You remember that traduction Français
11,691 traduction parallèle
Sounds like you remember that day pretty well.
Il semble que vous vous souvenez assez bien de ce jour?
It's strange you remember that now, when we're about to charge him.
C'est amusant que ça vous revienne maintenant, alors que nous allions inculper votre protégé.
You paid for it. You remember that standing reservation that you left me?
Tu te souviens de la réservation faite pour moi?
Hey, you remember that Christmas?
Tu te souviens de ce Noël?
- Do you remember that?
- Tu te souviens de ça?
How do you remember that?
Comment tu t'en souviens?
I had him in the box in my squad, you remember that?
Je l'avais coffré, tu te souviens?
Do you remember that time when I walked in on you and Donna Paulsen in the file room, and she was on her knees?
Tu te souviens de quand je t'ai surpris avec Donna Paulsen aux archives, et elle était à genoux?
You remember that popchips commercial?
La pub Popchips?
I don't want to get her spooked thinking that there's a problem with the crazy ex-wife, and then she feels like she's got to take off, you know what I mean... I distinctly remember Melissa having drama with her ex and you being very understanding about the whole thing.
Je ne veux pas l'effrayer en lui faisant croire qu'il y a une problème avec la folle ex-femme, et qu'elle ressente qu'elle doit partir, tu sais ce que je veux dire Je me souviens de Mélissa avec son ex
But the thing you have to remember is that even though you're younger, you're way more mature than he is.
Mais tu dois te souvenir que même si tu es la plus jeune, tu es plus mature que lui.
You still remember that? Hey.
Tu t'en rappelles encore?
And I don't remember you ever getting beat up like that.
Et je ne me souviens plus de toi être tabassé comme çà.
Do you remember everything that Charles made you do?
Tu te rappelles de toutes les choses que Charles t'as faite faire?
Do you remember everything that Charles made you do?
Tu te rappelles de tout ce que Charles t'as fait faire?
I only brought it up because I remember when you got off that plane... you were a mess.
Je l'ai juste amené parce que je me souviens quand tu es descendu de cet avion... tu étais une épave.
He's not the person that you remember.
Ce n'est pas la personne dont tu te souviens.
You all need to remember that.
Vous devez tous vous en souvenir.
So is there anything you can tell us about them, anything... that you remember?
Donc que pouvez-vous nous dire à leur sujet? N'importe quoi... dont vous vous souviendriez.
Remember when you had that birthday party and we locked you in your bedroom'cause you were yelling at your guests and threatening suicide by cop?
Tu te souviens à ton anniversaire quand on t'a enfermé dans ta chambre parce que tu criais sur tes invités et menaçait un suicide-policier?
Remember when you told me that you didn't want to date cops?
Tu te souviens quand tu m'as dit que tu ne sortais pas avec des flics?
And is it still the case that you don't want to remember?
Et est-ce toujours le cas, vous ne voulez pas vous souvenir?
You remember when the Crips and Bloods were fighting in the'80s? We can't make a game about that.
Tu te souviens quand les Crips and Bloods se fritaient dans les années 80?
The whole point of this is that you remember.
Le but est que tu te rappelles.
Every patient you treat, you're going to see my husband's face and remember that he was the one that died on your watch.
Sur tous vos patients, vous verrez le visage de mon mari et vous vous souviendrez qu'il était celui qui est mort pendant votre garde.
I need to know everything that you remember about the day he died.
Je veux savoir tout ce dont tu te souviens sur le jour où il est mort.
I want you to remember that.
Je veux que tu te souviennes de ça.
You wouldn't even remember that she wasn't real.
Tu ne te souviendrais même pas que ce n'est pas réel.
Sophie, you remember what happened the night outside that pub?
Sophie, tu te rappelles de ce qui s'est passé en dehors du pub cette nuit-là?
You don't remember any of that?
Vous ne vous souvenez pas de ça?
You remember I told you about that prisoner from another correctional facility that had her baby taken from her?
