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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ D ] / Did she tell you that

Did she tell you that traduction Portugais

250 traduction parallèle
- Did she tell you that?
- Foi ela que disse isso?
Did she tell you that?
Ela disse-lhe isso?
When did she tell you that?
Quando lhe disse ela isso?
- You followed her up there. - Did she tell you that?
- Ela o seguiu até lá acima.
Did she tell you that?
Ela disse isso?
Did she tell you that I found her with one of her friends?
Ela disse-lhe que a encontrei com um dos amigos dela?
- Did she tell you that?
Ela contou-lhe?
Did she tell you that after a period away from Miss Gorham that you might be able to re-establish the relationship in a healthy way?
- Ela disse-lhe que este afastamento lhe permitiria restabelecer mais tarde uma ligação mais saudável?
- Did she tell you that?
- Foi ela que te disse isso?
- Did she tell you that I'm engaged?
Disse-te que estou noiva?
- Well, did she tell you that?
- Bem, ela disse-te isso?
Did she tell you that she was locked in the steam room?
Ela não te disse que ficou trancada na sala do vapor?
Did she tell you that when she was little she was partially responsible for new legislation regulating the strength of swing sets?
Ela contou-te que quando era criança foi parcialmente responsável pela nova legislação... do regulamento da resistência dos baloiços.
- Did she tell you that we made out?
Ela contou-te que curtimos? - Não!
Studies in Beverly Hills, did she tell you that?
Ela disse-vos isso?
Did she tell you that?
Foi ela que disse isso?
Did she tell you that?
Alguma vez disse isso?
- When did she tell you that?
- Quando te disse isso?
Did she tell you that?
- Ela disse-te isso? - Não.
Did she tell you that?
- Ela disse-te isso?
Did she tell you that I beat her?
- Ela disse-lhe que eu lhe batia?
She can tell you about things that Dr. Frankenstein did that your medical science has never heard of.
Ela pode dizer-lhe coisas que o Dr. Frankenstein fez que a ciência médica nunca ouviu.
Did she tell you to say that?
Ela mandou dizer isso?
Did she tell you then that she was gonna have a child?
Ela disse-lhe nessa altura que ia ter um filho?
Did she tell you what her plans were, anything like that?
Ela disse quais eram os seus planos?
But she didn't have to tell you about that, now did she?
Mas ela não tinha que lhe contar isso, não é?
Please tell me, what reaction did she had when she was told that you both got married?
Por favor me diga, que reação ela teve quando lhe disseram que vocês haviam casado?
Did she not tell you that she agrees to a divorce?
Ela não te disse que concorda com o divórcio?
Did she tell you how she found me that night?
Contou como me encontrou nessa noite?
How did you expect her to tell you that she made more money than you?
Ela näo podia dizer que ganhava mais...
Did you tell him that she's arriving today?
Disseste-lhe que ela chegava hoje?
- Did she ever tell you about that?
Sabe disso?
- Did she tell you that?
- Ela disse-lhe isso?
- Did Victoria tell you that? - She did.
A Victoria disse-te isso?
Did she tell you all about that?
Ela contou-lhe tudo acerca disso?
Aside from when Priscilla was a five-year-old, did she ever tell you that your mother treated her badly?
Tirando a altura quando ela tinha cinco anos, a Priscilla alguma vez lhe disse que a vossa mãe a tratava mal?
Vida didn't tell you that, did she?
A Vida não lhe contou isso pois não?
3 days before she walked out, did you not tell her that :...
- Não, eu nunca fiz isso. Três dias antes que ela partir, você não lhe disse :
Whats wrong with you? What's wrong w- - You didn't tell me she was a hooker... and that she did porno films and had sex with hundreds and hundreds of men... and women and who the hell knows what else!
Não me disseste que era pêga, que fazia filmes pornográficos e que já foi para a cama com centenas de homens e mulheres, e sei lá que mais!
Did you tell her that you'd kill him if she didn't?
Disseste-lhe que o matavas se ela não o fizesse?
Did your uncle ever tell you that she didn't want you to be a warrior?
Seu tio nunca te disse que ela não queria que fosse um guerreiro?
A mãe e o pai contaram-te que eu estava sozinha com a avó quando ela morreu?
Did I ever tell you that she put me in a Klingon monastery? Ah.
Já lhe contei que ela me colocou dentro de um monastério Klingon?
Eric, did you tell your mother that she's not cool?
Eric, disseste à tua mãe que ela não era fixe?
Did she actually tell you that you can't see me anymore?
Ela disse-te que não podes ver-me mais?
Although if you did tell her, she probably wouldn't understand much,'cause that flute thing banged her up pretty bad. - Yeah, yeah.
Embora ela não percebesse grande coisa, pois a flauta acertou-lhe com bastante força.
Did you know that she had family that thought she was still alive, Jeffrey, until I was forced to tell them that she was dead?
Sabia que ela tinha família que pensava que ela estava viva, até eu ter de lhes dizer que ela tinha morrido?
But you're going to have to tell her eventually, so if she did answer the door and was nice to me, then I would've known that she was going to be hating me soon, and that just would've been really hard because I like your mom.
Mas vais ter de lhe dizer mais cedo ou mais tarde. E se ela viesse à porta e fosse simpática comigo, e eu saberia que ela me iria odiar em breve, isso seria muito difícil porque eu gosto da tua mãe.
I bet she didn't tell you that, did she?
Aposto que não te disse isso, pois não?
And what, at that time, did she tell you she required?
E o quê, naquela altura, ela disse que desejava?
Did she tell you that?

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