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Chappie traduction Portugais

237 traduction parallèle
- Could we just have a photograph... Oh, I say! There's the French chappie.
- Podemos tirar uma fotografia consigo...
They'll find this strangler chappie pretty soon and they'll... Of all the cowardly shits!
Que cobardes!
Dippy Burke and Limehouse Chappie from New York.
O Dippy Burke e o Limehouse Chappie de New York.
it's that undertaker chappie going to the cafe.
O cangalheiro vai outra vez ao café.
Call me Chappie.
Chame-me de Chappie.
- You want a Pepsi, Chappie? - Yeah.
- Quere uma Pepsi, Chappie?
Me and Chappie?
Eu e o Chappie?
Please, it's Al.
Por favor, Chappie, é Al.
Chappie, you finish up ballistics and the autopsy report.
Chappie, tu cuidas da balística e do relatório da autópsia.
Come on, Chappie.
Vá lá, Chappie.
Look, Chappie, I know my people like you know yours.
Olha, Chappie, eu conheço a minha gente como tu conheces a tua.
Al, Chappie told you about him and Brennan being tight.
Al, o Chappie contou-te sobre ele e o Brennan serem muito chegados.
I heard about you when I was still at the Academy, and Chappie's told me.
Ouvi falar de ti quando ainda estava na Academia e o Chappie contou-me.
Chappie knows it, too.
- Sim, o Chappie sabe disso também.
Remember a couple of years ago?
Chappie, lembras-te de há alguns anos atrás?
They're looking to hurt me, Chappie.
Eles querem acabar comigo, Chappie.
Christ, who can trust a narc, Chappie?
Cristo, quem confia num agente dos narcóticos, Chappie?
I trust you, Chappie.
Eu confio em ti, Chappie.
That's the truth, Chappie.
Essa é a verdade, Chappie.
- Chappie, it's me.
- Chappie, sou eu.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Falo contigo amanhã. - Chappie.
- Chappie. I'm all shook up.
Estou completamente chocado.
You can trust Chappie and Valentin, they didn't have to tell you.
Sabes que podes confiar no Chappie e no Valentin. Não precisavam de to dizer.
Chappie, you said that if Brennan came up dirty, you won't take him in.
Disseste que se o Brennan estivesse envolvido, não gostarias de o prender.
- You're a cop, Chappie.
- Tu és um polícia, Chappie.
You're a natural shadow, Chappie, invisible in the night.
És uma sombra natural, Chappie, invisível na noite.
I'll ask you straight.
Chappie, vou fazer-te uma pergunta directa.
I had to ask, that's all.
Chappie, eu tinha de perguntar, isso é tudo.
No, Chappie.
Não, Chappie.
And three, no Chappie.
E terceiro, sem o Chappie, certo?
You won't, Chappie.
Não vais, Chappie.
I always said you was the whitest nigger I ever knew, Chappie.
Eu sempre disse que eras o negro mais branco que eu conhecia, Chappie.
Shit, Chappie.
Merda, Chappie.
- He knows nothing.
- Não sabe mais do que o Chappie.
Não, o barman dizia-nos.
Já vem um homem dos serviços secretos para os interrogar.
- São os donos do café onde eu estava, em Nouvion.
i say, carstairs, that cafe chappie's up there dropping something down his trousers!
Está o empregado do café a mandar alguma coisa das calças.
i've just been talking to the cafe chappie. he's wheeling out his old mother-in-law in a minute, with some homemade soup. she'll pour it down the grate for you.
Estive a falar com o dono do café, ele virá com a sogra e vai dar-vos sopa através da cadeira.
And I thought you were such a quiet chappie.
E pensava eu que eras um rapaz atinado.
Earlier today, he beat up and robbed old Chappie Hardy down at the Circle K.
Ainda hoje ele espancou e roubou o velho Chappie Hardy, no Circle K.
- A little while ago Chappie died.
- O Chappie morreu há pouco.
Bravo, chappie!
Bravo, rapaz!
This, um... This chappie with a knife, for instance.
Este indivíduo aqui com a faca, por exemplo.
This, um... Oz chappie, he's all right?
O tal Oz, ele está bem?
Thank you, Chappie.
Obrigado, Chappie.
Still going out with that publishing chappie?
Ainda andas com aquele tipo da editora?
Don't look at me, chappie.
Não olhes pra mim, pá.
Charlie Ponzi, Yellow Kid Weil, Limehouse Chappie, the High Ass kid.
Charlie Ponzi, Yellow Kid Weil, Limehouse Chappie, the High Ass kid.

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