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Who's the other one traduction Français

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Who's the other one?
Qui est l'autre?
One of the undead who has been able... to prolong his life beyond its natural limits... by feeding on the blood of other living creatures.
Un non-mort qui a réussi... à prolonger sa vie au-delà de ses limites naturelles... en s'abreuvant du sang d'autres êtres vivants.
No other pledge shall bind one who has taken the Crusader's Oath.
Aucune autre promesse ne doit lier celui qui part en croisade.
Who's the other one for?
Pour qui est le second?
Who's the other one?
- Et l'autre?
Who's the other one?
Et l'autre?
- Hello. - Who's the other one?
- Qui est l'autre?
Why, only the other day someone told me anybody who takes one drink of your father's beer stops right there.
L'autre jour encore, on me disait que quiconque buvait une bière de ton père s'arrêtait là. Tu vois.
There's only one other man in the world that knows I'm alive and who'll say so outside of you.
Un seul homme sait que je suis vivant, et pourrait le dire, à part toi.
There's just one other thing left to be done, Julia but it's the most important, and you are the only one who can do it.
Il reste encore quelque chose à faire, Julia, mais c'est le plus important et vous seule pouvez la faire.
Is Warmsley the only other one who's guessed?
Seul Warmsley l'avait deviné.
That's right. The other one, he looked kind of normal. The one who socked me was strong as a bull.
Celui qui m'a assommé était normal, mais fort comme un bœuf.
Look, I'm not one of those specialists who fails to appreciate the other fella's field.
Écoutez, je ne suis pas de ces spécialistes... qui ne savent pas apprécier le domaine des autres.
I don't know who he was. And the other one, there's no way of telling.
Quant à l'autre... en bouillie!
In every gun fight, there's one who walks to the bar and buys the drinks and there's the other who gets his name carved into a stone.
Dans un duel, il y en a un qui finit au bar et paye sa tournée et un autre dont le nom est gravé sur une pierre tombale.
The guy who fights his way on a subway after a hard day's work... hangs onto a strap with one hand and a newspaper with the other... doesn't want to wade through a dull explanation...
L'homme qui monte dans le métro après une journée de travail, qui s'accroche d'une main et lit le journal de l'autre, ne veut pas d'une explication stupide...
- Who's taken the other one?
Elles sont toutes chez vous.
But other people have been trying to make an unbreakable plastic, experts all over the place, and Allen Marling's the last one who should've succeeded.
D'autres ont essayé de fabriquer du plastique incassable. Il y a des experts partout. On ne s'attendait pas à une réussite d'Allen Marling.
But what is... Who's the other one?
Pas aussi bon que chez nous, mais bon.
But what is... Who's the other one?
Mais qu'est-ce... qui est l'autre?
Yet, on the other hand, if one will go around marrying persons who pop out of cakes, it's bound to be, well, rather catch as catch can, isn't it, sir?
D'un autre côté, quand on épouse des dames qui sortent de gâteaux, bien sûr, tous les coups sont permis, n'est-ce pas?
Who's the other one?
Qui est l'autre Indien?
Who's the other one?
J'attends des ordres. Qui est l'autre?
It's the other one, Ogden Mears, who has the money.
C'est l'autre, Ogden Mears, qui a l'argent.
Two men are going to stop Rommel. One of them is Adolf Hitler, who cannot give him enough fuel, the other is me, who's going to blow up the little he has.
Pour stopper Rommel, il n'y a qu'Hitler, qui n'a plus de carburant, ou moi, qui ferai tout sauter.
- Who's the other one?
Et l'autre?
Ahead is one of the oldest bridges in Amsterdam. The Skinny Bridge. It was built over 300 years ago by two sisters who wanted to visit each other every day.
Devant vous, un des plus vieux ponts d'Amsterdam... le Pont maigre... construit il y a plus de 300 ans par deux sœurs... qui voulaient se rendre visite tous les jours.
It was certainly one or the other who tried to take advantage of her, the girl resisted.
Un des deux a essayé d'abuser d'elle, mais elle s'est bien défendue.
