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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ C ] / Compton

Compton traduction Portugais

517 traduction parallèle
Car B at Atlantic and Compton, bearing 244 degrees.
Carro B na Atlantic e Compton, com um ângulo de 244 graus.
- Sergeant Compton, sir. ROPER :
- Sargento Compton, senhor.
- Lieutenant Compton, ma'am. - How do you do?
Primeiro-tenente Compton.
If you want to cause trouble, Compton, now isn't the time.
Se quer arranjar sarilhos, Compton, esta não é a altura certa.
O Compton!
It might help if I could establish who was the last to see Compton alive.
Quem foi a última pessoa a ter visto o Compton vivo?
The last person to see Lieutenant Compton...
A última pessoa a tê-lo visto vivo...
Did Lt. Compton have any enemies you're aware of?
- O Compton tinha alguns inimigos?
It's quite true that Compton and I hadn't been getting on very well lately.
É verdade que o Compton e eu não nos temos dado bem.
It was because Compton was always making up to Shirley.
O Compton estava sempre a atirar-se à Shirley...
Well, then I suppose it was the nefarious activities of the wretched Compton and his misguided lads that Mr. Ffolly-Hardwicke found out.
Acho que foram as vis actividades do malvado Compton e dos seus desviados rapazes que o Sr. Folly Hardwicke descobriu.
- So Compton silenced Ffolly-Hardwicke?
Então, o Compton silenciou o Folly Hardwicke.
Well, then who killed Compton? - Well...
E quem matou o Compton?
Compton murdered Ffolly-Hardwicke to procure his silence.
O Compton matou o Hardwicke para conseguir o seu silêncio.
Compton's accomplice murdered him to procure the loot. Two murderers.
O cúmplice do Compton assassinou - o a ele para conseguir o saque.
Surely Compton's accomplice would have chosen a more discreet way of disposing of his partner in crime.
Realmente? O cúmplice do Compton teria escolhido uma forma mais discreta de se ver livre do seu parceiro de crime.
I strongly suspect there is only one murderer. That he killed both Ffolly-Hardwicke and Compton from a motive that we don't yet know of. A motive of his own.
Tenho fortes suspeitas de que há apenas um assassino, que matou o Folly Hardwicke e o Compton por uma razão que ainda não conhecemos.
I found this envelope in Compton's sea chest. It had been steamed open.
Encontrei este envelope na arca do Compton, e foi aberto com vapor.
Why should Compton wish to intercept a communication to the trustees?
Porque quereria o Compton interceptar uma carta para os provedores?
On the back, these figures. Some sort of calculation probably by Compton. But see here the number 33.
Na parte de trás estão uns números, um género de cálculos, talvez do Compton, mas aqui está o número 33.
We're already pursing it.
O Compton foi morto pelo seu cúmplice.
I admit the girl must have been the accomplice. She must've been the one who took the loot from Compton's cabin. But I still think Humbert's mixed up in it somehow.
Admito que a rapariga deve ter sido a cúmplice que levou o saque da guarita do Compton, mas ainda acho que o Humbert está envolvido.
You know, it may be she made up to him deliberately in order to gain entrée into these houses so as to, as you would put it, case the joints for her real paramour Compton.
Pode ser que ela se tenha atirado deliberadamente a ele para ganhar entrada nestas casas para que, como diz,'juntar os trapinhos'com o verdadeiro amante, Compton.
I found this envelope in Compton's cabin after his death.
Encontrei este envelope na guarita do Compton depois da morte dele.
I think it was this swindle that Mr. Ffolly-Hardwicke stumbled upon. So did Compton who then added to his list of crimes, blackmail.
Acho que o Sr. Folly Hardwicke tropeçou nesta fraude, tal como o Compton, que adicionou chantagem à sua lista de crimes.
Wood to radio, I'm leavin'Compton's now.
Estou a sair do Compton agora.
A complete survey of the planet using all ship's available instruments. Compton!
Sr. Spock, faça uma sondagem, usando todos os instrumentos disponíveis.
Nor is crewman Compton.
Nem o Compton.
Whatever happened to Compton down there apparently had no effect on anyone else.
O que aconteceu ao Compton não teve efeito nos outros.
Is there a connection between this and Compton's disappearance?
Há alguma ligação entre isto e o desaparecimento do Compton?
- I am your commander, Compton.
Sou seu comandante.
All right, Compton.
Está bem, Compton.
In your struggle with Compton, some of his cells were damaged.
Na sua briga com o Compton, algumas células dele foram danificadas.
They are able to speed others up to their level, as they did Compton and me.
Conseguem acelerar outros ao nível deles, como me fizeram e ao Compton.
Just as Compton was. - I really wanna know.
- Como aconteceu ao Compton.
- Compton!
- Compton?
Just like Compton.
Como o Compton.
Hello. Hello, Denis Compton here.
Olá, sou o Denis Compton.
You are rear admiral sir dudley compton?
O senhor é o almirante Sir Dudley Compton? Não.
Whose fault is it, you cloth-eared bint, Denis Compton's?
Então de quem é a culpa, sua esgrouviada de primeira? !
We have a winner in Compton. How'bout that? He's out of his mind.
Temos um contemplado em Compton!
Yes, Mr. Compton.
Sim, Sr. Compton.
- Yes, Mr. Compton.
- Sim, Sr. Compton.
- And, Compton.
- Compton!
The person who intruded into Compton's cabin when I was intruding.
- Sim.
That person obviously knew about the sea chest and its contents.
Quem entrou na guarita do Compton quando eu lá estava, obviamente sabia da arca e do seu conteúdo.
Compton was killed by his accomplice. I thought you'd think that.
Bem me parecia que era isso que achava.
- Compton.
- Compton.
Compton was burned out.
O Compton foi extinto.
- Yes, Mr. Compton.
- Certo, Sr. Compton.

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