Deepwater traduction Portugais
62 traduction parallèle
There's the Sunken Spanish Galleon, Jonah's Marine Fun House, the Deepwater Coral Forest, all connected to Central Control.
Temos o Galeão Espanhol Afundado, as Diversões Marinhas de Jonas, e a Selva de Corais Profundos, todos ligados ao Controlo Central.
I came across a twelve-point buck, you know, standing by a deepwater pool.
Deparei-me com um cervo enorme que estava junto a um lago.
Take me in the leg. Here do not laugh with the law in Deep Water.
Não brinque comigo, não brinca com a lei em Deepwater.
Moving at over four miles an hour, the Gulf Stream is one of the world's most powerful deepwater currents.
Movendo-se a mais de 6km / h, a corrente do Golfo é uma das mais fortes do mundo.
There's no deepwater port in that area of West Africa.
Não há nenhum porto de águas profundas naquela área da África Ocidental.
- BP Deepwater Horizon.
- Deepwater Horizon da BP.
I checked out BP Deepwater Horizon.
Pesquisei a Deepwater Horizon da BP.
Uh, Deepwater Horizon is aptly named.
O nome da Deepwater Horizon assenta-lhe como uma luva.
I'm the senior producer with News Night on Atlantis, and we're looking into a story about the BP Deepwater Horizon rig
Fala Jim Harper, diretor de produção do News Night, na Atlantis, e estamos a investigar uma história...
We're looking for someone from the EPA to comment on the explosion at Deepwater Horizon.
Procuramos alguém da EPA para comentar a explosão na Deepwater Horizon.
An oil rig in the Gulf, British Petroleum's Deepwater Horizon, 50 miles off Venice, Louisiana, exploded into flames shortly after 2 : 00 p.m. Eastern time.
Uma plataforma petrolífera no Golfo, a Deepwater Horizon, da BP, a 50 milhas de Venice, Louisiana, explodiu pouco depois das 14 horas, hora da Costa Este.
BP Deepwater Horizon is engulfed in flames and the search continues for 1 1 missing crew members.
A Deepwater Horizon da BP está envolta em chamas e prosseguem as buscas para encontrar onze desaparecidos.
Now I'm asking if your company did tests on the substance before installing it at the base of Deepwater Horizon.
Agora, pergunto se a sua empresa fez testes à substância, antes de a instalar na base da Deepwater Horizon.
Inspections for drilling rigs are required monthly, but Deepwater Horizon was only inspected nine times in 2009 and six times in 2008.
As inspeções às plataformas têm de ser mensais, mas a Deepwater Horizon só foi inspecionada nove vezes, em 2009, e seis vezes, em 2008.
The oil rig BP Deepwater Horizon has exploded into flames 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana, leaving 11 crew members missing and feared dead.
A plataforma Deepwater Horizon da BP explodiu a 50 milhas da costa do Louisiana, deixando onze operários desaparecidos e presumivelmente mortos.
Mr. Neal, you were sent to inspect Deepwater Horizon 19 days ago,
- Aqui. Sr. Neal, mandaram-no inspecionar a Deepwater Horizon há 90 dias, no dia 1 de abril.
Were you aware that dating back to September, 2001, Deepwater Horizon had shown five red flags or incidents of noncompliance?
Sabia que, desde setembro de 2001, a Deepwater Horizon tivera cinco "bandeiras vermelhas"
"The thoughts and prayers of Tony Hayward " and everyone at BP are with the missing crew members " of the BP Deepwater Horizon and their families.
" Os pensamentos e orações de Tony Hayward e de todos na BP estão com os operários desaparecidos da Deepwater Horizon da BP e com as suas famílias.
Deepwater Horizon continues to spill oil even as it sinks into the Gulf, a Republican candidate for senate in Nevada advocates poor people paying doctors with chickens, and Greece activates a $ 45 billion aid package.
A Deepwater Horizon continua a derramar petróleo enquanto se afunda no Golfo, um candidato republicano ao Senado, no Nevada, defende que os pobres paguem aos médicos com galinhas e a Grécia ativou um pacote de ajuda de 45 mil milhões de dólares,
When we come back, Deepwater Horizon sinks to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
Quando voltarmos, a Deepwater Horizon afunda-se no Golfo do México.
