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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ C ] / Chadwick

Chadwick traduction Portugais

199 traduction parallèle
A Dr. Chadwick.
Um Dr. Chadwick.
Our boy Chadwick!
- Quem? - Nosso menino Chadwick!
My boy's home from the war!
É o Chadwick! O meu menino voltou da guerra!
Oh, Chadwick, my boy! Hiya, Mom!
Chadwick, meu rapaz!
Don't worry, Mr. Chadwick.
Não se preocupe, Sr. Chadwick.
We must give a welcome-home party for Chadwick, daddy, and it could be for Jack, too.
- "Oui, oui", patroa. Temos que dar uma festa de recepção para o Chadwick. E pro Jack, também.
Oh, I know you're right, daddy, but if I don't tell myself there was a war, I have a most depressing feeling Chadwick's just wasted 2 years.
Mas se não digo a mim mesma que houve guerra fico com a sensação que o Chadwick desperdiçou dois anos.
Chadwick, sweet boy.
Chadwick, meu querido!
Chadwick's a growing boy, Fred, and I don't think it proper for his daddy to give him intoxicating libations.
Jack... O Chadwick ainda está crescendo, e não me parece bem dar a ele bebidas inebriantes.
I think it would be much impressier if you wore your uniform with all the medals you won.
Chadwick, acho que causaria mais sensação se você vestisse a farda com as medalhas que ganhou.
Now, Chadwick, we might as well have an understanding right off.
Vamos ver se nos entendemos logo, desde o princípio.
That's Mr. Chadwick. Quick, cover it up, Ping Pong.
Este é o Sr. Chadwick.
Where's Chadwick? He's on the telephone.
- Onde está o Chadwick?
I consented to engage your beach boys to provide music for your party, but I will not...
- Ora, Chadwick... Concordei que os seus amigos tocassem na festa, mas...
If you want me back in time, let's not start anything now, please. Chadwick?
Mãe, se quer que eu volte na hora, não comece a discutir, por favor!
Yes? Fix your tie.
Chadwick, arrume a gravata.
Oh, that's nice, Chadwick.
Que simpático, Chadwick.
Are you going to stay for Chadwick's party, Miss Duval? I'd like to very much.
- Vai ficar para a festa do Chadwick, senhorita Duval?
But then I realized it couldn't be, because we don't have a dog.
Achava que era o Chadwick entrando mas percebi que não podia ser, pois não temos cachorro.
Morning, Chadwick.
Bom dia.
Oh, Chadwick, how could you?
- Oh, Chadwick. Como pôde?
Oh, you are all right, aren't you, Chadwick?
Está bem, não está?
Uh, Mel Chadwick?
Uh, Mel Chadwick?
Mr. Chadwick, I don't believe you've met my husband. - Hello.
Sr. Chadwick, creio que não conhece o meu marido.
Mr. Chadwick!
Sr. Chadwick!
Mr. Chadwick, just grab my hand!
Sr. Chadwick, segure a minha mão!
Mel Chadwick is on the verge of pneumonia,
Mel Chadwick está à beira de uma pneumonia,...
You can pour Mr Chadwick's coffee now, Charles.
- Pode servir o café do Sr. Chadwick.
I told him that if he continues to see you, his employment with Ellison Chadwick will be terminated. What?
Disse-lhe que se continuar a ver-te contra a minha vontade, perderá o emprego na Ellison Chadwick.
If your name wasn't Chadwick and you didn't have all of this... do you really think that Peter Hamilton would give you a second look?
Se o teu apelido não fosse Chadwick e se não tivesses tudo isto achas mesmo que o Peter Hamilton olharia duas vezes para ti?
- Yes, Miss Chadwick?
- Sim, Miss Chadwick?
I'd planned to, ma'am, but if you'd like me to stay...
Era o que eu tinha planeado, Miss Chadwick. - Mas se quiser que eu fique...
'We found a key ring in the bushes.
Encontrámos um porta-chaves nos arbustos, Miss Chadwick.
'Obviously a mistake, Miss Chadwick.'
Obviamente, um erro, Miss Chadwick.
What time did you go to bed tonight?
A que horas se deitou esta noite, Miss Chadwick?
Or did Miss Chadwick telephone you after she shot her brother?
Miss Chadwick telefonou-lhe depois de ter atingido o irmão?
It's a little involved... Miss Chadwick and I have been seeing each other and Bryce objected.
É complicado mas Miss Chadwick e eu temo-nos encontrado.
Miss Chadwick, are these your brother's keys? - Yes.
Miss Chadwick, estas chaves são do seu irmão?
Now, Miss Chadwick, you said you went to bed at 9 : 30, right? Yes.
Miss Chadwick, disse que se deitou às 21 h30m, certo?
Gentlemen, we'll be available for questioning tomorrow. I'd like to see that Miss Chadwick gets some rest. Right.
Senhores, poderão interrogar-nos amanhã mas agora, gostava que Miss Chadwick pudesse descansar.
I have before me the verdict of the coroner's jury in the matter of Bryce Chadwick, deceased.
Tenho diante de mim o veredicto da junta médica relativamente a Bryce Chadwick, falecido.
Oh, daddy, Jack, it's Chadwick!
Papai! Jack!
Hello, Mr. Chadwick.
Olá, Sr. Chadwick.
Now that Chadwick's home,
Oh, they are not musicians, Chadwick.
- São a melhor banda da ilha.
They're just beach boys.
- Não são músicos, Chadwick.
I woke up when I heard our dog barking, and I thought Chadwick was coming in then.
Acordei com o nosso cão latindo.
Morning, Mr. Chadwick.
Bom dia, Sr. Chadwick.
I fail to comprehend you, Chadwick.
Não te entendo.
Are you Mrs Chadwick?
É a Sr.ª Chadwick?

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