Vous vous souvenez je vous avais parlé de cette détenue d'un autre centre pénitencier à qui on avait pris son bébé?
And, Cary, do you remember if there was a hole in that case?
Et, Cary, te souviens-tu d'une faille dans l'affaire?
I want you to remember that.
Je veux que tu t'en souviennes.
Well, according to, uh, to reports, the time of death was the same day that I saw you, remember, baptizing that fellow by the bridge.
D'après les rapports, le moment de la mort était le même jour où je vous ai vu, rappelez-vous, baptisant cet homme, au pont.
in the church, remember? You were wearing a fitted, white V-neck T, a black leather jacket with a lightweight hoodie, and a medium-wash, cotton-blend jean that matched your piercing blue eyes.
Tu portais un T-Shirt blanc à col V, une veste en cuir noir avec une légère capuche, et un jean en coton légèrement délavé qui suivait parfaitement avec le bleu perçant de tes yeux.
Well, remember when you said that if I could figure out a way to pay for the blender without using our rent money, I could keep it?
Et bien, tu te souviens quand tu as dit que si je trouvais un moyen de payer le mixeur sans utiliser l'argent pour le loyer, je pourrais le garder?
Remember that magical night you got high in college?
Tu te souviens de cette nuit magique à l'université où tu étais défoncé?
And you remember to tell him that when the blogger ruins his career.
Tu te le lui rappelleras quand la blogueuse ruinera sa carrière.
You remember who that girl was?
Tu te souviens de cette fille?
You're only in my head. We have to remember that.
Tu es seulement dans ma tête.
- You remember that hacker group O-Megz?
Tu te rappelles de ce groupe de hackers O-Megz?
And while you do that, remember to repeat these words.
Et pendant que vous faites ça, souvenez-vous de répéter ces mots.
No, you don't want that, remember?
Tu ne le veux pas, tu t'en souviens?
You're the one who said, "I never Want to step foot in that house again," remember?
"dans cette maison." Tu te souviens?
You know, I totally remember... the first time I realized that my dad was human.
Tu sais, je me rappelle très bien... la première fois que j'ai réalisé que mon père était humain.
♪ Faithful forever ♪ And thankful for you ♪ I'll keep smiling through
d Faithful forever d And thankful for you d l'll keep smiling through d Remember that d We may be apart d Now and then
Humberto Perez is a name that you're gonna remember all your life.
Humberto Perez est un nom dont vous vous souviendrez toute votre vie.
Then he won't mind that you take One night to remember your dead husband.
Alors ça ne devrait pas le déranger que tu prennes une nuit en souvenir de ton mari décédé.
Are there any other stories that you remember from when you first got here or from your childhood?
Tu te souviens d'autres histoires de ton arrivée ici ou de ton enfance?
Oh, of course. I barely remember anything from that night, except for that you're from South Carolina, you have a younger brother, your dad's a doctor, and you went to a public high school for students, uh, gifted in math and science.
Je ne me souviens plus trop de cette soirée, sauf que tu es de Caroline du Sud, que tu as un frère cadet, que ton père est médecin et que tu es allé dans un lycée pour les élèves... doués en maths et en sciences.
I hope you see this shirt and remember that Nashville rocks and you'll remember the times we had together that did rock and forget about the brief amount of non-rocking time we had.
J'espère qu'en voyant ce t-shirt, tu te souviendras que c'était génial, que notre week-end ensemble était génial, et que tu oublieras ce petit moment pas génial entre nous.
you remember me 243
you remember 747
you remembered 141
you remember everything 16
you remember him 113
you remember her 81
you remember it 25
you remember now 22
you remember this 47
you remember mr 29
you remember 747
you remembered 141
you remember everything 16
you remember him 113
you remember her 81
you remember it 25
you remember now 22
you remember this 47
you remember mr 29
you remember dr 19
remember that 729
remember that one 18
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
remember that 729
remember that one 18
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334