Did you guys know that Gwyneth Paltrow's doctor banned her from eating eggs, shellfish, deepwater fish, wheat, meat, and coffee for three weeks?
Vocês sabem que O médico de Gwyneth Paltrow proibiu-o de comer ovos, marisco, peixe de águas profundas, trigo, carne e café por três semanas?
Deepwater Port on the Florida coast.
Porto Deepwater na costa da Florida.
Okay, take the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Está bem, olha para o derramamento de petróleo da Deepwater Horizon.
The texas hotshots were on call During the kuwaiti oil fires and deepwater horizon.
Os bombeiros do Texas estavam de turno durante a incêndio no Kuwait e a Deepwater Horizon.
A day and a half after Deepwater Horizon exploded, the flames, fed by crude from the bottom of the sea, were simply too big to contain.
Um dia e meio depois da Deepwater Horizon explodir, as chamas, alimentadas pelo crude no fundo do mar, eram muito grandes para serem contidas.
The Audubon Society created a sanctuary in Terrebonne Parish for birds who were hurt in the Deepwater Horizon spill.
A Sociedade Audubon criou um santuário na região Terrebonne para as aves que foram afectadas no derramamento do "Deepwater Horizon".
Mr. Williams, can you please give us your best recollection of the event on the Deepwater Horizon?
Mr. Williams, pode dizer o que aconteceu na Deepwater Horizon?
Can you please tell me how the Deepwater Horizon alarm system is set up.
Pode explicar como o funciona o alarme Deepwater Horizon?
Did you hear anyone of those alarm on Deepwater Horizon?
Ouviu algum desses alarmes na Deepwater Horizon?
No, no the Deepwater doesn't pump a drop of oil okay.
Não, o Deepwater não bombeou uma gota de óleo.
Deepwater Horizon.
Deepwater Horizon.
- Deepwater Horizon.
- Deepwater Horizon.
Officer Installation Manager on Deepwater.
Gerente da plataforma Deepwater.
Wind is calm Paris control this is Bristow 2 Bravo Go. Boscow, I got Deepwater Horizon coordinate in the FMS.
Boscow, coloque as coordenadas do Deepwater Horizon.
ETA 45 minutes to Deepwater Horizon.
Tempo estimado, 45 minutos para Deepwater Horizon.
Deepwater Horizon is only a mile out.
Estamos a 1.6 Km de Deepwater Horizon.
Damon Bankston, this is Deepwater Horizon, over.
Damon Bankston, aqui Deepwater Horizon, cambio.
Deepwater Horizon, this is Damon Bankston, go ahead.
Deepwater Horizon, aqui Damon Bankston, prossiga.
The Deepwater Horizon is receiving BP's highest safety award.
O Deepwater Horizon BP receberá o prémio do mais seguro...
Damon Bankston at Deepwater Horizon.
Damon Bankson Aqui é Deepwater Horizon.
Copy Deepwater.
Consciente, Deepwater Horizon.
Deepwater Horizon, this is David Bankston.
Deepwater Horizon, aqui Bankston. Consegue ouvir?
This is Deepwater Horizon.
Aqui Deepwater Horizon.
The Deepwater Horizon has exploded and is on fire.
A Deepwater Horizon está em chamas.
I say again, Deepwater Horizon has exploded and is on fire.
De Repente, Deepwater Horizon explodiu e está em chamas.
Yes, the Deepwater Horizon is on fire.
Sim, a Deepwater Horizon está em chamas.
There is an incident on the Deepwater Horizon.
Há um incidente no Deepwater Horizon.
US Coast Guard B17 departing on a route to emergency distress call Deepwater Horizon.
Aqui é Equipe de Resgate da Guarda Costeira 6 B17... A caminho para responder chamada de ajuda da Deepwater Horizon.
but my husband. Mike Williams, is on the Deepwater Horizon and uh
Mas o meu marido Mike Williams, está no Deep Horizon e...
But you do such a good work the Deep Water, that you will attract many customers,
Mas o teu trabalho no Deepwater está tão bom...