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Chief inspector traduction Portugais

884 traduction parallèle
It was at the chief inspector's dinner last year at the hotel. I was a little drunk. Lt. Columbo.
Foi no jantar do Inspector Chefe, eu estava um pouco bêbedo, Tenente Columbo.
Porfiry is my name. Chief Inspector.
Chamo-me Porfiry, Inspetor Geral.
The Chief Inspector of Police of our own city wanted to know who wrote it.
O inspetor da polícia da nossa cidade queria saber quem o escreveu.
This is Captain Porfiry, Chief Inspector of all the Police.
Este é o Comandante Porfiry, inspetor da polícia.
Bernie Ohls, the chief inspector, said you wanted to see me.
Foi o Bernie Ohls que me disse para vir cá.
- This is Chief Inspector Ambrose.
- É o Inspector-chefe Ambrose.
I'm Chief Inspector Hubbard... in charge of criminal investigation of this division.
Sou o Inspector Chefe Hubbard, encarregado da investigação criminal desta divisão.
Chief inspector here.
Fala o inspector chefe.
- Chief Inspector as of last month.
- Inspector Chefe desde o mês passado.
Chief Inspector?
Inspector Chefe?
- Oh, in here, Chief Inspector.
- Oh, por aqui, Inspector Chefe.
I now call Chief Inspector Hearne, Criminal Investigation Department,
Agora convoco o Inspector Chefe Hearne, do Departamento de Investigação Criminal,
- Chief Inspector Hearne.
- Inspector Chefe Hearne.
Among the witnesses you have heard Chief Inspector Hearne, who has given his testimony in a fair and impartial manner, as he always does.
Dentre as testemunhas vocês ouviram o Inspector Chefe Hearne, Que deu o seu testemunho de maneira justa e imparcial, como sempre faz nestes casos.
I'm Chief Inspector Gregg. This is Sergeant Miller.
Sou o Inspector-Chefe Gregg.
Put me on to Chief Inspector Pizzi, please
Queria falar com o delegado chefe, o delegado Pizzi!
Chief inspector, I am always myself.
Inspector-Chefe, eu estou sempre em mim.
Shouldn't we at least have tried to convince the chief inspector?
Não devíamos ter tentado convencer o Inspector-Chefe?
Policemen, Mr. Stringer, particularly our good friend Chief Inspector Craddock are only convinced by proven fact.
Os polícias, Sr. Stringer, especialmente o nosso amigo, o Inspector-Chefe Craddock, só se convencem com factos provados.
That is hardly gallant, chief inspector.
- Que falta de elegância, Inspector!
That'll keep the chief inspector out of mischief and give me a free hand.
Assim, o Inspector não é enganado e eu fico com liberdade.
The way lies before you, chief inspector.
O caminho também está à sua frente, Inspector-Chefe.
- Cancel it? That'll break a tradition, chief inspector.
Isso vai quebrar uma tradição, Inspector-Chefe!
Not really, chief inspector.
Nem por isso, Inspector-Chefe.
As soon as you're compos mentis, chief inspector the captain would like to see you on a matter of utmost urgency.
Assim que estiver lúcido, Sr. Inspector, o capitão de mar-e-guerra quer falar consigo com urgência.
Chief inspector.
- Inspector-Chefe!
Chief inspector, do you know who threw that rock?
Inspector-Chefe, sabe quem atirou aquela pedra?
Now don't be petty, chief inspector.
Não seja mesquinho, Inspector-Chefe.
Are you quite comfortable, chief inspector?
Sente-se confortável, Inspector-Chefe?
I think you've heard enough, chief inspector.
Acho que já ouviu o suficiente, Inspector-Chefe.
My goodness, the chief inspector.
Meu Deus, o Inspector-Chefe. Rápido, o convés!
I thought you might like to know that as a result of my work on this case, I'm to be promoted. Chief inspector.
Como resultado do meu trabalho neste caso, vou ser promovido a Inspector-Chefe.
Chief inspector.
Chief Inspector Morand from Paris.
O Inspetor Morand de Paris.
Inspector Hauser, Hamburg Police. While Chief Inspector Morand is with Interpol.
Inspetor Hauser, da polícia de Hamburgo, e o Inspetor Chefe Morand, da Interpol.
Chief Inspector MeIoutis.
Inspector-Pricipal Méloutis...
Him play Chief Inspector Hardy.
Ele fazer de inspector-chefe Hardy.
And now, here is chief inspector jean-paul zatapathique With the winning song, once again.
E agora, o inspector-chefe Jean-Paul Zatapathique com a canção vencedora, mais uma vez.
I studied ballistics 20 years ago with Marchand, who's now Chief Inspector of Internal Affairs. IAD.
Estudei balística durante 20 anos com Comissário Marchand, que agora é o Inspector Chefe dos Serviços Internos.
State Security Chief Inspector Kolp on line three.
O inspetor Kolp, chefe da Segurança de Estado está na linha três.
The chief inspector means there'd still be a doubt.
O que o inspector chefe quer dizer é que sempre haverá dúvidas.
Put him on. Yes, Chief Inspector Oxford speaking.
Inspector-Chefe Oxford.
I even told that Chief Inspector, but he didn't believe a word, did he?
Disse ao Inspector Chefe. Ele não acreditou.
Chief Inspector Goitreau.
Inspetor na Chefia Goitreau.
Oh, thank you, Chief Inspector.
If you want to argue, take it up with the chief himself, Inspector Craddock.
Se queres discutir, fala com o Inspector Craddock.
Thirty-three, chief inspector.
I take it from your tone, inspector, that you did not have second thoughts about seeing the chief constable yesterday.
Deduzo, pelo seu tom, que nem sequer pensou duas vezes em ir falar ontem com o Chefe da Polícia.
Mr. Chief of Police!
Senhor Inspector da Gendarmaria!
General Missou, chief of military police.
General Missou, Inspector da Gendarmaria.
Mr. Chief of Police!
Sr. Inspector da Gendarmaria!

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