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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ Y ] / You don't want to go there

You don't want to go there traduction Français

269 traduction parallèle
I don't want to go with you. You don't seem to understand that there's $ 1 million at stake.
Il s'agit d'un million de dollars.
- Then you don't want me to go there?
- Vous ne voulez pas que j'y aille?
If you don't want to go there, you won't go.
Si tu ne veux pas y aller, tu n'iras pas.
Now, we're going back to the hotel and just as soon as we get there, I want you to go away and I don't want you to come back ever.
Rentrons à l'hôtel. Et dès que nous y serons, je veux que vous partiez, et que vous ne reveniez plus jamais.
Oh, you want to go there awful bad don't you baby?
Tu y tiens beaucoup, dis?
Be honest, you don't want to go there because you're afraid..
Sois franc. Tu ne veux pas y aller parce que tu as peur..
There's no hard feelings if you don't want to go, but let me know now.
Sans rancune, si vous ne voulez pas partir, mais dites-le maintenant.
Look, if you want to throw your weight around, why don't you go outside where there's plenty of room?
Si vous voulez jouer les durs, allez donc voir dehors si j'y suis.
You don't want to go up there.
Tu ne veux pas monter.
I went right over there, I told him what you said, but he don't want to go. He don't want to go? Why don't he want to go?
Je l'ai prévenu mais il ne veut pas venir.
You don't have to go up there if you don't want to.
Tu n'es pas obligé d'y aller si tu n'as pas envie.
If you don't want to spread it, go home and stay there.
Si vous ne voulez pas contaminer toute la ville, rentrez chez vous.
- If you don't want us to go... - I'm gonna get even with you two someday. - We got up in there.
Si vous ne voulez pas... un jour, je vous réglerai votre compte.
No, don't go out there, there's someone downstairs you don't want to see.
Reste là! Quelqu'un que tu ne veux pas voir te demande en bas.
- You don't want to go in there.
- Tu ne vas pas aller là-dedans.
There you are. Cape Canaveral is screaming. They don't want anything to go wrong with this moon rocket launch.
Avec leurs projets vers la Lune, les gars de Cap Canaveral sont sur les dents.
Honestly I can't tell you that, because I bet you don't want to go up there,
Ça, franchement, je ne peux pas vous dire, mais vous ne monteriez sûrement pas sur le ring pour lutter
You want me to go out there, don't you? Yeah, and take me future, me career and me pension and throw it down the drain.
Vous voudriez que je balance mon avenir, ma carrière et ma pension dans le caniveau?
OK, Zelda, hit me if you want to... but please don't go in there.
Frappe-moi si tu veux, mais ne rentre pas.
- l don't want you to go there.
- Non, je veux pas. Viens, viens.
If you don't want it, there's no sense letting it go to waste.
Si vous ne le voulez pas, inutile de le laisser périr.
See you later. - Don't go, Maggie. There's something I want you to hear.
Maggie, reste avec nous, tu dois entendre quelque chose.
I don't want you to go out there any more, do you understand?
Je ne veux plus que vous sortiez, compris?
I just don't want you to go out there, that's all.
Je t'en prie, n'y va pas!
You want me to think that you don't want me to go down there, but the subtle truth is you really don't want me to go down there.
Vous voulez que je croie Ie contraire de ce que vous dites, mais Ia vérité est que vous ne voulez pas que j'y descende.
You don't want to go there.
Tu ne dois pas aller là-bas.
There might be people there but you don't want to go there, kid.
Et même s'il y en avait tu n'aurais rien à faire là-bas mon garçon.
I don't know, but I want you to go down there and tell everyone everything is going to be all right.
Je l'ignore, mais il faut que vous descendiez pour dire à tout le monde que tout se passera bien.
Tu ne comprends pas?
- Don't! There's another reason why I can't go abroad. I didn't want to tell you!
Il y a une autre raison qui m'empêche d'aller à l'étranger, mais je ne voulais pas te le dire.
Why don't you and I go? You don't still want to go down there?
Tu veux y aller?
Are you sure you don't want me to go in there and just hang out?
Tu ne veux pas que j'entre avec toi?
- You don't want to go in there!
- Il vaut mieux pas!
Don't you want us to go to Gaminella, up there?
Tu ne veux pas que nous allions à Caminella, en haut?
What's happening to you? I don't want to go there!
J'ai aucune envie d'aller à l'hôtel.
You don't want to go there, michael.
Wait, you don't want to go in there.
Attends, je ne veux pas y aller.
Don't want to go where there's no Coca-Cola You've got
Je ne veux pas aller là où y a pas de Coca-Cola
Jonathan, I don't think you want to go there, dear.
Je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée.
- You don't want to go in there.
- Vous ne voulez pas aller là.
This one, leave him at Uncle Manuel's, and you, if you don't want to be there, go with your father's family.
Lui, laisse-le chez oncle Manuel, et toi si tu veux pas rester va dans la famille de ton père.
Vos peurs, vos secrets, vos transgressions, et quand vous ressortez,
- You don't want to go there mister, ain't nothing but crazy people.
- Vous ne devriez pas y aller, ils sont tous dingues.
You don't want to go down there at this time of night.
Vous n'allez pas aller là-bas à cette heure de la nuit!
You don't want to go out there.
– Pourquoi sortir par ici?
If you want to go, that's fine. Just don't bury yourself there.
Vas-y, mais n'oublie pas de vivre.
- You don't want to go there.
- Vous voulez pas entrer.
Now I want you to go up to your room and don't breathe until you get there.
Allez dans votre chambre et ne respirez qu'une fois là-bas.
Now, I want you two to go down there and get that bracelet back... and for the next six weeks I don't want to hear you breathe.
Maintenant, je veux que vous alliez récupérer ce bracelet. Et je ne veux pas vous entendre respirer pendant six semaines.
Come on, don't you guys want to go out there and see... Uncle Willie make a fool out of himself?
Vous ne voulez pas y aller pour voir oncle Willie passer pour un imbécile?
I don't want you to go there alone.
Je ne veux pas que tu ailles seule.

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