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You've been through a lot traduction Français

383 traduction parallèle
You've been through a lot
Je suppose que tu as eu des tourments.
Oh darling, you've been through a lot, haven't you?
Ç'a été dur, dis?
I know you've been through a lot for my sake.
Je sais que tu as dû subir beaucoup à cause de moi.
You've been through a lot, but I can tell you're here to stay.
Il est possible que tu aies vécu des choses. Mais tu es rentrée définitivement, je le vois.
I know you've been through a lot. That's why i didn't go directly to a hotel.
Je ne suis pas allé directement à l'hôtel pour te ménager.
I prefer remembering how you've been through a lot.
Je préfére me dire que vous avez beaucoup souffert.
After all, you've been through a lot together.
Vu ce que vous avez vécu ensemble.
- You've been through a lot, haven't you?
- Vous en avez connu de dures.
I see you've been through a lot.
Je vois que tu traverses de rudes épreuves.
You've been through a lot the last 24 hours.
Tu as eu 24 heures très difficiles.
Well, listen, you've been through a lot.
Ça a été très dur pour toi.
You've been through a lot.
Tu en as subi plein...
Charles, you've been through a lot, but I warn you.
Charles, vous avez vécu beaucoup de choses, mais je vous préviens.
For a man passing through, you've been asking a lot of questions.
Pour quelqu'un qui ne fait que passer, vous posez beaucoup de questions.
I know you people been through a lot, but we've got to go back out there.
Je sais que vous êtes très éprouvés, mais nous devons retourner là-bas.
You know, I've been thinking about us a lot lately, everything we've been through together, things we've shared, times we've helped each other.
J'ai passé beaucoup de temps dernièrement à penser à nous deux. Avec tout ce qui nous est arrivé ensemble. Les choses que nous avons partagées.
You'vE been through a lot.
C'était un mauvais moment.
Now, I know you've been through a lot.
Bon, je sais que ça a été dur pour toi.
Grandpa, you've been through a lot.
Grand-père, tu as eu beaucoup d'aventure...
- I know you've been through a lot.
- Je sais que tu as souffert.
We know you've been through a lot... but there is more at stake here than just your feelings.
Tu as beaucoup souffert. Mais il ne s'agit pas que de toi.
You've been through a lot today.
Vous avez souffert aujourd'hui.
You've been through a lot today.
Ça a été dur pour toi. Aujourd'hui.
- You've been through a lot.
- Tu as été durement éprouvé.
You've been through a lot.
Beaucoup de choses viennent de t'arriver.
Like you, I have suffered. I've been through a lot.
Comme toi, j'ai souffert, j'en ai bavé.
Now, take it easy, you've been through a lot.
Doucement, ça a été dur pour vous.
Well, either way, you've been through a lot.
De toute manière, cela a dû être éprouvant.
You've been through a lot and you say you still don't remember what happened.
Vous avez traversé beaucoup d'épreuves... et vous prétendez ne rien vous rappeler.
You know, we've all been through a lot in this last year.
Vous le savez, nous avons tous và © cu beaucoup de choses en cette dernià ¨ re annà © e.
You've been through a lot lately.
Vous avez beaucoup enduré, ces derniers temps.
Mac, you've been through a lot.
Ça faisait beaucoup.
You shouldn't push yourself. You've been through a lot. Aw...
Vous venez de traverser une épreuve difficile.
There've been a lot of rumors about what you've been going through.
Tout un tas de rumeurs sur ton sort.
You've been through a lot.
Je sais que tu as souffert.
I've been through a lot in the last month and I can tell you that jail's not the place for me.
Je me suis beaucoup remise en question récemment, et je t'assure que la prison n'est pas la solution.
You've been through a lot tonight, both of you, but we've still got a problem.
Je sais que la nuit a été rude, mais on a toujours un problème.
You've been through a lot in a short amount of time.
Vous avez enduré beaucoup de choses en peu de temps.
We've been through a lot together, you and me.
On a traversé des épreuves ensemble.
And I know that you've been through a lot. You've made your mistakes, but... you're my dad.
Et je sais que tu as aussi beaucoup souffert... et que tu as fait des erreurs... mais tu es mon père.
- I need you to acknowledge that I've been through a lot in my life.
J'ai traversé beaucoup d'épreuves dans ma vie.
I think you've been through a lot tonight.
La soirée a été longue.
God knows you've - you've been through a lot, huh?
Ca a été dur pour toi, ces temps-ci. J'adorerais déjeuner avec toi.
You've been through a lot.
On en a vu de dures.
I've been thinking a lot about our situation and you asking me, and I didn't wanna just dismiss it without thinking it through.
J'ai beaucoup pensé à nous, à la situation et à ta demande, et je ne voulais pas refuser avant d'avoir réfléchi.
I know that you've been through a lot. If you need to take time off, tell me.
Si tu as besoin de vacances, tu devrais me le dire.
You've been through a lot that I couldn't handle.
Tu as traversé beaucoup de choses que je n'aurais pu supporter.
You've been through a lot.
Tu reviens de loin.
You've been through a lot today.
Tu as eu une dure journée.
I know you've been through a lot.
Je sais que ça n'a pas été facile.
You've been through a lot.
Je sais que c'est dur.

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