You're the lawyer traduction Français
292 traduction parallèle
Gentlemen of the jury, you're about to hear a defense argued by a lawyer who raised the pitch of this hearing.
Après avoir tué, cette fille a volé. Messieurs les jurés, vous allez entendre, tout à l'heure, un grand discours, un avocat qui a porté bien haut l'éclat de la parole.
Mrs. Zimmerman knows that you're a lawyer, and she thinks maybe if you handle the case for Tony Krauch, we'll be able to pay her husband for the meat.
Et Mme Zimmerman sait que tu es avocat... et elle pensé que si tu prends le dossier Tony Krauch... on aura de quoi payer la viande à son mari.
Your big opportunity to prove that you're the best darned lawyer in the country.
Ta meilleure chance de prouver que tu es le meilleur avocat du pays.
- You're a lawyer. Stick to the facts.
Vous êtes avocat.
You're my lawyer. It'll be like the last deal.
C'est juste, vous êtes mon avocat.
You're the lawyer. But I'll be there to see that you do.
Mais je serai là pour te surveiller.
You're the greatest lawyer since Darrow.
Vous êtes le meilleur avocat depuis Darrow.
You're the lawyer.
C'est toi, l'avocat!
You're a lawyer, you know that's breaking the law.
Vous savez bien que c'est illégal.
You're the same old sea lawyer.
Toujours aussi ergoteur.
The proverb says : "If you can't understand anything you're a lawyer or a sergeant".
Comme on dit si t'es vraiment con, on t'fera caporal ou bien sergent.
You're the lawyer.
- L'avocat.
The lawyer thinks that you're the undersecretarys lover. - If he asks you if it's true...
L'avocat te croit l'amant de la femme du sous-secrétaire d'Etat.
You're here to defend the deceased's memory not to conduct the prosecution don't forget you're a lawyer
- Vous êtes ici pour défendre la mémoire d'un mort. Non pour fournir des armes à l'accusation. Souvenez-vous que vous êtes avocat.
You're the great criminal lawyer!
Vous êtes un grand avocat pénal!
- Father. You're a very fine lawyer but you're paying me nothing to handle the case, so, please let me handle it.
Vous êtes un très bon avocat, mais vous ne me payez pas, alors laissez-moi m'en occuper.
- Cross-examine us, you're the lawyer.
- C'est vous, l'avocat.
Well, you're the lawyer.
Si c'est l'avocat qui le dit!
You're the only divorce lawyer who can't get himself a divorce.
Tu es le seul avocat spécialisé dans les divorces qui n'arrive pas à divorcer.
You're the only lawyer in our office who's had any contact with them. I would rather have contact with a nest of scorpions.
Et Harris pensait pouvoir nous le cacher.
You're the only lawyer in our office who's had any contact with them.
Vous êtes le seul avocat ici qui ait eu affaire à eux.
I warn you, you're not to make any statements... except in the presence of your lawyer.
Tu ne fais pas de déclaration sans ton avocat.
They're waiting for you in the lawyer's office.
Ils attendent chez l'avocat.
As I understand it, you're a lawyer in the American army judge advocate's office, behind a desk, unless I'm mistaken.
Dans l'armée américaine, vous êtes un juriste derrière un bureau, si je ne m'abuse.
Bubber, we're going to sell the house tomorrow so this time we can get you a lawyer.
Bubber, nous allons vendre la maison demain... comme ça, nous pourrons te payer un avocat.
You're the best lawyer I know.
Tu es un grand avocat. Que ferais-tu?
Oh, if you've come to see the lawyer, we'll go into my chambers, while they're still here.
Oh, si vous êtes venu voir l'avocat, Nous allons aller dans ma chambre, pendant qu'ils sont encore là.
Well, if I see a lawyer on the road, I'll tell him you're here.
Si je croise ton homme, je lui dirai que tu l'attends.
You're the lawyer, aren't you?
Vous êtes l'avocat?
You know we're gonna have to pay the lawyer.
Il faudra bientôt payer l'avocat.
As a lawyer you're the best..... and about the criminals, nobody knows them better than me.
Avocat, pour tout ce qui a trait aux lois vous êtes le plus qualifié en ce qui concerne les criminels, personne n'en sait plus que moi.
You're becoming a kamikaze of State violence. After the next robbery, instead of arresting Ferrender, I'll ask his lawyer for his sociological profile. I'm sorry!
Tu es en train de devenir un kamikaze de la violence d'Etat.
Come on, Tanzi, even a newbie lawyer could prove that you're the one who planted it.
Voyons, Tanzi, même un avocat débutant pourrait prouver que c'est vous qui l'avez mise.
Say'Mr Martinaud, The Lawyer'... since you're so sure of it.
Donnez un nom à ce fantôme. "Maitre Martinaud, notaire", Puisque vous en êtes sûr...
And you're the doctor and the lawyer and the comic?
Et vous, vous êtes le médecin, ça c'est l'avocat et ça, le... comique.
We're gonna get you the best lawyer in the country.
On va te trouver le meilleur avocat du pays.
You're the family lawyer, aren't you?
Pourtant vous etes l'avocat de la famille!
You're the Deardon girl's lawyer.
Vous êtes l'avocate de Chelsea Deardon.
Say, since you're a lawyer, why don't you go and talk to the people?
Dites, puisque vous êtes avocat, pourquoi vous n'allez pas parler aux gens?
" If you're looking for the lawyer from Dallas...
" Si vous cherchez l'avocat de Dallas,
You're the lawyer, honey.
C'est vous l'avocate, mon chou.
Mr. Banks, you're best known as the lawyer... who won the landmark housing discrimination case...
M. Banks, vous êtes bien sûr connu comme étant l'avocat qui a gagné le procès de location discriminatoire dans l'affaire Winston contre Jones.
You're the hog-slopping lawyer.
C'est vous l'avocat qui gardait les cochons.
She's still upset about not having a lawyer with her. Did you explain to her how the grand jury works- - no lawyer unless you're a defendant- - that we need her testimony to get a wire-tap?
Vous avez déclaré avoir assisté à un dîner de 21 h30 à 3h00 du matin, c'est exact?
And when you're a lawyer, Dr. Auster, some of the people you prosecute are convicted.
Et quand on est homme de loi, certaines des personnes qu'on poursuit sont déclarées coupables.
You want an answer? How come you're the cheapest lawyer I could find...
- Je vais t'en donner une.
You're the greatest lawyer in the world!
Vous êtes le plus grand avocat du monde!
I'm a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy... and you're under arrest, you son of a bitch.
Je suis un avocat et un officier de la Marine américaine... et vous êtes en état d ´ arrestation, fils de pute.
You're history, and no lawyer in the world can help you.
Tu es fini et aucun avocat au monde ne peut t'aider.
Lawyer Wu, you're the legal expert
Maître Wu. Vous êtes l'expert légal.
You gotta know what you're talking about first. You do your homework, jailhouse lawyer... can make as much as any mid-level attorney on the street.
Quand il est futé, un conseiller taulard gagne comme un petit avocat.
you're the best 629
you're the worst 63
you're the boss 305
you're the love of my life 40
you're there 132
you're the devil 36
you're the only one 89
you're the man 199
you're the one 134
you're the father 25
you're the worst 63
you're the boss 305
you're the love of my life 40
you're there 132
you're the devil 36
you're the only one 89
you're the man 199
you're the one 134
you're the father 25