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822 traduction Portugais

15 traduction parallèle
Room 822.
Quarto 822.
Snead and Mrs. Neal must've been here, Max. Yes. I'd better call the Chief, 99.
E aqui temos o quarto falso 822.
And with this wheel it'll be in 90,822 turns.
Que número devo jogar? Aconselhe-me.
Oh, yeah, we got a winner. He's only been jailed for the last 822,000 years.
Temos um vencedor, só que tem estado na prisão e de onde não sairá em 22.000 anos
Is Butterbean okay?
Butterbean é aprovadamente? 822
822 Devon, Mesquite.
822 Devon, Mesquite.
If you take into account all believers of the myth, factor in time zones, rotation of the Earth, and assume Santa travels east to west, he would have to make approximately 822.6 visits per second to reach every child.
Se tivermos em conta os que acreditam, o fuso horário, a rotação da Terra, teria de fazer 822,6 visitas por segundo.
November 822, pilot in distress!
November 822, piloto com problemas!
November 822 to ATC, I've got a problem!
November 822 para CA, tenho um problema!
November 822, squawking 7700!
November 822, mudar para o transmissor 7700!
When the guys in MIT put a volkswagen up on top of the dome of the building, people woke up and saw a car up there in the morning, or they measured a bridge by the body-lengths of somebody, let's say his name was Brian and they discovered the bridge over the Charles river was, you know, 822 Brians.
Quando o pessoal do MIT colocou um carro em cima de um prédio, as pessoas acordavam e viam um carro lá em cima, ou quando mediram uma ponte pela altura de alguém, digamos, do Brian, e descobriram que a ponte do Rio Charles tinha 822 Brians.
How many people work here? 31,822.
- Quantos trabalham aqui?
That'll do it.
- 31.822. Pode ser.
Flight 822 to Casablanca departing in five minutes.
Voo 822 para Casablanca parte dentro de 5 minutos.
I have a feeling this apartment has been tampered with.
Quarto 822 falso.

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