Because you're afraid traduction Portugais
352 traduction parallèle
You "re afraid to look at me because I" m alive.
Tem medo de olhar para mim porque estou vivo.
You " re still afraid of him because he used to roar at you like a brass bull.
Ainda tem medo dele porque urrava para você como um boi.
I can't have you because you're afraid.
Eu queria-te todo só para mim, mas não posso ter-te, porque tens mêdo.
You don't want to trust yourself... because you're afraid you love her too.
Não queres acreditar nisso, porque tens medo de a amares também.
There'll always be more, Wes, because you'll always have to prove you're not afraid.
Sempre haverá mais, Wes, porque você sempre terá que provar que não tem medo.
You're running away from something important because you're afraid.
Está fugindo de algo importante porque tem medo.
- Because you're afraid of the truth.
- Porque temes a verdade.
Is it because you're afraid of Cassidy?
Estás com medo do Cassidy?
You'd be afraid not to shoot because you're a strutter and a braggart and Manty's watching you.
Dar-te-ia medo se não disparasses. Porque és um arrogante, valentão. E a Manty está a olhar.
If you're really afraid of dying... you'd be living in a funk all the rest of your life... because you know you've got to go someday, any day.
Se você tem medo de morrer... vai viver um dilema a vida toda... porque todos têm que morrer um dia.
It does now because you're afraid.
Só agora pensas nisso porque tens medo!
"Fear is your weakness, because you're afraid to die!"
O medo é sua fraqueza, porque voce tem medo de morrer! Nao!
You're afraid to look at me because I'm alive.
Tens medo de olhar para mim, porque estou vivo.
You're still afraid of him because he used to roar at you like a brass bull.
Ainda tens medo dele, porque ralhava contigo como um touro.
Because you're afraid of them.
Porque tens medo deles.
If you apologize because you ´ re afraid then you ´ re a child, not a man.
Se pedir desculpa porque tem medo então é uma criança, não um homem.
Remember that! Because you're afraid of me!
Lembra-te disso!
You're trying to shake me up on purpose because you're afraid.
Estàs a tentar abalar-me de propósito, porque tens medo.
You think small, because you're afraid to think big.
Pensa assim porque tem medo de pensar em grande.
Because you're only afraid of him.
Você só tem medo dele.
Because you're afraid Jason Norman knows how much money you and your men have stolen from him.
Porque temias que Jason Norman sabia quanto dinheiro... tu e os teus homens roubaram dele.
You're early because you're afraid the wing will fall off.
Chegaste cedo porque tens medo que a asa caia.
It's because you're afraid to go to the Devil's Mane?
Tens medo da Crina do Diabo?
That's because you guys are so bad, they're afraid of you.
Isso é porque vocês são tão maus que eles têm medo.
And you're more alive at this moment than you have ever been in your entire life! Because you are afraid.
Está mais vivo que nunca porque tem medo.
You won't appear because you're a devil outta hell, and you're afraid.
É um diabo fora do Inferno, e está com medo.
Because you're afraid to let anybody hear you.
Porque tens medo que te oiçam.
- Because you're afraid.
- Porque voce tem medo.
And now you're afraid because you know the big part of you is a wolf that has the courage to bite off its hand to escape from the trap of the wrong love.
E agora tem receio porque sabe que a grande parte de si, a do lobo, que tem coragem para morder a mão para escapar da armadilha do mau amor.
Because you're so hung up on money, I was afraid I'd never know how you felt about me.
És tão obcecado por dinheiro que tive medo de nunca saber o que sentias por mim.
You don't want to admit it because you're afraid.
Não queres admitir porque tens medo.
You know he probably just wants you to dive, because you're afraid of diving.
Você sabe que ele só quer que você mergulhe, porque você teme mergulhar.
Are you really in love with this woman or are you trying to love her because you're afraid of ending up alone?
Estás realmente apaixonado por esta mulher ou estás a tentar amá-la porque tens medo de acabares sozinho?
Because you think you're not afraid?
Porque pensa que não tem medo?
- I just really want a relationship. - You want a relationship... Because you're afraid.
- Quer uma relação... porque tem medo.
If you want me off the case because you're afraid of taking on Alcatraz that's your choice.
Se me demitir por ter medo de Alcatraz, a escolha é sua.
Just because you're afraid to die for what you believe in,
Só porque tu tens medo de morrer a lutar pelo que tu acreditas,
Because you're afraid of what someone else might do in your place.
Porque tem medo do que outra pessoa no seu lugar poderia fazer.
You're afraid to die because you fear God's judgement.
Tens medo de morrer porque receias o julgamento de Deus.
Because you love me? Or because you're afraid of what I know?
porque me amas ou porque tens medo do que eu sei?
I say this- - you live with humans because you're afraid to live with Klingons.
Digo isto : vive com os humanos porque tem medo de viver com os klingons.
You're in the basement because they're afraid of you. 0f your relentlessness.
Estás na cave porque eles têm medo de ti. Da tua implacabilidade.
You'll never have that kind of relationship in a world... where you're always afraid to take the first step... because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road.
Nunca terás nenhuma enquanto receares dar tu o primeiro passo e só vires no futuro tudo quanto há de negativo.
You're afraid of Bud because you can't figure out how to play him.
Você teme o Bud porque não sabe como manipulá-lo.
So you don't have to be afraid of who you are... because you're beautiful.
Por isso, não deve recear saber quem é, porque é muito belo.
The reason I never looked you up was because... I was afraid you'd react... just like the way you're reacting now.
A razão por que nunca te procurei foi porque... ... tinha medo que reagisses... ... tal como estás a reagir agora.
You're afraid to go because Frank Grimes will be there, aren't you?
Tens medo de ir trabalhar porque está lá o Frank Grimes.
Your wife because she cooks for you and relieves you of your sperm and gives you children to look after you when you're old and afraid to die.
E à tua mulher porque cozinha para ti... te esvazia os quilhões e te dá filhos que cuidem de ti quando ficares velho, e tenhas medo de morrer.
- You don't want to talk because you're afraid.
- Não queres falar porque tens medo.
You did it because you're afraid to be alone.
Fizeste-o porque tiveste medo de ficar sozinho.
Because you're afraid the truth will send me running?
Porque tens medo se me disseres a verdade eu fuja?
because you're stupid 16
because you're my friend 21
because you're right 26
because you're here 18
because you're not 32
because you're 65
you're afraid 164
you're afraid of him 17
afraid 243
afraid of what 60
because you're my friend 21
because you're right 26
because you're here 18
because you're not 32
because you're 65
you're afraid 164
you're afraid of him 17
afraid 243
afraid of what 60
afraid so 143
afraid not 147
because 7201
because i'm happy 21
because of you 630
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because i don't 101
afraid not 147
because 7201
because i'm happy 21
because of you 630
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because i don't 101
because if you don't 161
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because i'm 96
because i don't care 17
because i am 105
because i'm a woman 25
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because i'm 96
because i don't care 17
because i am 105
because i'm a woman 25
because it's true 90
because if 20