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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / Why don't you come on in

Why don't you come on in traduction Français

168 traduction parallèle
Why don't you come in with me and Shorty on this thing?
Venez donc avec Shorty et moi pour ce truc.
Why don't you come on in. Sit down.
Er4 Venez vous asseoir...
Charles, while we do the dishes, why don't you come in the living room and stretch out on the sofa and read the evening paper?
Pendant qu'on fait la vaisselle, va donc au salon... lire le journal du soir allongé sur le sofa, Charles.
Before we go out on tour. Why don't you come in?
Venez nous voir.
Why don't you come on in a little while?
Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne rentres pas un petit moment?
Why don't you come in?
On n'entend que de la friture!
You don't see'em in town. That's why I come up here.
On ne les voit pas en ville, c'est pour ça que je viens ici.
Hey there, why don't you come in?
On se demandait où tu étais.
Look, why don't you just come on and have a drink with us and join in the party and forget about your mood for a while?
Lève-toi et viens boire un verre avec nous. Viens faire la nouba et oublie tes soucis. Je ne te comprends pas.
_ Why don't you come on in?
- Vous voulez entrer?
But when they go to get in their car to come on home don't you get back in there with them. Why, Daddy?
Mais quand ils s'apprêteront à rentrer, ne va pas dans l'auto avec eux.
Why don't you both just come on in?
Vous n'osez pas entrer?
I don't know, man, if you've got pig in you, we'll get it out of you, so why don't you come on in?
S'il y a un flic en toi, on le fera ressortir. Entre donc.
Well, why don't you come on in with me and get a sandwich?
Bon. Suis-moi, on va se taper un sandwich.
Well, why don't you come on in anyway?
Entrez quand meme.
Why don't you just come on in, son?
Entrez donc.
Why don't you come in and show me how to apply it?
Entrez et montrez-moi comment on opère.
Hey, doll, why don't you come on and ride with me, in about 10 years?
Hé! Poupée, tu viendras rouler avec moi dans environ dix ans.
Come on. Why don't you come in?
- Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne rentres pas?
Why don't you sit in the tub and wait for the water to come on, huh?
Va dans la baignoire et attends que l'eau revienne, d'accord?
Hey, brother, why don't you two fellas come on, get in the game, man?
Hé les gars, vous voulez pas jouer?
( Ella ) Why don't you come on in?
Why don't you come on in and help me sort my holy cards first?
Tu me donnes un coup de main avant?
Why don't you come on in?
Pourquoi n'entreriez-vous pas?
Hey, if you're coming in, why don't you come on in?
Allez, monte, pourquoi tu viens pas?
Why don't you go... Come on in the house...
Venez à la maison...
Why don't you come on in?
Si tu entrais?
Why don't you come on in and take a look?
Entrez jeter un coup d'oeil.
Why don't you and I go grab some sushi, catch a flick, and maybe... we can watch some waves come in on the beach.
Pourquoi n'irions-nous pas manger des sushis, voir un film, et peut-être aller voir les vagues s'échouer sur la plage.
Why don't we make a date for you to come in to my office and talk about it?
Si on prenait rendez-vous à mon bureau pour en parler?
Why don't you come on in? I'm naked, I'm horizontal, I am covered with bubbles.
Viens, je suis allongé et couvert de mousse.
Why don't you come on in the house?
Si on entrait?
Why don't you come on in?
Entrez donc.
Why don't you come with me? Come on, get in.
Tenez, accompagnez-moi.
In any case, and don't ask me why word has come down you are to receive the promotion intended for him.
Ne me demandez pas pourquoi il a été décidé de vous accorder l'avancement qu'on lui destinait
Listen, why don't you come back in tomorrow morning? We'll find out.
Ecoute, viens demain... et on verra.
Why don't you come on in now?
Entrez donc.
All right, if you hate this job and the people, and the fact that you have to come in on your day off, why don't you quit?
- Si tu hais ce boulot et ces gens, et venir tes jours de congé, démissionne!
Why don't you come on in here, Delroy.
- Viens par ici.
Why don't you go eat that outside and then come on back in?
Pourquoi ne vas-tu pas manger ça dehors? Tu reviendras après.
Why don't you come on in?
Entrez donc. Je dois filer.
- why don't you come on in and talk to us, mr. angrist? angrist. yeah.
- Venez nous parler, M. Angrist.
Now, as your own parents have probably told you... in adolescence our bodies tend to betray us... and that's why in Samoa and other developing nations... adolescents are sent out into the woods unarmed... and they don't come back till they've learned a thing or two.
Tes parents ont dû te le dire, le corps trahit parfois l'adolescent. C'est pourquoi, à Samoa et dans les pays en développement on envoie les ados dans la forêt pour les initier à la vie.
Come on in. Why don't you make yourself at home.
Entrez, mettez-vous à l'aise.
Why don't you come on in here?
Tu me rejoins?
Why don't you come on in and have a drink.
Entre prendre un verre.
Why don't you just come on in here and stay for a spell?
Pourquoi ne resteriez-vous pas quelque temps?
Angel, why don't you come on in?
Angel, entre donc.
Why don't we pretend you didn't even come in here?
On va faire comme si vous n'étiez pas venu!
Now, why don't you just come on in and sit down, honey?
Pourquoi ne pas entrer et t'asseoir, chérie?
Now, why don't you come on in and let us buy you a drink.
- Venez, je vous paie un verre.

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