You were just traduction Français
13,140 traduction parallèle
Never heard your name on the radio, which means you weren't cowboying, you were just doing your job, like you were trained.
Je n'ai pas entendu ton nom sur la radio, donc tu n'as pas joué au cow-boy, tu as fait ton boulot, comme tu as été formé.
There's a decent chance you were just talking to her.
Il ya une chance décente vous venez de parler de lui.
- You were just cleaning it?
- Vous le nettoyiez?
Look, I know you were coming from a good place and you were just trying to protect me, but... you can't ambush me like that.
Regarde, je sais que tu venais avec une bonne intention et que tu essayais de me protéger, mais... tu ne peux pas me tendre une embuscade comme ça.
- You were just trying to help.
On essaie juste d'aider.
You were just saying how you felt.
Tu as juste dit comment tu te sentais.
Oh, so you were just talking to Ferret Bueller?
Oh, si vous venez de parler à Ferret Bueller?
Um, you do realize you were just talking to yourself, right?
Euh, vous ne réalisez que vous venez de parler de vous, non?
You were just hoping or guessing that maybe he could?
Vous espériez et pensiez qu'il pourrait le faire?
I thought you were just a nerd fan.
Je croyais que tu n'étais qu'un fan basique.
You were just humoring him?
C'était pour lui faire plaisir?
What you were just...
Quoi, tu croyais que...
I don't doubt it, Mr Wegg, and I don't wish to tax you more than I must, but, if I were to say to you that Bill Sikes left here just before eight o'clock, how much later than that would you say Mr Scrooge or Mr Fagin left?
Je n'en doute pas et je ne veux pas vous taxer plus que je dois mais, si je vous disais que Bill Sikes est parti d'ici juste avant 20 h, combien de temps après, M. Scrooge ou M. Fagin sont-ils partis selon vous?
Hey, why were you taking a bath over here, anyway? Oh, I just wanted a few hours to myself.
Je voulais juste quelques heures pour moi.
No, we were just trying to help you Shel... Oh!
Non, on essaye simplement de t'aider, Shel...
- We were just trying to help you, Shel.
- On essayait de t'aider, Shelly.
No, I just think you were messed up and made a really, really bad decision.
Non, je pense juste que vous foiré et a fait un très, très mauvaise décision.
Everybody just go back to where you were.
Tout le monde retourne là où il était.
When you said my job would be 90 % restaurant-related, were you mistaken or just lying?
Quand tu disais que mon travail serait à 90 % en lien avec le restaurant, te trompais-tu ou tu mentais seulement?
Were you the one just standing up to the villain?
Pardon, qui affronte le méchant, là?
Right. You nice boys were just out for a little midnight stroll.
Oui, vous les gentils ne faisiez qu'une ballade nocturne.
You guys were just welcoming us to the neighborhood.
Vous nous souhaitiez la bienvenue dans le quartier.
You guys were just the look-out, right?
- Vous guettiez juste.
Were you guys just watching me sleep?
Vous me regardiez dormir?
Just wanted to make sure you were decent.
Je voulais juste être sûre que tu étais décent.
I just wanted to make sure you were notified of this.
Avez-vous une objection, M. Bogoss?
Why? And w-were you planning on telling Villa, or are you just gonna keep stringing her along?
Et tu as prévu de le dire à Villa, ou tu vas juste continuer de la mener en bateau?
You guys were just in there celebrating the birthday of the woman who kidnapped your sister and held a gun to my head.
Vous étiez entrain de fêter l'anniversaire de la femme qui a enlevé ta soeur et pointé un revolver sur ma tête.
You may not agree with our tapes or how they were made, but prior restraint is just wrong.
Vous pouvez désapprouver nos enregistrements ou comment on les a fait mais une entrave c'est répréhensible.
We were just wondering maybe she said something to you?
On se demandait si elle t'avait dit quelque chose.
Then you were gonna give it to her like it's just from you.
Pour pouvoir lui offrir, Comme si cela venait juste de toi.
Just wanted to make sure you were doing okay.
On voulait savoir si vous alliez bien.
I just figured you'd tell me when you were ready to.
