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Where do they come from traduction Français

134 traduction parallèle
( SINGING ) Where do they come from
D'où viennent-elles?
Where do they come from
D'où viennent-elles?
Where do they come from?
D'où viennent-elles?
Where do they come from?
D'où viennent-ils?
Where do they come from?
- Qu'est-ce que j'en sais?
Where do they come from, do you know?
Savez-vous d'où ils viennent?
This, uh, team of dancers, where do they come from?
"Ecole de Danses de Salon".
Oh, where do they come from?
Mais d'où sortent-elles?
Where do they come from?
Pourriez-vous les sauver? Sortez.
Where do they come from? Were they once free-living in the wild and then induced to adopt some less strenuous life on the farm?
Vivaient-ils autrefois à l'état sauvage... et ont-ils préféré la vie moins épuisante de la ferme?
Listen, you know those things in the Hall of History display cases? Where do they come from?
Les objets du musée de l'hôtel, d'où viennent-ils?
I mean, where do they come from?
Je veux dire, d'où viennent-ils?
- Where do they come from?
- D'où viennent-ils? - Ne le touche pas.
- Where do they come from?
Qui les a prises?
Where do they come from?
D'où ils sortent?
Where do they come from?
Ils viennent d'où?
But where do they come from?
Mais d'où elles viennent?
How do these... where do they come from?
D'où sortent-ils?
Where do they come from?
D'où viennent elles?
- The slaves, where do they come from?
D'o - viennent ces esclaves?
- Where do they come from?
- D'où viennent-ils?
The sound, the beat, the ideas... where do they come from?
Le son, le rythme, l'inspiration... d'ou vient tout ça?
- Where do they come from?
- D'où est-ce qu'ils viennent?
"Where do they come from?"
D'où viennent-ils?
But where do they come from?
Mais d'où viennent-ils?
Where do they come from?
D'où viennent ces choses?
- Where do they come from?
D'où viennent-ils?
- Where do they come from?
- D'où ils sortent?
Do they all talk that kind of English where you come from?
Vous parlez tous ce langage, dans ton bled?
Where do they all come from?
D'où viennent toutes ces femmes?
Where do they come from?
De quoi s'inspirent-ils?
Where do they come from?
- D'où sortent-ils?
How do I know where they come from, or have I got them all mixed up with something else?
Ou est-ce que je les confonds avec autre chose?
Where do they all come from
D'où viennent-ils tous
- Where do they come from?
D'où sont-ils?
Do you know where they come from?
Sais-tu d'où elles viennent?
But what kind of insects do they like where you come from?
Quel genre d'insectes aime-t-on là d'où tu viens?
- [Malle] Where do they come from? - They come from, uh, Germany. Hannover.
Ils viennent d'Allemagne, Hanovre, c'est-à-dire la Basse-Saxe.
Where do they come from?
D'où sortent-ils?
- Where do they come from?
C'est qui?
How do you teach your children their history, who their ancestors were, where they come from?
Comment vos enfants apprennent-ils l'histoire, qui étaient leurs ancêtres, d'où ils viennent?
Have you never... listened to other people's conversations on the bus... or on the Tube, seen people, somebody on the street... that looks interesting or is behaving... slightly... oddly or something like that and wondered... what their lives involved, what they do... where they come from, where they go to?
Vous n'avez jamais écouté des conversations dans le bus ou le métro, trouvé quelqu'un intéressant, ou remarqué un comportement étrange, puis vous demander de quoi est faite leur vie, d'où ils viennent, où ils vont?
- Where do they all come from?
- D'où est ce qu'ils viennent?
- Oh, where do they all come from?
D'où sortent-ils?
I don't know where they come from. Maybe it has somethin to do with my implant.
Je ne sais pas d'où elles viennent. C'est peut-être à cause de mon implant.
Do you know what they're doing where l come from?
Vous savez ce qu'ils font, chez moi?
I mean, where the hell do they come from?
D'où ils débarquent encore, ceux-là?
And where I come from, girls without husbands just do not have babies. And if they do, well, it's kinda hard on'em.
D'oû je viens, pour les filles mères, c'est dur.
Where I come from if men need to do that sometimes they don't talk about it.
Dans mon pays... si un homme a besoin de faire ca... ç il le garde pour lui.
Where do they all come from?
D'ou sortaient-ils?
They don't have movies where you come from, do they?
Ils n'ont pas de films d'où vous venez, hein?

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