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Anything you want to talk about traduction Portugais

175 traduction parallèle
If there is anything you want to talk about. I'll just listen. Alright?
Se quiseres falar de alguma coisa, diz, que eu ouço.
We can talk about anything you want to talk about.
Podemos falar sobre tudo o que queiras falar.
Listen, Christina, if there's, if there's ever anything you want to talk about... about what might be going on at home or whatever... you know that I'm here, okay?
Ouve, Christina, se houver algo que queiras falar do que possa acontecer em casa, ou do que for, Sabes que estou aqui, ok?
Anything you want to talk about?
Queres falar sobre isso?
is there anything you want to talk about?
Queres falar de alguma coisa?
Anything you want to talk about?
Alguma coisa que queiras falar?
Anytime there's anything you want to talk about.
Sempre que quiser falar de qualquer coisa.
We're pretty jammed up out there so unless there's anything you want to talk about, sign the bottom of the form.
Óptimo. Estamos cheios de trabalho, por isso, a não ser que queiras falar de alguma coisa, assina aí.
Mom, if there's ever anything you want to talk about with me, you can.
Mãe, se quiseres conversar comigo estás à vontade.
He can talk to you about anything you want to talk about.
- Dr. Marks. Ele pode falar contigo sobre qualquer coisa que queiras.
Anything you want to talk about?
Queres desabafar?
If there's anything you want to talk about... anything you wanna get off your chest, then I'm here for you.
Se quiseres falar de alguma coisa, se quiseres desabafar, podes contar comigo.
Anything you want to talk about?
Tens alguma coisa importante para me dizeres?
Anything you want to talk about? Mm-mmm.
Algo que queiras falar?
If there's ever anything you want to talk about... there's me, but if you'd rather, I can write you a pass to see the social worker.
Se queres falar de algum assunto estou aqui, mas se preferires, posso arranjar um passe para falares com a assistente social.
So, is there anything you want to talk about? Do you have any questions?
- Então, quer falar ou perguntar algo?
Anything you want to talk about?
Queres falar sobre alguma coisa?
I'm sure we won't talk about anything you don't want to talk about.
Tenho a certeza de que não falaremos daquilo que não quiseres falar
Was there, uh, anything in particular that you want to talk to me about, Miss Prudy?
Tem... algo especial que queira falar?
I will talk to you as often as you want, for as long as you want about anything you want.
Falo consigo quantas vezes quiser, por quanto tempo quiser, sobre o que quiser.
All right, I don't want to talk to you about anything.
Bom, não tenho a intenção de falar contigo sobre nada.
Listen, is there anything that, you know, you want to talk about that's bothering you?
Queres falar sobre alguma coisa que te esteja a aborrecer?
But if you see anything, I want you to talk to me about it.
Mas se vires alguma coisa, quero que me fales sobre isso.
You never want to talk about anything!
Não queres falar do assunto e não deixas que os outros o façam.
And if there should be anything at all that you wanna talk about then I want you to come to me or to us.
Se houver alguma coisa sobre a qual queiras falar quero que te dirijas a mim, ou a nós.
If you want to talk about anything...
Se quiseres desabafar, vem falar com a tua mãe.
But I want you to talk to me about anything, okay?
Mas quero que fales comigo sobre tudo, está bem?
Are you sure there isn't anything you want to talk to me about? Like, why Sammy never comes near you any more.
Tipo, porque é que o Sammy não se aproxima de ti.
You know, if you ever got a problem anything at all you want to talk about you know where to find me, don't you?
Sabes, se alguma vez tiveres problemas... alguma coisa de que queiras falar... sabes onde me encontrar, não sabes?
I thought maybe if there's anything I can do for you anything you'd like to talk about I want you to know I'm here, I'm available.
Pensei talvez se haveria alguma coisa que eu pudesse fazer por si alguma coisa de que gostasse de falar quero que saiba que estou aqui. Estou à sua disposiçäo.
- No. You never want to talk about anything.
- Nunca queres falar sobre nada.
If you have any questions or if you want to talk about anything at all...
Ou queres falar de outro assunto?
Are you taking anything? I don't want to talk about my cold.
Não quero falar sobre a minha constipação.
All right but if you want to talk about anything I'll be here...
Está bem, mas se quiseres falar sobre o que for, vou estar...
Bright is there anything you want to talk to me about?
Bright... queres falar-me sobre alguma coisa?
Do you want to talk about anything?
Queres conversar sobre alguma coisa?
Things aren't as solid between us as they used to be but I'm still here for you if you want to talk about anything.
As coisas não estão tão sólidas como dantes, mas podes contar comigo, se quiseres desabafar.
I just want you to know... that you can talk to us about anything... anything at all.
Eu só quero que saibas... que podes falar connosco sobre qualquer coisa... qualquer coisa mesmo.
- So is there anything you want... to talk to me about?
- Há alguma coisa que queiras... discutir comigo?
If you don't want to talk about anything, and if you prefer to insist there, that's fine too.
Se não queres falar sobre nada e preferes ficar sentado, por mim, está tudo bem.
You don't want to talk to me about anything?
- Não queres falar comigo?
Don't you want to talk about anything?
Queres falar de alguma coisa?
Is there anything you want to talk to me about?
Queres falar comigo sobre alguma coisa?
Look, if you want to talk about anything... my door's always open.
Se queres falar sobre alguma coisa a minha porta está sempre aberta.
And I just, I just want you to know that if you ever want to talk about anything I would really like that.
E eu só, eu só quero que saiba que se quiser falar qualquer coisa para mim, eu adoraria isso.
I can talk to you about anything that I want.
Posso falar contigo sobre o que quiser.
If there's anything you want to talk to me about, you can.
Tem alguma coisa que você quer me falar?
I can start and you can talk about anything at all you want to talk about.
Eu posso começar e tu podes falar sobre o que quiseres.
You can talk to me about anything you want.
Podes falar comigo sobre o que quiseres.
I just wanted to say if there's... if... if there's ever anything that you need or... or you want to talk about, mate... I mean it, yeah.
Só te queria dizer que se houver... se houver... alguma coisa que necessites... ou se quiseres falar comigo falo a sério, sim.
You can talk to her about anything you want. Anything.
Podes falar com ela sobre tudo o que quiseres.

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