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Academy traduction Portugais

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An academy is one thing, shooting around corners is another.
Ir à escola é uma coisa, mas dobrar esquinas é outra.
Sergey Astakhov studied at the artillery academy in his hometown, Podolsk.
Sergey Astakhov estudou na escola de artilharia, na sua cidade natal, Podolsk.
He's still at the Academy.
Ele ainda está na academia.
Did my thesis on Joe Carroll at the academy.
Fiz a minha tese sobre o Joe Carroll na academia.
If you want to see this beautiful woman, captured for all time, all you need do is go to the Royal Academy.
Se quiserem ver esta mulher linda, imortalizada para sempre, só têm de se dirigir à Royal Academy.
I also try for a scholarship at the Academy of Art in Tokyo.
Também estou a tentar uma bolsa de estudos na Academia de Arte de Tóquio.
I called the Nina, at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Liguei à Nina, à Academia de Belas Artes.
Academy training? Down-state?
No treino da academia, no Sul.
- Yeah, academy regulation.
- Sim, regras da academia.
Don't they teach you anything at the police academy?
Não vos ensinam nada na academia de polícias?
He'll set up an academy and sleep with an actress.
Ele vai montar um ginásio e dormir com uma actriz.
He wrote the definitive draft of John... the Michael Mann movie that won me the Academy Award for Best Actor.
Ele escreveu o argumento do "John", o filme do Michael Mann que me valeu um Óscar de melhor ator.
Brady, as of tomorrow, my niece will be attending the exclusive, overpriced, and did I mention exclusive, dunwich preparatory academy.
Brady, a partir de amanhã, a minha sobrinha irá frequentar a exclusiva e excessivamente cara Academia Preparatória Dunwich.
You've been observing him while you've been guest-lecturing here at the academy, yes?
Tem estado a observá-lo nas palestras dele, não tem?
- Mr. Graham teaches at the Academy.
- O Sr. Graham ensina na Academia.
You wrote me a letter when you qualified for the Academy.
Escreveu-me uma carta, quando entrou na Academia.
Only one person I know of was ever documented trying to break the mirror.
Só há registo de uma pessoa que tentou partir o espelho. Professor na Manhattan Stuheim Academy, onde o quadro estava pendurado no auditório de palestras. Oliver Jefferies, em 1971.
A teacher at Manhattan's Duhame Academy, where the mirror hung in the central lecture hall. One morning he reportedly ran at the mirror with a fireplace poker, shouting about how it needed to be destroyed, but he never struck a blow.
Um dia correu para ele com atiçador de lareira, mas não conseguiu desfechar o golpe.
I used it when I joined the academy.
Usei-o quando me candidatei à Academia.
My second week out of the academy, My second week out of the academy, I had to defend myself.
Na minha segunda semana fora da Academia, tinha de me defender.
A blood test administered by the Show Choir Governing Board tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs, stripping Dalton Academy of their Sectionals title and sending Lima's own McKinley High School Show Choir to Regionals and a chance to repeat as National Champions.
Retirando o título de Seccionais à Academia de Dalton, e enviando o coro do liceu McKinley em Lima aos Regionais, e concedendo-lhes uma hipótese de voltar a ser campeões nacionais.
Yesterday when I got home, there was an envelope waiting for me, and inside was the news that I got accepted into the Brooklyn Film Academy.
Ontem quando cheguei a casa, havia um envelope à minha espera. E lá dentro, as notícias de que fui aceite na Academia de Cinema de Brooklyn.
Your mom's completely on board with you going to Brooklyn Film Academy, by the way.
A tua mãe está completamente de acordo em ires para a Academia de Cinema de Brooklyn, já agora.
The buyer... Mrs. Viola Adams from Beacon Park Music Academy.
A Sra. Viola Adams, da Academia de Música Beacon Park.
You just graduated from the academy?
Acabaste de graduar-te na academia?
Why don't you go to the academy earn your badge, make captain?
Porque não vais para a Academia, fazer por merecer o teu distintivo e chegas a Capitã?
The kid who got arrested last year for dealing at the Art Academy.
Foi preso o ano passado por tráfico de droga na Escola de Belas Artes.
"Pak Hok Kung Fu Academy"
Academia de kung-Fu Pak Hok
"Wing Chum Academy"
Academia Wing Chun
I mean, workin'with you is something we all talked about at the Academy. - Oh yeah?
Na Academia, só falam em trabalhar com o senhor.
Oh. As Mr. November in the 1998 Newark Police Academy calendar.
Senhor Novembro no calendário de 1998 da Academia de Polícia de Newark.
Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies was established as a premiere girls'finishing school in 1790.
A Academia Miss Robichaux Para Raparigas Excecionais foi fundada como colégio de raparigas em 1790.
In its heyday, the academy was home to as many as 60 girls.
No auge, a academia teve 60 raparigas.
Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies.
A Academia Miss Robichaux para Raparigas Excecionais.
You know, from what I've heard, you're just like him out of the academy.
Pelo que ouvi, és como ele era quando se formou.
And even then, Shelby put a word in for me at the academy.
Ainda assim, deu boas referências minhas na academia.
Before the Academy, I worked cleaning bathrooms in dive bars.
Antes da Academia, lavei casas de banho em bares duvidosos.
Meu pai era Xerife, daí entrei para a academia assim que saí da escola.
'Course, you don't get to wear it till you graduate from the academy, but... every time you pin it on your uniform, you'd think of your dad and what he represented.
É claro que não o podes usar até te formares na academia, mas... Sempre que usares o teu uniforme, lembra-te do teu pai e do que ele representava.
You're a lot closer to your academy days than I am. You still have your reef points memorized?
Está mais próxima dos dias de Academia do que eu.
I applied to the Police Academy.
Concorri à academia de polícia.
I mean, I-I got to get in first and then go through the academy.
Tenho de ser aceite. E depois, passar na academia.
Look, he wants to be in the police academy, and they rejected his application.
- É sobre o Evan. Ele quer entrar na academia de polícia e rejeitaram a candidatura dele.
The academy called and said I was fast-tracked.
Ligaram da academia e disseram que o processo foi acelerado.
At least that's what cadets who fail this academy think!
Pelo menos, é isso que acham os cadetes que reprovaram.
Looks like they'll let anybody in the police academy these days.
Parece que agora deixam qualquer um entrar na academia.
I know a lot of people don't want you in the academy because of your brother.
Sei que muitas pessoas não te querem aqui por causa do teu irmão.
When I got out of the academy, I realised it was nothing but rules.
Deves compreender o meu desânimo quando saí da academia e percebi que eram só regras.
Not only am I about to graduate, but I got a recruitment letter from Greenwood Academy.
Não só estou prestes a formar-me, como também recebi uma carta de recrutamento da Academia de Greenwood.
What's Greenwood Academy?
- O que é a Academia Greenwood?
Well... first you go to the police academy, get your diploma. They give you a gun.

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