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You thought i was dead traduction Français

202 traduction parallèle
- Yeah, I know. You thought I was dead.
- Que j'étais mort.
- You thought I was dead?
- Que j'étais mort?
Or you thought I was dead?
Tu croyais que j'étais morte?
You thought I was dead?
Vous pensiez que j'étais morte?
You thought I was dead already.
Tu pensais que j'étais déjà mort.
You thought I was dead, didn't you?
Tu me croyais mort, hein?
When you thought I was dead, you risked your life to try and take me back home.
Quand tu m'as crue morte, tu as risqué ta vie pour me ramener chez moi.
- You thought I was dead. - Yeah.
Que je sois morte.
I thought you said she was dead.
Je croyais qu'elle était morte.
And then when you didn't come back and we thought you were dead well, it wasn't an easy situation for Sandra to face alone so I went away with her and stayed until Young Pete was born.
Après ta disparition, quand on t'a cru mort, ce n'était pas une situation facile à affronter pour elle, et nous sommes parties ensemble jusqu'à la naissance.
- I thought you said he was dead!
Il n'était pas mort?
But I thought you told us, he was dead.
Mais vous veniez de nous dire qu'il était mort...
I thought you was dead.
Je pensais que tu étais mort.
Being's as now I'm married to somebody else, I want you to see about getting a real legal divorce. Because I thought you was dead but you ain't.
Etant mariée à un autre, je veux un vrai divorce... puisque vous n'êtes pas mort.
I was wondering if you thought I was dead...
Je m'inquiétais...
I thought you was dead.
Je te croyais mort.
I thought you said she was dead.
Elle est morte.
I gave you up for a goner. I thought you was dead, sure enough.
J'étais sûr que t'étais mort.
You here? I thought you was dead hours ago.
Je vous croyais mort.
I'll tell you what : If he thought I was dead, he might come in here looking for you.
Je vais te dire, s'il me croit mort, il viendra te chercher.
I swear to you I thought she was dead.
Je la croyais morte, je te jure.
On my honors of physician I thought she was dead. I swear to you!
Sur mon honneur de médecin, je te jure que je la croyais morte.
Harley, you would have thought I was dead.
Pire que si j'étais décédé.
Man, I thought you was dead. Are you dumb?
- On te croyait mort.
I thought you was dead.
Je vous croyais mort.
When I found out that one of the scum you were looking after was my own father what kept me going was the fact that I thought he was dead.
Lorsque j'ai découvert que l'une des ordures que tu pourchassais était mon propre père... c'est le fait de le croire mort qui m'a permis d'avancer.
You know, I thought he told me his father was dead.
Je pensais qu'il m'avait dit que son père était mort.
Lord God, captain, I thought you was dead.
Bon Dieu capitaine, je vous croyais mort.
Like, a lot of people thought I was dead, but you don't write any postcards when you're on the road to self-discovery.
Beaucoup de gens me croyaient mort... mais on n'envoie pas de cartes postales... quand on est sur le chemin de la découverte de soi.
I thought you said it was a dead end.
- Je croyais que c'était une fausse piste.
I thought you said he was dead.
Chéri, tu ne m'as pas dit qu'il était mort?
You were gone so long I was afraid you were dead. I thought I'd have to make some new babies.
Tu étais parti pendant si longtemps... j'avais peur que tu sois mort... que j'aie à recommencer à avoir des bébés.
I thought you told me Martin was dead?
Je croyais que Martin était mort?
Ryan, that man I told you about, the one I thought was dead?
Ryan, cet homme dont je t'ai parlé, celui que je pensais être mort?
I thought you said her husband was dead.
- Je croyais que son mari était mort.
Man, I thought you was dead.
- T'es pas mort?
All those years, man, I thought you were dead... and it was my fault.
Toutes ces années, je t'ai cru mort, et que c'était ma faute.
I thought you was a dead shot.
Tu ne vises pas parfaitement?
Do you think Damon'll be OK? For a second, I thought he was dead.
Tu crois que Damon ira bien?
You probably thought I was dead.
Tu me croyais mort.
Actually, I thought she was dead, so this is, you know- -
Je croyais qu'elle était morte, alors ça m'a surpris.
I thought since you believed I was dead, I'd tail you and see who was calling the shots.
Comme on me croyait mort, j'espérais que vous me mèneriez au grand patron.
So, Q, I thought you told me that I was dead?
Q, je croyais que j'étais mort?
I thought you were convinced that I was dead.
Je sais que depuis de nombreuses années tu pensais que j'étais mort.
When I was a little girl, I thought... if none of your family or friends knew you were dead... then it's like not really being dead.
Enfant, je pensais... que si personne ne savait qu'on était mort... on n'était pas vraiment mort.
Hey, I thought you said Troy McClure was dead!
Tu avais dit qu'il était mort.
- I thought you was dead. That we killed you.
- Je croyais qu'on t'avait tué.
I thought you said he was dead?
- Vous m'aviez dit qu'il était mort!
- I thought you said this world was dead.
- Ce monde était mort, disiez-vous.
Before you showed up, they thought I was dead.
Avant que vous arriviez, ils me croyaient mort.
I thought you said the father was dead.

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