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Xkeyscore traduction Français

7 traduction parallèle
Um, XKeyscore DeepDive, XKeyscore in general, and there's a huge folder of documentation on XKeyscore and how it works, is the front-end system that analysts use for querying that sort of ocean of raw SIGINT that I was telling you about.
XKeyscore DeepDive... Pour XKeyscore... Il y a toute une documentation sur son fonctionnement.
XKeyscore is the front end for that.
Le programme XKeyscore sert à ça.
Secondly, there's XKeyscore.
D'autre part il y a XKeyscore.
We can start by showing him XKeyscore.
On peut commencer par lui montrer XKeyscore.
This was introduced during my first deployment at the CIA in Geneva.
On me l'a présenté XKEYSCORE 25 Fév. 2008 au cours de mon premier déploiement à la CIA à Genève.
XKeyscore's under 702 authority, which means no warrants.
XKeyscore est sous l'autorité 702, ce qui signifie pas de mandat.

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