Je pensais juste que vous me disiez quand vous étiez prêt à.
You know, examples of one after another after another of decisions that were made in the investigative process, all of which went just towards Steven Avery and no one else.
Je peux vous donner un tas d'exemples où ils ont pris la décision, au moment de l'enquête, de se concentrer sur Steven Avery et personne d'autre.
Just to see, you know, calls she had made or, you know, if there were other numbers of friends that we could find on there.
Juste pour voir qui elle aurait pu appeler, et si on pouvait trouver le numéro de ses amis.
And sometime around the time you talked to Investigator Dedering on the occasion we just described, were you trying to sell one of the Dassey boys'.22s to a man named Jay Mathis at work?
Et à l'époque où vous avez parlé à l'inspecteur Detering à l'occasion qu'on vient de mentionner, est-ce que vous tentiez de vendre l'une des carabines des Dassey à un homme appelé Jay Mathis au travail?
You know, here are two officers who were accused of something just terrible.
Vous aviez deux policiers accusés de quelque chose d'horrible.
Just wanted to know how far you were willing to go.
Je voulais savoir jusqu'où vous vouliez aller.
Um... Because then it would just be like... they were ready to convict him, it was just a matter of getting it over and, you know... going through the formalities, but...
Cela voudrait dire... qu'ils étaient prêts à le déclarer coupable, et qu'ils attendaient seulement d'en finir avec les formalités, mais apparemment, ils débattent de quelque chose.
We were just talking about you!
Justement, on parlait de vous!
[Krystle] Having left Vanuatu, the tropical blue waters and the incredible green rainforests, we're now here in this canyon in North America, you know 2000 foot walls and it's a stark contrast to where we just were.
Nous sommes partis de Vanuatu, avec ses eaux bleues et son incroyable forêt tropicale, pour venir sur ce canyon en Amérique du Nord. Six cents mètres de hauteur. Le contraste avec Vanuatu est saisissant.
A little bit frustrating because we were here less than five minutes ago and we've just discovered this very, very fresh sort of outline of the tiger whose laid down in the sand and you can see the flick of her tail, so she's here somewhere.
C'est un peu frustrant car on était là il y a moins de cinq minutes et on a découvert la silhouette fraîche d'une tigresse allongée dans le sable, on voit l'endroit où elle a remué la queue, elle est quelque part non loin.
I was just a child, and so were you.
Je n'étais qu'un enfant, tout comme toi.
I was just 14 when you were born.
Je n'avais que 14 ans quand tu es né.
And just for security purposes, what hotel were you visiting?
Pour une question de sécurité, pouvez-vous me donner le nom de l'hôtel?
Were you not... Were you just talking about...
Vous parliez pas de...
Yeah, well. I just thought you were divorced. I had no idea.
Je croyais que tu étais divorcé.
I just came by to let you know that you were right about me.
Je suis venu te dire, que tu avais raison en ce qui me concerne
And if I had to hear another goddamned story about Calvin "The Golden Jet" Joyner and how awesome you were in high school and how you were this big idiot's best friend, I was just gonna lose it.
Encore une fichue histoire sur Calvin "le Jet Doré" Joyner, sa super classe au lycée, et le meilleur ami de ce gros imbécile, et j'allais péter un plomb.
You always were your mama's boy. You just pipe down about the family stuff, okay?
Oh, merci, c'est gentil!
Because it's just that I remember when you were in high school, you told me how much you wanted to be a photographer, travel the world. You remember when I got you that subscription to Time magazine? That sort of thing.
Parce que tout d'un coup, je me rappelle que lorsque t'étais à l'école, tu me disais que tu voulais devenir photographe, voyager, ce genre de trucs.
you were just doing your job 27
you were just a kid 24
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were just a kid 24
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were incredible 39
you were gone 87
you weren't yourself 17
you weren't kidding 58
you weren't wrong 17
you weren't there 258
you weren't to know 25
you were wonderful 85
you weren't here 82
you were asleep 53
you were gone 87
you weren't yourself 17
you weren't kidding 58
you weren't wrong 17
you weren't there 258
you weren't to know 25
you were wonderful 85
you weren't here 82
you were asleep 53