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Woodward traduction Français

364 traduction parallèle
I'd have to transfer Woodward because I'm afraid he's too well on in years for an active command.
J'ai dû transférer Wordwood car il n'est plus assez jeune pour ce genre d'action.
- Woodward is leaving. - That's splendid.
Woodward prend sa retraite.
I'II bet that's about taking over Woodward's house. - congratulations, Chipping.
Je parie que c'est pour Ie poste de Woodward.
Mr. Woodward's retirement leaves a housemastership vacant. - Yes, sir.
Le depart de M. Woodward laisse vacant Ie poste d'econome.
In Detroit at the main library on Woodward Avenue... agents O'Brien and Genaro started the first phase of their investigation.
À Detroit, à la bibliothèque centrale, O'Brien et Genaro entament la première phase de leur mission.
Captain Woodward, move!
Capitaine Woodward, avancez!
It's my brother woodward... standing by the door. Yeah.
C'est mon frère Woodward, près de la porte.
Maybe it's somebody who just looks like woodward.
C'est une ruse.
Nobody looks like woodward.
Ou peut-être quelqu'un qui ressemble à Woodward.
Woodward's not going to be here.
Il peut pas être là. Il ne va pas être là.
Whoever is in this picture, it is not woodward.
Le type sur la photo n'est pas Woodward.
Hi, paula. Hi, chet.
A gift from chester diedrich and his wife.
N'oublie pas Woodward. Et de toi aussi, Woodward.
And me, too, chet. Don't forget woodward.
Voici, monde.
Yeah. And you, too, woodward.
Un legs pour l'humanité.
A gesture to show the size of the heart of chester diedrich and wife.
Et de Woodward. Ouais, c'est mieux.
And woodward.
Tu n'as pas quelque chose à regarder à la télé?
We getting through to you, woodward?
On prend une photo du panneau d'arrivée.
There was one of you.
- Une de toi. - Une de Woodward.
One of woodward. How many we take at the track?
- On en a pris combien aux courses?
All right, all right. Here, woodward, take a drink.
Viens, bois un coup.
Boys! Woodward!
Woodward, s'il te plaît.
Poor woodward.
Pauvre Woodward, pauvre Chester.
Good old Woodward.
Ce bon vieux Woodward.
Woodward. - Nurse Baker.
Nous savons tous que c'est un grand farceur.
Gentlemen, with these I promise you peace in our time.
Woodward. - Mlle Baker. - Merci.
- Woodward? - Yeah?
And, Woodward, it was National Democratic headquarters.
Woodward, le siège national!
I'm Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Bob Woodward, du "Washington Post".
- Woodward. - Woodward.
Hi, I'm Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Bob Woodward, du "Washington Post".
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
Bob Woodward, du "Post".
Bob Woodward of the...
Bob Woodward...
- This is Bob Woodward... of the Washington Post.
Bob Woodward, du "Post".
Besides, this guy has busted his ass.
Et Woodward s'est crevé le cul!
- Mr. Clawson, this is Bob Woodward.
- Ici, Bob Woodward.
- Woodward. - Mr. Woodward, Ken Clawson calling back.
M. Woodward, Ken Clawson.
- Yes? - This is Woodward.
Ici, Woodward.
This is Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.
C'est Bob Woodward, du "Post".
"If it's so goddamn important, who in the hell are Woodward and Bernstein?"
"Si c'est si important, pourquoi un Woodward et un Bernstein?"
Woodward, Bradlee will see us now.
Woodward, Bradlee nous reçoit.
- Oh, that's Woodward's garage freak... his source in the executive...
Le monstre du parking! Son indic au Gouvernement.
- Woodward.
Woodward isn't here. Woodward couldn't possibly be here.
Woodward est pas là.
That's $ 30.
Woodward, tu as de l'argent?
Woodward, you got money?
Ca suffit?
Are you finished with your snack, woodward, dear?
Tu as fini ton casse-croûte, mon cher Woodward?
Why do you think she's screaming, woodward?
Pourquoi tu crois qu'elle hurle?
My husband... woodward. I'll die. There's nothing left for me.
Je vais mourir, je n'ai plus de raison pour vivre.

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