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Whinny traduction Français

26 traduction parallèle
- One is her usual. If we don't give her another, she might whinny all night.
Si elle mange pas assez, elle va hennir toute la nuit.
Then beg, entreat, cajole, find the word you like pour perfume, whinny like a stallion.
Supplie, implore, ce que tu veux! Parfume-toi, hennis, mais fais-la venir.
Oh, I tell you, the way I feel right now I'd like to sit down and have myself a good long whinny.
Pour l'instant, j'aimerais m'asseoir et hennir longuement.
Not a whinny, not a moo, not a peep.
Pas un cri, pas un soupir.
The horses snort and whinny.
Les chevaux hennissent.
Another man come to whinny in our festivities!
- Plus de compagnie pour la fête?
- Willie!
You're more beautiful than a mountain colt's whinny.
Tu es plus belle que le hennissement d'un poulain.
I can whinny.
Je peux hennir!
Listen, he's all whinny and no bite.
Il hennit fort, mais ne mord pas.
They're talking about the grenumbulator On their whinny wax on the car.
Ils parlaient du grenombulateur sous le truc.
What? Do you think Bad Horse didn't work on his whinny?
Même Cheval Maléfique a travaillé son hennissement.
His terrible death-whinny.
Son hennissement mortel.
He asked me to whinny.
Il m'a demandé de hennir.
I said whinny!
Je t'ai dit d'hennir!
- Whinny!
Not another whinny out of you.
Cesse de hennir comme ça.
Kendra : Hey, babies. ( Horses whinny )
Hey, chéries.
( Horses whinny and gallop away )
Whinny, Ponies, Whinny!
Victoire, poneys, victoire!
HORSES WHINNY We'll drop you back.
On vous ramène.
[Horses whinny, snort]
[Chevaux hennissent, snort]
( horses whinny )
( les chevaux hennissent )
- [Air Horn Blares ] - [ Horses Whinny] - Champion horse coming through!
- Faites place au champion.
Now whinny.

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