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You had a bad dream traduction Français

79 traduction parallèle
You look like you had a bad dream. Come on.
On dirait que tu as fait un mauvais rêve.
- You had a bad dream.
- Tu as fait un cauchemar.
- Look, Vienna, you just said you had a bad dream.
Tu disais que tu avais fait un mauvais rêve.
You had a bad dream.
Tu as fait un mauvais rêve.
- Hey, buddy, you had a bad dream.
- T'as fait un cauchemar.
- You mean you had a bad dream?
- Tu as fait un cauchemar?
You had a bad dream, Mouchette.
- Tu as fait un mauvais reve.
You had a bad dream, Your Highness.
Tu as fait un mauvais rêve, Ta Majesté.
You had a bad dream, didn't you?
Vous avez fait un cauchemar, non?
- You had a bad dream?
- Tu as fait un cauchemar?
You had a bad dream.
Vous avez fait un cauchemard.
Did someone break in or you had a bad dream?
C'est un cambrioleur ou un cauchemar?
You had a bad dream, too?
Tu as fait un mauvais rêve, toi aussi?
Johnny, you had a bad dream.
Johnny, tu as fait un cauchemar.
You had a bad dream.
Tu avais fait un mauvais rêve.
Rule number two - don't tell her it's because you had a bad dream.
Règle numéro deux : ne lui dit pas que c'est parce que t'as fait un mauvais rêve.
Perhaps you had a bad dream.
Peut-être que vous avez fait un cauchemar.
- You just had a bad dream. - Sure.
Tu as fa " un cauchemar.
You have perhaps had a bad dream.
Vous avez dû faire un cauchemar.
But the police would say you'd probably had a bad dream.
Mais la police dirait que vous avez rêvé.
Oh, you must've had a bad dream.
Vous deviez sortir d'un cauchemar.
You see? Peter isn't the only one who had a bad dream.
Peter n'est pas le seul à avoir fait un cauchemar.
If you were my age, and had cared for as many children as I have, you'd know that waking a child can sometimes be worse than any bad dream.
Si vous aviez mon âge et mon expérience, vous sauriez que réveiller un enfant peut être pire que n'importe quel cauchemar.
Madam, don't you think perhaps you had a little nap and maybe had a bad dream?
Madame, vous êtes sûre de n'avoir pas eu un cauchemar?
Now let's be rational! You've had a bad dream. It was more than that.
Soyons rationnels, c'était un mauvais rêve.
You just had a bad dream.
C'était un cauchemar.
You dozed off and had a bad dream.
Tu t'es assoupie et tu as fait un cauchemar.
You must have had a bad dream, because of the storm.
Vous avez dû faire un mauvais rêve à cause de l'orage.
You just had a bad dream.
Tu n'as fait qu'un mauvais rêve.
You must have had a bad dream.
Tu as dû faire un cauchemar.
You must have had a bad dream.
Tu as dû faire un mauvais rêve.
- You just had a bad dream.
- Tu as fait un mauvais rêve.
You just had a bad dream.
Ce n'était qu'un mauvais rêve.
Mom, you must have had a bad dream, that's all.
Tu as dû faire un cauchemar.
You had a very bad dream.
Tu as fait un mauvais rêve.
You've had a bad dream.
Tu fais un cauchemar.
You've had a bad dream is what you've had.
Tu as fait un mauvais rêve, c'est tout.
You had a dream, that's all. Just a bad dream.
Tu as fait un cauchemar.
Honey, you just had a bad dream.
Ce n'était qu'un cauchemar.
You probably had a bad dream.
Tu as fait un cauchemar.
You just had a bad dream.
Tu as fait un mauvais rêve, c'est tout.
In just two minutes you already fell asleep and had a bad dream?
En 2 minutes, tu as pu t'endormir et rêver?
Haven't you ever had a dream... something you wanted so bad you'd do anything?
N'as-tu jamais eu de rêve? Un rêve si cher que tu ferais n'importe quoi?
I had a bad dream. Did you, now?
J'ai fait un mauvais rêve.
You know when you're driving in your car or maybe taking a shower and suddenly you remember some great dream you had and that dream made you feel so good or bad or whatever, you can't help but try to recapture every detail?
Vous savez, quand vous êtes dans votre voiture, ou sous la douche, et qu'un super rêve vous revient à l'esprit, un rêve qui vous avait plu ou même déplu, et vous essayez de vous souvenir des moindres détails?
Last night, I had a bad dream, and you're in the river.
Cette nuit, j'ai fait un cauchemar, tu étais dans une rivière.
I, uh, I had another dream about you, a bad one.
J'ai... J'ai encore rêve de vous... un mauvais rêve.
I just keep wishing that I could wake up... like when you was a little kid and you had a bad dream.
Mais je reviendrai.
It's all right. I think you just had a bad dream.
Calme-toi, tu as fait un cauchemar.
- No, you just said I had a bad dream.
- Tu as dit que j'avais rêvé.
Larry, sorry to bother you, but your daughter had a bad dream again.
- Larry, désolé de t'embêter mais ta fille a encore fait un cauchemar.

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