You'll be great traduction Français
606 traduction parallèle
They'll be a great asset to you.
Ils seront un grand atout pour vous.
It'll be a great day for you when she's launched, won't it?
Ce sera un grand jour, non?
Even though you may make a great discovery, you'll not be happy.
Même si tu faisais une grande découverte, tu ne serais pas heureux.
It'll be great experience for you.
Cela fera une excellente expérience.
That'll be great after you've been introduced to half of New York as my fiancée.
Juste après avoir été présentée comme ma fiancée à la moitié de New York.
Thank you. I'm afraid you'll be very lonely in this great house.
Monsieur se sentira bien seul.
Then you'll be proud to say you once had supper with the great Dr. Drury.
Vous serez alors fier de dire que vous avez déjà soupé avec le grand Dr Drury.
I want you to lean on Laura Belle... make her your inspiration and your guide. And then one day, you'll be the great lady...
Fais d'elle ton inspiration, ton guide, et un jour, tu seras la dame distinguée... dont j'ai toujours rêvé.
But I think you'll be of great help.
Votre aide nous sera précieuse.
You'll be doing me a great favour when you begin to educate the local girls, Sister.
Parfait. Vous me rendrez service en éduquant les filles d'ici.
Soon at school you'll get it known How a peasant from Arkhangelsk State, By God's will and by his own Came to be so learned and great.
On t'apprendra à l'école comment venu d'Arkhanguelsk un paysan est devenu un grand homme grâce à Dieu et à soi-même.
You'll be a great man.
Tu seras un grand homme.
He'll be a great man himself one day and will make you one too.
Il a de l'avenir, et toi aussi.
I'll ask Sönderby for the money and it'll be great to be rid of you.
Sönderby me prêtera de l'argent. Je serai enfin débarrassé de toi.
I am not, you'll be pleased to hear... going to make a speech, but merely on your behalf... to wish them all success... and great and continued happiness... in their future life together.
Rassurez-vous, je ne ferai pas de discours, mais en notre nom à tous, je leur souhaite la réussite et beaucoup de bonheur ensemble.
You'll be in great shape for work tonight.
Vous serez en pleine forme pour travailler.
- It'll be great going back. You gotta, Naomi.
Il faut que tu y retournes!
You'll be a good catch with money in your pocket, a great success.
Vous serez une bonne prise avec de l'argent dans votre poche, un grand succès.
Then you'll be wise as Kongming, the great Chinese military strategist.
Avec tout ça. Vous serez aussi efficaces qu'un grand stratège!
You'll never be a great boxer.
Mais j'ai un reproche à te faire, et il est de taille... tu seras jamais un grand boxeur.
Okay, Kid, get dressed, you'll be great tonight.
Tout ira bien, ce soir.
I imagine I'll be seeing a great deal of you, Little Eli.
Nous allons nous voir souvent, petit Eli.
It'll be a great chance for you to catch up on your education.
Ce sera une grande chance pour toi de compléter ton éducation.
Some day you'll be a great supervisor...
Tu seras un jour un grand administrateur.
Come on, Rocco, cheer up! You'll be great.
Souris, tu deviendras un grand champion.
You'll see, it will be great fun.
Vous verrez, ce sera très amusant.
" You'll be swell, you'll be great
" Tu seras magnifique, tu seras en beauté
" You'll be swell, you'll be great
" Tu seras magique, tu seras fantastique
Someday, you'll be a great poetess.
Un jour tu seras une grande poétesse.
- Great answer. You'll be very successful. Perseverance in your job is...
Je vois que vous faites carrière, que vous avez de l'expérience, et...
You'll make a great show of smashing a few but for every one destroyed, hundreds more will be built.
Vous en briserez quelques-unes avec brio, mais des centaines de machines seront reconstruites.
It'll be a great help to the sub rescue outfit if you can confirm a specific location.
Ils feront sauter les six autres sections avant de pouvoir rentrer.
It'll be great for you, the best thing that ever happened.
C'est la meilleure chose qui puisse vous arriver.
I'll tell you one thing, I'm having a great deal of fun, and whoever said that clean and wholesome living couldn't be very...
Je m'amuse énormément ce soir, et celui qui a dit qu'une vie saine ne...
A couple of months of regular exercise... and you'll be in great condition.
Deux mois d'exercice et vous serez en état.
Well, I'm sure you'll be in great shape in no time.
Je suis sûr que vous vous remettrez rapidement.
All you need is a few hours'rest and I'm sure that by tonight you'll be brimming over with great ideas.
Il te faut quelques heures de repos, et je suis certain que ce soir tu déborderas d'idées géniales.
But in return, unless you tell me how much Bond knows... I'll be forced to cause you great pain.
Mais en retour, à moins que tu ne me dises ce que sait Bond... je serai obligé de te faire subir une grande souffrance.
Are you upset cos you're a sissy? A haircut, a gym, you'll be great.
Allez chez le coiffeur, faites du sport.
You'll be great, darling.
Tu seras parfaite, chérie.
You know you'll be in great danger.
Mais tu seras en danger.
If you do, you'll be in great danger.
Vous seriez en grand danger.
You'll see, it's gonna be a great Christmas.
Ce sera un grand Noël.
It'll be a great honor to you and Joycie.
Ça sera vraiment un honneur pour toi et Joycie.
You've got a pretty dress to wear, you look great, you'll be a knockout.
Tu vas porter une jolie robe, tu es ravissante, tu feras un tabac.
Show whom? You'll have to be a great deal more precise.
Il faut être plus précise.
I'll do everything for you, Young Lord so that something very great will most certainly be yours!
Je ferai tout, jeune Seigneur, pour qu'il vous arrive de grandes choses!
You must leave at once! If you don't, you'll be in great danger!
Tu dois partir tout de suite, ou bien ta vie sera en danger.
At sunset, a man'll cast a long shadow and give you the idea that there's a great distance between you, there may not be.
Au crépuscule, l'ombre donne une impression de distance, mais c'est pas dit.
Great! If you kill Zatoichi, you'll be as famous as the boss.
Si vous réussissez à tuer Zato, vous aurez la région entière!
I may not be a great support, but I'll help you with anything I can.
Et moi, Oryu, je serai votre témoin.
you'll be fine 927
you'll be okay 222
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll be all right 377
you'll be surprised 28
you'll be safe 116
you'll be late 57
you'll be just fine 20
you'll be missed 18
you'll be okay 222
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll be all right 377
you'll be surprised 28
you'll be safe 116
you'll be late 57
you'll be just fine 20
you'll be missed 18