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Choking traduction Portugais

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Choking you in the mouth.
Sufocando-te na boca.
He's choking!
Está a asfixiar!
- Aaah! It's choking me!
- Está-me a asfixiar.
Lex, you're choking me.
Lex, estás a sufocar-me.
Oh, he's choking.
Ele engasgou.
He's choking!
Ele engasgou!
- He's choking here!
- Ele engasgou!
- Mrs Doubtfire, he's choking!
- Sra. Doubtfire, ele engasgou!
Back smoke binding you and choking you and making you vomit and the French come out of the smoke
Fumo negro a cegar-vos e a asfixiar-vos, e fazer-vos vomitar, e os franceses aparecem por entre o fumo.
The fungus is choking the city.
Os fungos estão a sufocar a cidade.
Just coming out the top of her dress. They were choking her.
Saiam-lhe pelo decote.
It's choking me!
Está a sufocar-me!
The bloody rein's choking her.
O freio está a sufocá-la...
Conley was choking on the valuation.
O Conley embirrou com a avaliação.
It's choking everything.
Está a sufocar tudo.
lchthycola Fiorentini was an honest merchant who lived in Tuscany in the eleventh century, who discovered his religious vocation the day he almost died choking on a sea-bream bone ; his selfless wife saved his life by extracting the bone ; but those instants of panic made a tremendous impression on him ; lchthycola had never seen death from so close up or his wife either.
Don lctícola Fiorentini foi um honesto mercador que viveu em Toscana no século onze, que descubriu sua vocação religiosa no dia que quase morre engasgado com uma espinha de besugo ; sua abnegada esposa salvou sua vida extraindo a espinha ; mas nesses instantes de pânico lhe causaram uma tremenda impressão ; lctícola nunca havia visto de tão perto a morte nem a sua esposa.
And now you're choking.
E, agora, engasgas-te.
You're choking!
Está a engasgar-se!
Then the mugger, he comes to, and he starts choking me.
Mas o assaltante recupera a consciência e começa a esganar-me.
We need help. Mr Arden's choking to death!
O Sr. Arden está a sufocar.
- What, the choking?
- O tipo a sufocar?
He's choking to death!
Ele está a sufocar!
- What, the choking?
- O quê, o engasgo?
- Why, you little- - - [Choking ] - [ Class] Ooh.
Seu... - Homer!
You're choking me!
Está a sufocar-me!
Are we gonna feel like we're, you know, choking?
Vamos ter a sensação de estar a sufocar?
- Smoke's choking the engine. I gotta land.
- O fumo está a afogar o motor.
It seemed that something was choking.
Agiu como se a tentassem estrangular.
That's right. I was choking the bishop, chafing the carrot. You know, saying "hi" to my monster.
Ou uma pívea, se preferes, dava uma esfrega ao pau, dizia olá ao colega de baixo.
He's choking!
Ele está a sufocar!
Jason Castalano's choking on his retainer.
Jason Castalano está engasgado com o aparelho.
Because your wife was choking.
A sua esposa estava a sufocar.
Then the mugger, he comes to, and he starts choking me.
Vai o arruaceiro, vem direito a mim e começa a estrafegar-me.
- I'm choking.
- Estou a sufocar!
When we arrived, you were a weak, contemplative race choking on your isolation and now you have a new confidence a whole new sense of purpose not to mention a key role in the future of this entire Quadrant.
Quando chegámos, vocês eram uma raça fraca e contemplativa, asfixiada pelo vosso isolamento. E agora têm uma confiança renovada e novos objetivos, sem falar no papel fundamental no futuro de todo o Quadrante.
- Choking on a sandwich!
- Sufocada com uma sanduíche.
If she was so happy being fat, Jamie, why did she die choking on a sandwich? Eh?
Se fosse assim, Jamie... porque ela morreu sufocada com um sanduíche?
You ´ re choking me!
Estás a sufocar-me!
Laughing and choking looked the same on Clarence. He drowned.
Riso e asfixia tinham a mesma expressão para Clarence.
You're choking the baby. As long as I pay the bills, I do what I want at this table.
Enquanto for eu a pagar as contas, faço o que quiser à mesa.
He's choking on the fish.
Ele está a sufocar com o peixe.
He's choking!
Este senhor está a sufocar!
Something was choking him.
Algo estava a sufocá-lo.
- The 217 lady. Then she was choking me, and I couldn't breathe.
Apertou-me o pescoço e eu não conseguia respirar.
Duke, how's he supposed to talk when you're choking him like that?
Duke, como é que ele pode falar quando o está sufocando.
[Dharma] I fieel like choking herscrawny little neck untilshe begs fior mercy!
Só quero apertar-lhe o gasganete até ela implorar misericórdia!
- Who said anything about choking?
- Quem disse que sufoquei?
We got a kid choking!
Temos um miúdo a sufocar.
You're choking me.
Estás a esganar-me.
He's choking to death!
Está a sufocar.
- He's choking!
- Está a sufocar!

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