As I've written you, Frank Burns and Hot Lips have been an item over here... ever since they both laid their beady little eyes on each other. They think no one's wise, but the only one over here... who doesn't know about their romance is General MacArthur's pipe stuffer.
Elle semble calme et détachée, mais son petit cœur de GI bat la chamade car elle sent la présence de son partenaire habituel, une soupe au lait de première.
I mean the other one, the one who's been dead...
C'est un autre, qui est mort, qui...
You're the one who's supposed to be giving me insights into sex and other world-shattering phenomenon.
C'est toi qui devrais me donner des cours sur le sexe et d'autres phénomènes.
Who's the other one?
Qui sera l'autre?
Let's say that she's living as this other girl, this person from her past. So there's only one person in the whole world who knows who she really is.
Si elle a pris l'identité de cette fille... qu'elle a connue dans le temps... une seule personne sait vraiment qui elle est.
Let the one who thinks she's right strike the other one!
Que celle qui pense avoir raison frappe l'autre.
On one side of ME, I got a Man Who's trying to destroy everything that I'vE ever worked for, and on the other side, I got a daughter Who is suddenly treating ME like a hostile stranger.
D'un côté, j'ai un homme qui veut détruire tout ce pour quoi j'ai travaillé, et de l'autre côté, j'ai une fille qui soudain me traite comme un étranger.
To the one who just saved my life... and to the other who's been saving it for years, only I was too preoccupied to notice.
Á celle qui vient de me sauver la vie... et à celle qui me la sauve depuis des années... mais j'étais trop préoccupé pour le remarquer.
On the day of your death If there's a girl who wishes to marry you they give you grace and you can search for her then if you don't like the other one more of course
Le jour de ton exécution, s'il y a une fille qui accepte de te prendre pour époux ils te feront grâce, et alors tu pourras te mettre à la recherche d'Alžbetka... à moins que tu ne préfères l'autre fille bien sûr.
Because no matter who is executed first, I win, because the other one's mine.
Je gagne de toute façon, parce que je tue celui qui restera.
Who's the other one?
- Qui est l'autre?
- lt's just a skateboard, sweetheart. the most important thing is that you're all right. who was the other guy, the one that got lucky and rode off?
Il n'y a rien de pire que de donner des réponses qui ne se fondent sur rien.
If you see two life forms, one of them is making a poop the other one's carrying it for him.... Who would you assume is in charge?
Imaginez deux formes de vie, l'une faisant caca, l'autre le ramassant... qui des deux est le maître, selon vous?
The'64 Skylark had a regular differential which, anyone who's been stuck in the mud knows, you step on the gas, one tyre spins, the other does nothin'.
La Skylark 64 avait un différentiel avec lequel, quand on accélérait, un pneu patinait et pas l'autre.
Squire, Squire, Hackham and... Who's the other one?
L'agence Squire, Squire, Hackam et Machin...
- There, there... lf he's Fink-Nottle, who's the other one?
- Là, là... Si il est Fink-Nottle, qui est l'autre?
- Who's the other one?
Qui est l'autre type?
So who's the other one?
Alors, qui est l'autre?
Now, the problem, Mr. Brown, is that this one time happened in a room full of other men who were watching.
L'ennui, M. Brown, c'est que cela s'est produit devant tous nos clients.
The Navy looks the other way'cause he's Ramsey. Navy looks the other way'cause he's one of the few skippers left who've seen combat.
L'armée le tolère parce qu'il a connu le feu.
So now he's got one brother locked up, the other brother, who's king, is sick.
Un de ses frères est donc emprisonné. L'autre frère, le roi, est malade.
There was a man in West Cork who proposed to five sisters... one after the other.
Un homme du West Cork a demandé cinq sœurs en mariage... l'une après l'autre.
He's got the motive, his son who he's upset with, his son was the only one mutilated, the other two weren't mutilated, he's got knowledge about the area, he knows when the search is over with,
On sait que ce couteau est à lui. Il a un motif : Son fils, qui le contrarie.

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