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Aage traduction Portugais

30 traduction parallèle
" Last week Professor Aage Krger returned to his home town to tell 6 year old Mary Jensen she could be treated free of charge at the Kingdom.
"A semana passada o Prof. Aage Kruger voltou á sua cidade natal para dizer a Mary Jensen, de 6 anos, que seria tratada de graça no Reino."
O Aage.
Yes. Aage.
- Pois, o Aage...
Your crime will never be forgotten, Aage Krger.
O seu crime nunca será esquecido, Aage Krüger.
Aage Krger took my dolly away. Yesterday.
Aage Krüger roubou-me a boneca.
Lonely you must wander, night after night, because nobody will testify to Aage Krger ´ s crime.
Sozinha tens de vaguear, noite após noite, por ninguém acusar Aage Krüger do crime.
Do you know about Aage Krger, Mummy?
Conheces o Aage Krüger, mamã?
She was admitted by Dr. Aage Krger, who was her father and wanted to kill her to conceal the fact that he had a child out of wedlock.
Foi cá admitida pelo dr. Aage Krüger, que era o pai e que a queria matar para esconder o facto de ter uma filha bastarda.
Aage Krger caught up with her in an ambulance wagon, dragged her back to hospital and gave her the final, fatal dose of chlorine.
Aage Krüger foi atrás dela numa ambulância, apanhou-a, e deu-lhe a dose final e fatal de cloro.
- Aage.
Yes, Aage.
- Sim, Aage.
Thanks for lending me your pictures of Aage.
Obrigado por me emprestares os retratos do Aage.
I, Bulder Hardy Drusse, testify before God that Aage Krger killed Mary Jensen.
Eu, Bulder Hardy Drusse, testemunho perante Deus que Aage Krüger matou Mary Jensen.
I, Jørgen Hook, testify before God that Aage Krger killed Mary Jensen.
Eu, Jorgen Hook, testemunho perante Deus que Aage Krüger matou Mary Jensen.
I, Sigrid Drusse, testify before God that Aage Krger killed Mary Jensen.
Eu, Sigrid Drusse, testemunho perante Deus que Aage Krüger matou Mary Jensen.
That Aage bloke cheated you, too.
Aquele tal Aage também te enganou.
This is Aage. He was once my boyfriend.
Este é o Aage, que já foi meu namorado.
Aage Krger!
Aage Krüger...
Aage Krger killed the pastor.
Aage Krüger matou o pastor.
Has Aage Krger been here?
Aage Krüger esteve aqui?
What did Aage Krger want?
Que quer o Aage Krüger?
You don ´ t know it, but we have proof that Aage Krger is a demon.
Ainda não sabe, mas temos provas de Aage Krüger ser um demónio.
Aage said he ´ d save his life.
O Aage diz ter-lhe salvo a vida.
Aage is a demon.
O Aage é um demónio.
Aage offered to save you, and you said no.
O Aage ofereceu-se para te salvar, e recusaste.
An hour ago I was sure I ´ d do a deal with Aage.
Há uma hora estava certa que negociaria com o Aage.
Aage Krger!
Aage Krüger!
Aage ´ s roaming out there, mum So we lock our doors
O Aage anda lá fora, mãe, Tranquemos assim as portas

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