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1637 traduction Portugais

14 traduction parallèle
The royal council had very obligingly let it be known that the prayer book had to be introduced, at the latest, by Easter 1637.
O Conselho Real, muito educadamente, havia feito saber que o livro de oração devia ser introduzido, o mais tardar, para a Páscoa de 1637.
The British wars began here, in St Giles's Cathedral, Edinburgh, on the morning of July 23rd, 1637, and the first missiles that were launched were not cannonballs, they were footstools.
As guerras britânicas começaram aqui, na Catedral de S. Giles de Edimburgo, na manhã do dia 23 julho de 1637 e os primeiros projéteis a serem disparados não foram balas de canhão, mas sim bancos.
In 1637, Scotland had begun the resistance against Charles I.
Em 1637 a Escócia havia começado a resistência contra Carlos I.
Speaking of stories, I heard on the radio this morning that there had not been a total eclipse in Miami since the year 1637.
Por falar em passado, ouvi no rádio esta manhã que não havia um eclipse total em Miami desde 1637.
Although much art-historian scholarship has been made of that hand... scholarship that has been mocked by the commentator who suggested, indeed, that Banning Cocq is simply holding out his hand to see if it was raining... there is something a little unconvincing about it,
Cinco anos antes, em 1637, Rembrandt havia, por encomenda, pintando um retrato de corpo inteiro de Andries de Graeff, primeiro cidadão de Amesterdão e muito rico.
This dictionary, which was finally published here in Holland in 1637, included mainly controversial philosophical ideas, but the most radical thoughts were in the appendix, a proposal to link algebra and geometry.
Este dicionário, que foi finalmente publicado aqui na Holanda, em 1637, incluía principalmente ideias filosóficas controversas, mas os pensamentos mais radicais estavam no apêndice, uma proposta para unir a Álgebra e a Geometria.
1637, 1797, 1819,1837, 1857,1884,
1637. 1797, 1819, 1837, 1857, 1884,
But if you change your mind, there will be a bunch of people murdering each other at 1637 Benton.
Mas se mudares de ideias, vai estar um monte de gente a matar-se em 1637 Benton.
Hand over's at 1637 Camden.
A entrega vai ser no no 1637 da Camden.
1637 Camden, in Brooklyn.
Última localização, Camden, no 1637, no Brooklyn.
By January 1637, the price has doubled again.
Em janeiro de 1637, o preço volta a duplicar.
Suddenly, on February 3th 1637 at an auction in the city of Haarlem
Subitamente, a 3 de fevereiro de 1637, num leilão na cidade de Haarlem,
I need an ambulance at 1637 Sherwood Drive.
Preciso de uma ambulância. 1637, Sherwood Drive.
Five years earlier, in 1637, Rembrandt had, on commission, painted a full-length portrait of Andries de Graeff, foremost citizen of Amsterdam and very wealthy.
Deitado sob os pés de Andries, nada menos que uma luva direito de desafío.

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