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You won't understand traduction Français

598 traduction parallèle
But don't you understand? The government won't tolerate your taking authority into your own hands this way.
Le gouvernement ne tolérera pas un tel débordement.
Won't you try to understand me?
tu veux pas essayer de me comprendre! Crois-moi, je sais!
Why tell you something that you won't understand?
Tu ne vas pas comprendre.
No, I have some other ideas in mind. But you wouldn't understand those either, so we won't go into that.
Non, j'ai d'autres idées, mais tu ne les comprendrais pas, alors laissons tomber.
Won't you try and understand?
Ne veux-tu pas essayer de comprendre?
Yes, but if she finds you, she won't understand and we'll never marry.
- Mais nous allons nous marier. - Oui je sais, mais si elle vous trouve ici nous ne pourrons jamais nous marier.
" but you understand me and won't think less of me,
" Mais tu me comprendras. Tu ne m'en voudras pas.
I only understand that Betty was my sister that Vanning killed her, and that you won't help me do anything about it.
Je sais seulement que Betty était ma sœur, que Vanning l'a tuée et que vous ne m'aiderez pas.
I may have to do some things that perhaps you won't understand.
Je pourrais avoir à faire des choses que peut-être tu ne comprendras pas.
Stella, can't you- - Won't you try to understand?
Stella, ne peux-tu... Essaie de comprendre.
You won't understand fully but tonight during the entire robbery I felt myself beginning to enjoy crime.
Vous ne comprendrez pas, mais ce soir, durant le cambriolage, le crime commençait à me plaire.
We won't talk, brother but you understand, after this, we need more time.
On n'a pas besoin de parler mais tu sais, on en veut toujours plus.
There maybe some things that you won't understand.
Peut-être ne comprendrez-vous pas certaines choses.
It won't do you any good. I understand.
Je vois.
I can't understand how that idea got around but I'm sorry, but I won't be able to help you.
J'ignore comment cette idée vous est venue. Navré, mais je ne pourrai pas vous aider.
McPherson, you won't understand this, but I tried to become the kindest, the gentlest, the most sympathetic man in the world.
McPherson, vous ne pouvez pas comprendre... mais je me suis efforcé de devenir le plus doux, le plus sensible.
I won't explain, because you wouldn't understand.
- Tu ne comprendrais pas.
Won't you try to understand?
Tu ne veux pas comprendre?
But there are things I'm afraid you won't understand.
Mais vous ne pouvez pas tout comprendre.
Don't you think he understands your situation, like all POWs? He won't be back for a long time. He'll certainly understand.
Il comprendrait ta situation, comme tous les autres prisonniers, ça peut durer!
I know that you won't understand then.
Je sais que tu ne le comprendras pas alors.
You understand your "no" won't stop The merging of these banks, yours included!
Ton "non" n'empêchera pas la fusion, ta banque incluse.
They won't give the order to give the order, do you understand?
Ils ne donnent pas l'ordre de remettre l'ordre.
Don't mention it. If you girls want to work for my husband, you've got to start offi on the right foot. You must understand the rules - what he'll stand for and what he won't.
Si vous voulez travailler chez mon mari, apprenez d'abord les usages de la maison.
You do understand I won't be able to spend the whole afternoon with you? Can't I go with you?
Je ne vais pas toujours rester avec vous!
I understand perfectly and I promise you there won't be.
- Je comprends parfaitement. Je vous promets qu'il n'y aura rien de la sorte.
- You do Venice Mr Blasetti won't understand if you say that
M. Blasetti n'a pas compris.
But you won't be all right. Don't you understand? It's the cities themselves.
Mais vous avez tord, Ne comprenez-vous pas?
You won't understand him, but he will you.
Et lui, vous comprendra très bien!
If at times he seems a little eccentric or rude... - You will understand, won't you?
S'il vous semble parfois excentrique ou bourru, vous comprendrez, n'est-ce pas?
- She won't give me a real love's proof, do you understand?
Elle ne m'en a pas donné la preuve. Vous comprenez, Don Ersilio?
Won't you please understand.
Allez-vous comprendre.
Ah, maybe you won't understand this.
Tu ne comprendras peut-être pas.
Promise me you won't tell anyone what you've told me. Do you understand?
Ne répète à personne ce que tu m'as dit!
Won't you even try and understand?
Ne veux-tu pas comprendre?
No, you won't understand.
Tu ne pourras pas comprendre.
Won't you understand you're in real danger?
Vous êtes en danger!
You won't understand this either, Captain.
Vous ne comprendrez pas ça non plus.
I'm beginning to understand British people. You really mean it won't be safe and reinforcements won't get here.
Si je comprends bien votre langage, vous nous signifiez que les renforts arriveront trop tard.
J'ai des ennuis. Tu ne peux pas comprendre.
It won't just end here, You understand?
C'est loin d'être terminé.
Why won't you understand that I have to go where my husband goes?
Essaie de comprendre, je dois suivre mon mari.
- You won't understand it.
- Idiot. - Vous ne comprenez pas.
You have to understand that the top stars won't leave home.
les stars ne bougent pas de chez elles.
Maimiti, there must be some way to make you understand that I won't be back.
Il doit y avoir un moyen de te faire comprendre que je ne reviendrai pas.
But if a bunch of hogs won't come out of your garden when you holler : Then you've gotta use language and methods that hogs and pigs understand.
Pourtant, la seule façon de traiter avec les porcs, c'est d'employer un langage et des méthodes qu'ils comprennent!
You won't need that, Mr. Higby. I'm afraid you don't quite understand.
Vous comprenez, nous sommes du même côté.
You just won't understand about the bells. What would attract attention is not to ring them.
Ce qui paraîtrait insolite, ce serait de ne pas carillonner.
Won't you understand?
Tu ne comprends donc pas?
Just as long as you understand I won't follow your orders blindly.
Autant que vous compreniez que je ne suivrai pas vos ordres aveuglément.
A short tissue this time, but you'll understand. Won't you, Mr. Stark?
Aujourd'hui, on sort une édition condensée, vous comprenez?

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