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You'll do fine traduction Français

421 traduction parallèle
Yes, me too. Fine, if you have to have things your way, then I'll do things my way, too.
Moi non plus.
- Not just on account of him but if you do this, you'll be a fine man.
- Pas seulement pour lui, mais si tu fais ça, tu seras un homme bon.
It's you who'll do the explaining, my fine gentleman.
C'est toi qui vas t'expliquer, mon bon monsieur.
- I think you'll do fine.
Je crois que vous ferez l'affaire.
- I think you'll do fine.
- Vous ferez l'affaire.
She'll do fine. Pick you up at 8.
Elle fera l'affaire.
Take no notice. You do, and there'll be a fine wake in this house tonight.
Alors, ça bardera ce soir!
Fine. Can you do me a favor? I need to know the value of all the suit's properties.
Tu peux me rendre un service... ll me faudrait la valeur des biens en litige.
You'll do fine as you are.
Telle que t'es, tu me suffis encore
You'll do fine.
- Courage. Ça ira très bien.
- He'll continue to do so with you. - Fine.
Il se tient à votre disposition.
You'll do just fine.
Vous me convenez très bien.
Just do what I tell you and you'll be fine.
I'll tell you what we'll do, then. All right, fine.
Alors, voilà ce qu'on va faire.
Science'll do fine without you.
La science se passera de toi.
- Think of me and you'll do fine.
- Pense à moi très fort.
"Fine day!" and "How do you do?" Not just let herself go on things in general.
"ll fait beau" et "Comment allez-vous?"
We'll do fine without you!
On fera sans toi!
- Does champagne suit you, old boy? That'll do me fine.
- Champagne?
I think you'll do just fine, sir.
Tout ira bien, mon commandant.
Fine. I'll tell you what we'll do.
Voilà ce que nous allons faire.
No, you'll do just fine, Howard.
Tu t'en sortiras bien, Howard.
I'll do a divination for you. Let's see if you'll become a fine yakuza.
J'ignore si tu deviendras un vrai homme.
You'll do fine.
Tu conviens.
You do what you're told to do when you're told to do it and you'll get along fine with me.
tu fais ce qu'on te demande, quand on te le demande... et on s'entendra bien.
You'll do fine.
Tu vas te débrouiller.
You'll do just fine.
Tu t'en sortiras.
You'll do fine.
Tout ira bien.
If you do exactly as I say, We'll get along fine.
Si tu fais exactement ce que je te dis, nous nous entendrons bien.
If you wanna do it, fine. But I'll be glad to handle it for you if it's going to be too awkward.
Si tu veux lui dire, très bien, mais je veux bien le faire pour toi, si c'est trop embarrassant.
Now if you can do it, fine. We'll forget this whole thing.
Si tu réussis, on oubliera tout ça...
Don't worry, Mr Selvan, you do your job and they'll be fine.
Ne vous en faites pas, M. Selvan. Faites votre part et il ne leur arrivera rien.
- You'll be fine. - I can do it.
Tu vas y arriver.
- You'll do fine.
- Vous ferez l'affaire.
Keep your nose out of those pulps when you're on watch, son. You'll do fine.
Levez le nez de vos romans de gare et vous irez loin.
You'll do just fine.
Vous gagnerez.
Patty, just do as he says, and you'll be fine.
Patty, fais comme il dit, et tout ira bien.
[Laughs] You'll do fine.
[Rires] Vous ferez bien.
Come on, they won't give her as much as a year. She'll get off with a fine. What do you mean?
Une vie à bâtir ta carrière, une famille exemplaire qui fait ton orgueil et voici que tout s'écroule.
- Just do what I tell you. It'll be fine.
Fais ce que je te dis.
You'll do just fine.
Tout ira bien.
Front for yourself. You'll do fine. You're walking off?
Sois ton sponsor.
I'll do fine. Comedy is what you make it.
Le comique, ça se cisèle.
You'll do fine LT. Just fine.
Ca gaze, Lieutenant!
Folks try and keep the noise down you'll do fine.
Essayez de faire moins de bruit, ce serait bien.
What do you mean "we'll be fine"?
You'll do fine without me, Madame Governor.
Vous vous débrouillez très bien sans moi, Mme Commandant.
You'll do fine. You always do.
Tu t'en sortiras, comme d'habitude.
You'll do just fine.
Vous ferez très bien.
You'll do fine.
Tu seras bien.
We'll do just fine. How can you be so calm about this?
Nous allons pouvoir poursuivre.

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