti, t'es parti.
I was five days old when she died
J'avais cinq jours quand elle est morte.
I told you, I told you when I was going to the bank... That you are going to give me five pounds each, eh?
Avant d'y aller, je vous ai dit de me donner 5 livres chacun.
I was ready to relax and taste the food I'd been hearing about... for the past five months, when- - Dad!
J'allais goûter ce repas dont on me parlait depuis 5 mois.
I've seen him put away as many as five men in one day... when he was training.
Je l'ai vu mettre 5 types K.O. en une journée à l'entraînement.
All I had to do was to say that I could see five lights when, in fact, there were only four.
Je devais juste lui dire que je voyais cinq lumières alors qu'il n'y en avait que quatre.
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when i was a child 198
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
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when i was little 263
when i was your age 229
when i was young 206
when i was a child 198
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when i was little 263
when i was your age 229
when i was young 206
when i was nine 31
when i was a boy 126
when i was 779
when i first met you 94
when it happened 60
when it does 42
when is it 116
when i'm with you 72
when it comes 19
when i'm dead 26
when i was a boy 126
when i was 779
when i first met you 94
when it happened 60
when it does 42
when is it 116
when i'm with you 72
when it comes 19
when i'm dead 26