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You're going to kill me traduction Français

306 traduction parallèle
You're never going to convict me. You'll have to kill me first.
Si tu veux ma mort, tu devras me tuer.
Now, you're going to marry me tomorrow, or I-I-I'll telephone the newspapers and tell them everything, and then I'll kill myself.
Tu vas m'épouser demain, ou je raconte tout aux journaux et ensuite, je me tue!
You want to kill me? But you're going to die first.
Mais tu mourras avec moi!
Jump off a rope if you're going to kill yourself, but don't ask me to help you.
Saute du toit, si tu veux te tuer. Me demande pas de t'aider.
In a little while, you're going to see 97 men riding through this town... looking to kill me.
D'ici peu, 97 hommes vont arriver pour me tuer.
Yeah. Yeah, I think you're going to kill me.
Oui, je crois que vous allez me tuer.
So, Mattioli, you're going to have to kill me?
Alors Mattioli, vous allez devoir me tuer?
I told you! Are you still trying to say you're not going to kill me?
Tu me menaces mais tu ne veux pas me tuer?
- You're going to kill me?
- Tu veux me tuer?
I thought you're going to kill me.
J'ai cru que vous alliez me buter.
You're going to kill me?
Tu voudrais bien me tuer, n'est-ce pas?
- You're going to kill me?
- Allez-vous me tuer?
You're going to have to kill me.
Faudra que tu me tues.
You're not going to kill me because this gun in my hand says different.
Vous n'allez pas me tuer parce que l'arme dans ma main est d'un autre avis.
- So instead you're going to kill me.
À la place, vous allez me tuer.
You're not going to kill me, are you?
Vous n'allez pas me tuer?
If you're going to die, kill me first!
Mais si nous mourons, que va devenir notre enfant?
You're going to kill me in a little while
Vous allez me tuer dans un moment.
You're not going to kill me.
Vous ne me tuerez pas.
But Ozeki... if you're not going to kill me, how will you save face?
Mais, Ozeki... si tu n'essaies pas de me tuer, comment va réagir le clan Kannon?
You're going to kill me, aren't you?
Tu veux me tuer, hein?
You're going to kill me, aren't you?
Vous allez me tuer, n'est-ce pas?
You're not going to kill me.
Vous n'allez pas me tuer.
I won't tell you anything, even if you're going to kill me!
Parce que je ne dirai rien, même sous la torture! Bien!
You're not going to kill me, are you?
J'espère que tu n'as plus l'intention de me tuer.
- You're going to kill me as well?
- Vous allez aussi me tuer?
If you're going to make me feel lonely again, I'll kill myself.
Si tu me fais encore sentir seule, je me tuerai.
- You're going to kill me.
- Vous allez me tuer?
Why should I do what you tell me to do if you're going to kill me anyway?
Pourquoi devrais-je vous écouter puisque vous allez me tuer?
You're not going to kill me?
Vous n'allez pas me tuer?
You're not going to kill me, but just to keep me here.
Vous m'avez attiré ici pour pouvoir tuer maître Xiang.
and then you're going to kill me?
Et ensuite, vous me tuerez.
So you're going to kill me in my sleep?
Tu veux me tuer pendant mon sommeil?
You're gonna come here and get me, and that means... you're going to kill me, and that means they're going to go too.
Tu vas devoir venir me chercher... tu vas devoir me tuer, et ça veut dire qu'ils devront partir aussi.
You're going to kill me.
Vous allez me tuer.
You were going to kill me, Khan. You're gonna have to come down here. You're going to have to come down here.
Il va falloir que tu viennes me chercher.
You're going to kill me.
Tu vas me tuer.
- Because... you're going to return to Val Verde... and you are going to kill the president... that you helped to overthrow me.
- Parce que.. vous allez retourner à Val Verde pour tuer le président que vous avez aidé à me renverser.
You're going to kill me, aren't you?
Vous allez me tuer, c'est ça?
My God, you're going to kill me.
Mon Dieu, vous m'avez fait des émotions.
You're going to kill me, aren't you?
Vous allez me tuer?
Brian, you're telling me you're going to kill someone and you don't even realize you're killing yourself.
Tu dis que tu vas tuer quelqu'un, mais tu ignores que c'est toi-même que tu es en train de tuer.
You're going to beg me to let them kill you.
Tu vas me supplier de les laisser te tuer.
If you're not going to kill me, I have things to do.
Si tu n'as pas l'intention de me tuer... j'ai des choses à faire.
- You're going to kill me.
- Tu vas me tuer. - Pourquoi?
- So now you're going to kill me?
Donc tu vas me tuer?
They're going to kill you, follow me.
Ils allaient vous tuer. Suivez-moi.
Jim, you're going to kill me, man.
Fais gaffe!
You're going to kill me.
Et moi pour toi, tu me tueras!
Ifyou don't turn yourself over to the police, they're going to kill you. They're going to shoot me, too, because I'm an accessory to murder.
Si vous ne vous rendez pas, ils vous tueront et... moi avec, pour complicité de meurtre!
You're going to have to kill me.
Tu vas devoir me tuer.

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