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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ 9 ] / 96th

96th traduction Portugais

37 traduction parallèle
- We'll get them at 96th Street.
- Apanhamo-los na estação da Rua 96.
96th Street West.
Vá até à Rua 96 Oeste.
- 96th Street.
Rua 96.
I was up on 96th Street today.
Hoje estive na 96th Street.
In the center lane, so i exited at 96th street.
Houve um desastre no Center Lane, então saí na rua 96.
96th Street.
96th Street.
Desk sergeant just got a call for a Sex Crimes detective at the 96th Street IRT.
- Sim? Ligaram a pedir um detective para um crime sexual na 96th St.
Then again I used to go to school above 96th Street.
Mas eu também ia a uma escola acima da rua 96.
96th and Broadway.
Na rua 96, em Broadway.
No, but it's on the corner of 96th and Amsterdam.
Não, mas fica na esquina da 96th com a Amsterdam.
On 96th Street.
Na rua 96.
- You are gonna be there that long because I got traffic backed up on 3rd all the way to 96th Street.
- Vais, sim senhor, porque o trânsito está cortado desde a 3rd até à 96th Street.
Well, well, well, I would like to share with everyone that Miss Rachel, before she had her license or knew anything about how to drive, managed to out-maneuver an irate, screaming cab driver all the way across 96th Street to the East River,
Bom, bom gostaria de informar as pessoas que a menina Rachel, Antes de ter carta ou mesmo saber conduzir, Conseguiu escapar-se de um taxista pela rua 96 até East River, por pouco não acertando em dois paramédicos que ajudavam uma velhinha a subir a uma coisa qualquer.
She works at the public library on 96th Street.
Trabalha na biblioteca da Rua 96.
She was a VP at a telecom company, single, just bought an apartment on West 96th.
Era vice-presidente da empresa, solteira, acabou de comprar um apartamento.
He's the best above 96th Street.
É o melhor, acima da rua 96ª.
Even if a cab was going to take me, they're not going to take me past 96th Street.
Mesmo que um táxi me leve, não sobem acima da Rua 96.
Can you make it to the 96th Street bridge in under five?
Podes chegar à ponte da Rua 96 em menos de 5 minutos?
I mean, "Fix graffiti on 96th and Amsterdam"?
Quer dizer : "Arranjar os grafíti entre a 96th e a Amsterdam"?
Yeah, as long as those citizens live below 96th Street.
Sim, desde que esses cidadãos vivam abaixo da Rua 96.
Why don't you go above 96th Street?
Porque não vais acima da Rua 96?
What's our presence past 96th Street?
Qual é a nossa presença para lá da rua 96?
Wilcox owns a garage in an industrial area where 96th meets the Calumet River.
Wilcox é dono de uma garagem na área industrial na rua 96 com o Rio Calumet.
It says right here, Riverside Park, 96th street.
Aqui diz, Riverside Park, 96th Street.
WALKER : They found him floating in the Hudson at 96th Street.
Encontraram-no a flutuar no Hudson, na 96th Street.
One under Temple Emanu-El, the other under the 96th Street Mosque.
Um debaixo do templo Emanu-El, o outro na Mesquita da rua 96.
I actually grew up in that building, 60 96th Street.
Na verdade, cresci nesse edifício. O 60E, Rua 96.
I got into hip-hop because I went to this school on 96th Street. Called Manhattan Country School.
Entrei no hip-hop porque eu fui para esta escola na rua 96 chamada Manhattan Country School.
A bus stop on 96th Street at the intersection of...
Uma paragem de autocarro na 96th Street, no cruzamento da...
96th and Sky.
- 96th com Sky.
So if Zahra was the one dropped off at 96th Street and Skyway...
Então se a Zahra foi deixada no cruzamento da 96th Street e Skyway...
Lieutenant Manville, 96th.
Tenente Manville, do 96º.
Last time, there wasn't anything left of the 96th.
Da última vez, não restou nada do 96º.
And don't give me any shit about "life is cheap above 96th Street."
E não me digas que... "a vida vale pouco acima da 96".
I was a cop, the 96th precinct.
Era polícia, da esquadra 96th.
If you entered it at 96th Street, it looked different from 101st Street, because the view is different.
Parecia diferente da 96th Street do que parecia da 101st Street, pois a vista era diferente.
The 96th...
O 96º.

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