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Didn't you hear him traduction Portugais

103 traduction parallèle
Didn't you hear him?
Não o ouviste?
Didn't I hear you call him that yesterday?
Não Ihe chamou assim ontem?
- I didn't hear him tell you anything. - He didn't.
Não o ouvi dizer-lhe nada.
Tell him or didn't you hear me?
Diga pra ele. Não ouviu?
Who? Tim and that girl. Didn't you hear him?
O Tim e a tal rapariga.
You didn't even hear him out.
Há pouco tempo nem sequer tinhas ouvido falar dele.
Come on, Jimmy, didn't you hear him?
Vamos, Jimmy! Não ouviste?
- Você sabe como é...
- But you didn't hear him last night?
- Mas você não o ouviu ontem à noite?
Yes, that's what he told me, but I didn't believe him, and now that I hear you laughing a little too loud, I believe him even less.
Pois, foi o que ele me disse, mas näo acreditei. E agora que a oiço a rir täo alto, acredito ainda menos.
Isn't is the business that we hear when... the young boy, Jesus, was lost for a matter of three days or so? And they said to him, " Why didn't you follow us?
Não é aquele comércio que ouvimos falar quando... o jovem Jesus desapareceu por uns três dias ou mais... e disseram para ele :
But he said, "That little chick that you put me on to, Paul." Didn't you hear him?
Mas ele disse "aquela garina que me arranjaste, Paul". Não ouviste?
- Didn't you hear him?
- Não o ouviram?
I didn't hear Captain Apollo ask whether I'd like it or not but I heard him tell you to spit it out.
Não ouvi o Capitão Apollo perguntar se eu ia gostar de ouvir. Mas ouvi-o claramente dizer-lhe que desembuchasse.
I told you I didn't want to hear you calling him that.
Eu já disse que não quero que fales assim dele!
- Didn't you hear him?
- Não o ouvis-te?
Didn't you hear him say we're busy?
Não ouviu que estamos ocupados?
Didn't you hear him say I was invited?
Não o ouviste dizer que eu fui convidado?
You say you slept next to him, but you didn't hear a shot?
Diz que dormiu junto dele, mas que não ouviu um tiro?
I didn't hear him. I swear to you.
Eu não o ouvi, juro-te.
Didn't you hear him?
Não o ouviu?
Didn't you hear him scream across the room?
O restaurante inteiro sabe. Não o ouviste a gritar na sala?
Maybe he did tell you, and you didn't hear him.
Talvez lhe tenha dito e não o tenha ouvido bem.
You didn't hear him.
- Não o ouviste.
I didn't ask him to or anything, you hear, Messias.
Não pedi nada, não, viu, Seu Messias?
Didn't you hear him?
Um 417. Anda embora.
Didn't you hear him?
Não me ouviu?
Whether I did or didn't have anything to do with your... what's the word I'm looking for there, Glen? "Disability." Know this : A lawyer's gonna be coming around asking questions about the day Li Chen got whacked and unless you want to be dialing with your nose, you'd best tell him what he wants to hear.
Que haja ou não tenha tido nada que ver com você vai vir um advogado a fazer perguntas sobre o dia em que mataram ao Li Chen e a menos que queira discar com seu nariz melhor lhe diz o que ele quer ouvir.
But didn't you hear him?
Mas não me ouviu?
But didn't you hear him apologize when he turned us in?
- Não o ouviste dizer que lamentava?
Maybe you didn't hear him.
Talvez não o tenhas ouvido.
You didn't hear him?
Não ouviste?
Well, maybe I didn't hear him. I told you I was tired that night.
Eu disse-lhe que nessa noite estava cansada.
You didn't hear what happened to him?
Não sabes do que aconteceu?
Didn't you hear him?
Não ouviste?
Didn't you hear me telling you to go help him?
Não me ouviste a dizer para ires ajudá-lo?
But you didn't hear him say that until after we left the hospital.
Mas ele só lho disse a si depois de ter saído do hospital.
You didn't hear him being mocked in front of a dozen strangers, in front of Annie.
Não o ouviste a ser gozado à frente de estranhos, à frente da Annie.
Didn't you hear him?
- Não ouviste? Ele está assustado.
I didn't want you to hear it from him.
Não queria que soubesses por ele!
Weren't you worried when you didn't hear from him?
Não ficou preocupada por não ter notícias dele?
Didn't you hear him, man?
Não ouviu o que ele disse?
I Didn't Get Any Of That, Nor Did I Want To, But I Did Hear You Say Something About Him Not Knowing The Truth.
Não entendi nada, e nem que quisesse, mas ouvi-te dizer algo sobre ele não saber a verdade.
And you didn't hear Him before?
E tu não o ouvias antes?
But didn't you hear him?
Mas não o ouviste?
Didn't you hear him?
- Não o ouviste?
You know, we didn't hear from him in years.
Não tive notícias dele durante anos.
- You didn't even hear what I told him.
- Nem sequer ouviu o que eu lhe disse.
- Didn't you hear him apologize?
- Não o ouviste a pedir desculpa?
Didn't you hear him?
Você não ouvi-lo?
- You didn't hear my pros. Environmentally-conscious'cause his mom drives him to work.
Prós, tem consciência ambiental porque a mãe vem deixá-lo no trabalho todos os dias.

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