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Who did this to you traduction Français

896 traduction parallèle
"Do you know who did this to you?"
"Sais-tu, qui t'a fait cela?"
Listen, Parada, tell us who did this to you.
- Ecoutez. Dites qui vous a fait ça.
Who did this to you?
Qui t'a fait ça?
Honey, who did this to you?
- Qui t'a fait ça, chérie?
- Who did this to you?
Qui t'a mis dans un état pareil?
Was he the one who did this to you?
C'est lui qui vous a fait ça?
Who did this to you?
Qui t'a mis dans cet état?
Who did this to you?
Qui vous a fait cela?
I'II kill those who did this to you.
Je tuerai ceux qui t'ont fait ça.
Who did this to you?
Qui... Qui vous a blessé?
Who did this to you?
Qui vous a fait ça?
But you're a skilled swordsman, who did this to you?
Mais qui a bien pu blesser quelqu'un comme vous?
Did you see who did this to you?
Avez-vous vu votre agresseur?
Who did this to you?
Qui a pu faire ça?
Who did this to you?
Qui t'as fais ca?
I want to know who did this to you.
Je veux savoir qui vous a fait ça.
I can't, but I think you find the guy who did this to you for the antidote.
Il y a une solution. Votre empoisonneur doit avoir l'antidote.
Who did this to you?
Qui t'a réduit ainsi? .
- Cherepets, who did this to you?
- Tchérépets, qu'avez-vous?
Barney, who did this to you?
Barney, qui t'a fait ça?
- Agnes, who did this to you?
- Agnès, qui? - Dieu!
- Who did this to you?
- Qui t'a fait ça?
Who did this to you?
Qui t'as fait ça?
Who did this to you?
Qui vous les a faites?
Who did this to you?
mon soleil! qui t'a fait ça?
You want to tell me who did this to you?
Qui vous a fait ça?
So, I want to make you an executive producer... as long as you find out who did this, publicly humiliate them, and fire them.
Donc je veux que vous soyez un des producteurs exécutifs... Tant que vous trouvez qui a fait ça, l'humiliez publiquement, et le virez.
Golly, I guess you think you own this town. There were people grown people they were who expressed themselves longingly. They did hope to live to see the day, they said when that boy would get his comeuppance.
Certaines gens, des gens d'expérience, exprimaient le souhait de voir enfin le jour où ce garçon serait maté!
And the night before you took command of the Southern Cross... did you or did you not talk to King Cutler... this same man who is now conducting your defence?
Le soir de votre prise de commande du Southern Cross, avez-vous parlé oui ou non avec King Cutler, l'homme qui vous sert de défense?
Did you not finally succeed in your objective and induce this unfortunate man, who worshipped his master, to be false to his trust and betray that master?
N'êtes-vous pas arrivée à vos fins en poussant cet homme qui vénérait son maître à le trahir?
Would those people who shall be nameless be apt to have additional copies of that which I did you know what with this morning?
Ces individus anonymes auraient-ils un double de vous-savez-quoi?
All right, you listen to this and tell me who did do it.
Ecoute ça et dis-moi qui l'a tué.
50,000 men came ashore along this coast and another half-million Americans claim they did. Now add their wives, their mothers, their fathers and their girlfriends and you've got two million people who'd love to come here.
50 000 hommes ont débarqué ici et en Amérique, 500 000 autres en disent autant, ajouter les épouses, les mères, et les pères, ajoutez les fiancées.
Oh, prince of justice, let me help you to compose this most difficult of verdicts against a man who in his life never once did right.
Ô, prince de justice, laisse-moi composer ce difficile verdict contre un homme qui n'a jamais fait le bien.
Did you happen to notice where the man who drove this car went?
Avez-vous vu où est allé le conducteur de cette voiture?
I hope you have understood and that according to the rules of society. I do not know who did this, but I know one thing.
Moi, je ne sais pas qui a fait ça, mais je suis sûr d'une chose, c'est qu'il y aura pas un seul de ces sales nègres qui aura assez de cran pour remettre les pieds au lycée.
Good people of Piedras, you have seen this man who brings us now to the mass, but you did not know who he was, what he was.
Chers amis de Piedras, vous avez vu cet homme qui nous amène à la messe, mais vous ne savez pas qui il est et ce qu'il fait.
I intend to find out who did this. And I promise you, I'll get your thousand ryo back for you.
Je retrouverai les voleurs, et vous ramènerai sans faute vos 1000 pièces d'or.
And... as for the girls who, shall we say, keep you company, or who try to fight your habit, like Isabella did, or who take drugs themselves, Iike this one...
et... de même les filles qui, disons... vous "accompagnent", ou celles, comme Isabella, qui tentait de vous corriger de votre vice, ou encore les autres qui consomment avec vous comme celle-ci, par exemple...
Who did you hand this to?
À qui l'as-tu donné?
Who did this to you?
Qui a fait ça?
Did you say Hu Die has been sold to Ying Chuen brothel? Who did this?
Elle a été vendue au Pavillon du printemps?
If your own brother was killed in this war you don't look to find out who did it to get even.
Si votre propre frère est mort au cours de cette guerre, ne cherchez pas à vous venger. Sinon, vous le paierez de votre vie.
Listen, anything I can do to help you get the people who did this....
Si je peux faire quoi que ce soit pour vous aider...
- I'm anxious as you to find who did this.
Je désire autant que vous trouver le coupable.
Prince Wolgang is a very loyal servant! No one else in this kingdom will be able to make me laugh so hard! How did you decide to recommend someone who doesn't know what Sogyukseo is about?
Notre grand prince Wolgang est si dévoué. y a-t-il quelqu'un d'autre à part lui dans tout le royaume? qui ne peut même pas faire la différence entre le temple et la clinique?
Who did this to you? Is that what you want?
Qui t'a fait ça?
If she did this, if she pasted the two pages together... To anyone who knew her, it means she loved you. Her!
Qu'elle ait pu avoir cette idée, qu'elle ait pris la peine... de coller ces deux pages, elle!
Him too, yes, you knew him, the sly and secretive seducer, he who robbed the people of their sense and flaunted all the laws of this our fatherland, and never did he heed the ancient gods of Agrigent, and all their priests he disrespected, yet he was not invisible to you, you terrifying ones!
Celui-ci aussi, vous le connaissiez, le secret séducteur, qui prit les sens au peuple et joua avec la loi de la patrie, et les vieux dieux d'Agrigente ni leurs prêtres jamais ne considéra, et il n'était pas dissimulé devant vous, les redoutables,
I'm sure you'll do everything to prove it's not an American who did this.
Vous ferez tout pour prouver que ce n'est pas un Américain qui a fait ça.
Just tell me this, who did you send to Gibson and O'Rourke in September?
Dites-moi qui vous avez envoyé chez Gibson et O'Rourke.

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