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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ C ] / Cutter

Cutter traduction Portugais

1,077 traduction parallèle
The two most likely places for intercept are 10.2 miles north of Cutter's Crossing and 6. 7 miles north-northeast of a town called Bridgeport.
Os dois locais mais susceptíveis de intersecção é a 10.2 milhas a norte de Cutter's Crossing e a 6.7 milhas norte-noroeste de uma cidade chamada Bridgeport.
In that case, I'd say the Cutter's Crossing location.
Nesse caso, eu diria Cutter's Crossing.
How far to Cutter's Crossing?
Qaunto é que falta para o Cutter's Crossing?
Well, we're towing'it in.
Encontrámo-la na estrada, em Cutter's Way. Bom, estamos a rebocá-la.
We don't have much vandalism around these parts, but up at Cutter's Way.
Por aqui não há muito vandalismo, mas em Cutter's Way...
I don't know if it's me under these bandages or what some Army meat-cutter thinks is me.
Nem sei se sou eu por baixo das ligaduras ou o que um cirurgião qualquer da tropa pensa que devo ser.
Damn good cane cutter, too.
Grande cortadora de cana, também.
When I first met you, you were a cutter on the third floor.
Quando eu te conheci, eras um cortador no terceiro andar.
This is the Coast Guard cutter Marauder.
Aqui é o Marauder da Guarda Costal.
Used a glass cutter anchored to a suction cup.
Usou um cortador de vidros com ventosa.
Tools and Firearms say the cutting tool used on the severed branch was a common bolt cutter.
Eles dizem que a ferramenta de corte usada no ramo foi um comum corta-arame.
The glass cutter.
O vidro cortado.
That's why the bolt cutter.
Era para isso o corta-arame.
He used a bolt cutter to trim away the branch when he was watching from the woods.
Ele usou um corta-arame para cortar o ramo quando observava do bosque.
Why didn't he use the bolt cutter on the garage door?
Porque não usou ele o corta-arame na porta da garagem?
There's a big, high fence there. But he was ready with his glass cutter.
Está tapada por uma grande cerca mas ele estava preparado e trouxe o corta-arame.
You brought a bolt cutter'cause you thought there was a padlock.
Ele trouxe um corta-arame, porque esperava encontrar lá um cadeado.
And you know you need a bolt cutter and every other goddamn thing because everything with you is seeing, isn't it?
Sabes que vais precisar do corta-arame e de tudo o resto. Porque tudo em ti é sobre "ver".
Well, you know... I'm a wood cutter
Bem, sabes... sou um cortador de madeira
Oh, yeah. That's my little cookie-cutter.
É a minha coisinha fofa.
Can you take my place at the chaff-cutter tonight?
Podes substituir-me esta noite?
My plasma cutter's dangerous to humans.
Meu cortador de plasma é perigoso para os seres humanos.
One calls Cutter.
Chama-se Cutter.
Cutter gardner.
Cutter Gardner.
Mr. Cutter!
Sr. Cutter!
Mr. Cutter, it's me!
Sr. Cutter, sou eu!
Our next movie is McBain a shoot-them-up, splatter-fest from the Hollywood cookie cutter.
O próximo filme é "McBain". Outro filme de tiros, porrada e vidros partidos, vindo da fornalha de Hollywood.
- John Cutter, Stuart Ramsey.
- John Cutter, Stuart Ramsey.
Have a nice flight, Mr. Cutter.
Faça boa viagem, Sr. Cutter.
John Cutter.
John Cutter.
My name is John Cutter.
Chamo-me John Cutter.
- John Cutter.
- John Cutter.
His name's John Cutter.
É John Cutter.
Sir tell Mr. Cutter your name.
Senhor... diga ao Sr. Cutter o seu nome.
Cutter, meet Douglas.
Cutter, este é o Douglas.
Cutter is on that plane.
O Cutter vai nesse avião.
I just had an idea about how to use Cutter.
Tive uma ideia de como usar o Cutter.
If it doesn't work out, don't tell them about Cutter.
Se não resultar, não fale no Cutter.
I'm John Cutter. I'm airline security.
John Cutter, segurança da companhia.
My name is John Cutter.
John Cutter.
You won't mind me saying Mr. Cutter, you ain't done too good a job.
Não se saiu muito bem, Sr. Cutter.
I'll take care of Mr. Cutter.
Eu cuidarei do Sr. Cutter.
Just hope that Cutter fella was telling the truth.
Só espero que o Cutter falasse verdade.
- John Cutter?
- John Cutter?
You better see to it your men don't harm Cutter.
Os seus homens que não façam mal a Cutter.
Mr. Cutter, how kind of you to pay me a visit.
Sr. Cutter, que amabilidade vir visitar-me.
This is Cutter.
Fala Cutter.
Your friend, Mr. Cutter, has left you in a rather precarious position.
O seu amigo Cutter deixou-a numa situação muito precária.
Control Tower, this is John Cutter, Line 163, do you read me?
Torre de controlo, fala John Cutter. Ouvem-me?
Cutter, this is Henderson.
Cutter, fala Henderson.

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