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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ D ] / Do you know what he did

Do you know what he did traduction Portugais

143 traduction parallèle
Do you know what he did?
Sabe so que ele fez?
- And do you know what he did?
- E sabes o que ele fez?
Do you know what he did the day you left?
Sabes o que ele fez no dia que te foste embora?
Andy said "I won't do it, and you can't make me." Do you know what he did?
Ele disse-me "Não apanho, nem me podes obrigar." Sabes o que ele fez?
Do you know what he did to me afterwards?
- Sabe o que me fez depois?
Do you know what he did?
Sabe 0 que ele fez?
And then do you know what he did?
- E sabe o que ele fez depois?
And do you know what he did?
Sabe o que ele fez?
And do you know what he did?
E sabem o que fez?
Do you know what he did to Theresa, right in front of me?
Sabes o que ele fez com a Theresa, bem na minha frente?
So, do you know what he did?
Sabeis o que fez?
Dad, do you know what he did the first night I went out with him?
Pai, sabes o que fiz na primeira noite que saí com ele?
Do you know what he did?
Sabes o que ele fez?
Do you know what he did for his son?
Mas, não foi fácil para o Rohit.
- Do you know what he did?
- Sabes o que ele fez?
- Do you know what he did?
- Sabem o que ele fez?
- Do you know what he did to my wife?
Sabe o que é que ele fez à minha mulher, senhor? !
- Do you know what he did?
- Era o responsável pelas instalações.
And you know some of what he did, but not all.
E sabe parte do que ele fazia mas não tudo.
This child ain't did nothing that great, you know what I mean? He said, " No, they really do dig me there. And I got this really nice album.
Ele não tinha feito nada de mais, mas dizia que gostavam dele, que tinha um bom álbum, e dois tipos a tocarem com ele.
Do you know why Hal did what he did?
Sabe porque é que o HAL fez o que fez?
What do you mean, you don't know? When did he get out?
- O que queres dizer com isso?
Do you know what he did?
Sabem o que ele fez?
Do you know what my father did? He sold her to a
O senhor sabe o que ele fez?
Not for what he did to you, but we do know the doctor has a history.
Não pelo que fez a si, mas sabemos que tem um passado negro.
You know, I've been crying all day, but what did he do?
Chorei todo o dia, e ele, o que faz?
- How did he know what you needed?
- Como sabia do que precisava?
You know, the kids are all talking about what he did.
Sabes, os miúdos estão todos a falar do que ele fez.
- What is it? - Did you know what he plans to do?
- Tu sabes o que eles planeiam fazer?
When Gerald Braun came to you, when he left your office did you know what he was about to do?
Quando o Gerald Braun foi ter consigo, quando saiu do seu gabinete, sabia o que ele estava prestes a fazer?
And I had nothing "Now my Dad would say I had more than he did at my age," but you know what?
O meu pai diria que tinha mais do que ele tinha tido quando era da minha idade.
Is that what he did? Did he do that to you, sir? I don't know.
Ele fez isso com o senhor?
I do know that I did what I did because he shot you. He wanted you dead.
O que sei é que fiz o que fiz porque ele te disparou, queria te matar.
And do you know what he did, Frankie?
- Sabes o que Ele fez?
Okay, I hate to break up the whole getting-to-know-you portion of the program, but what did Christopher mean when he said someone was coming?
Desculpem acabar com a parte do episódio "conhecermo-nos melhor", mas o que quis dizer o Christopher quando disse que vinha aí alguém?
What did he do? Ben, you wanna know what he did?
Queres saber o que ele fez?
Do you want to know what did he say?
Querem saber que foi o que disse?
Whether I did or didn't have anything to do with your... what's the word I'm looking for there, Glen? "Disability." Know this : A lawyer's gonna be coming around asking questions about the day Li Chen got whacked and unless you want to be dialing with your nose, you'd best tell him what he wants to hear.
Que haja ou não tenha tido nada que ver com você vai vir um advogado a fazer perguntas sobre o dia em que mataram ao Li Chen e a menos que queira discar com seu nariz melhor lhe diz o que ele quer ouvir.
Did he know you were from Justice? What if he knew he was being watched?
Ele sabia que eras do Departamento de Justiça?
He know you're gonna wanna think this thing... that D, you know, he wouldn't do what he did.
Ele sabe que vais pensar que o Dee não seria capaz de fazer o que fez.
Did you know what he was planning to do?
Sabia o que ele estava a planear fazer?
I mean, what did he ever do that was so great, you know?
Que te fez ele que foi assim tão bom, sabes?
What did you do? I know he's here.
O que fizeram?
Okay, look, I know you probably can't answer this for me, but what did you do when he didn't love you back?
Sei que, provavelmente, não me podes responder a isto, mas o que fizeste quando ele não te amava?
You know, the guy did some things, but he didn't do what they said he did.
Sabes, o tipo fez algumas coisas, mas ele não fez o que eles disseram que tinha feito.
I don't know how in the hell he did it, or where he came from to do it, or what have you, but I know who this game ball goes to.
Eu não sei como é que ele conseguiu, ou donde ele veio para o fazer, ou o que seja, mas eu sei para quem esta bola vai.
I did, too, and do you know what else he has pierced?
Sim. Sabes onde mais ele tem piercings?
Do you know what he just did with it?
Sabes o que ele fez com ele?
I know Evan's a jerk, but what did he do to you?
Eu sei que o Evan é um imbecil, mas o que é que ele te fez?
You know, what I need is the artist's phone number so that I can take a picture of Sofia and he can paint her naked and then I can say that I did it.
Preciso é do telefone do artista, para tirar uma fotografia à Sofia e pedir-lhe que a pinte nua, para depois poder dizer que fui eu.
But the first thing you probably want to know is all that stuff about my Dad... and what he did to my Mom and me and all.
Mas, provavelmente, vão querer que vos conte primeiro a história do meu pai, as coisas que nos fez, a mim e à minha mãe.

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