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Empire state building traduction Portugais

255 traduction parallèle
Kong is going west. He is making for the Empire State Building.
O Kong vai para oeste, para o Empire State Building.
Kong is climbing the Empire State Building.
O King está a trepar pelo Empire State Building.
If he's only got $ 1.1 0, he goes to the top of the Empire State Building.
Se ele tiver apenas 1,10 dólares, ele vai ao topo do Empire State Building.
On top of the Empire State Building?
No topo do Empire State?
Top of the Empire State Building.
No topo do Empire State.
And they have a man watching me, from the top of the Empire State Building... with radar.
E têm um homem a espiar-me, está no cimo do Empire State Building... com um radar.
The top of the Empire State Building?
No cimo do Empire State Building?
There's the Empire State Building.
O Empire State Building.
I thought the Empire State Building was this way, and it's that way.
Pensava que o Empire State Building era para ali, e é para aqui.
That's the Empire State Building.
Aquele é o Empire State Building.
He can't talk of anything else but getting me to pack his things... so that he can go back with you and climb the Empire State Building.
Não para de dizer para pegar suas malas o mais breve possível... para ir com com você e escalar o Empire State Building.
Send Brian a photograph of the Empire State Building.
Envie para o Brian uma fotografia do Empire State Building.
You know man Is the only animal clever enough to build the Empire State Building and stupid enough to jump off it
O homem é o único animal capaz de construir o Empire State Building e o bastante tolo para atirar-se dele.
It will use the Empire State Building for ground zero.
Usará o Empire State Building como alvo.
It's the story of a man who gets murdered... while staring at the top of the Empire State Building.
É a história de um homem que é assassinado enquanto está a olhar para o topo do Empire State Building.
He could see a couple of shows, visit the top of the Empire State Building.
Ele podia ir ver uns espectáculos, subir ao topo do Empire State Building.
Hey, watch this! I'll shoot the light out in the Empire State Building.
Vou rebentar as luzes do Empire State.
When I was ten I got sick in the Empire State Building.
Aos dez anos enjoei no Empire State Building.
Say, you girls ever been on top of the Empire State Building?
Me diga, vocês garotas já estiveram no topo do Empire State Building?
Now, what about the Empire State Building?
E sobre o Empire State Building?
- l wanna see the Empire State Building.
- Quero ir ver o Empire State Building.
She's gonna show me Central Park... the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. You know, where that big hairy ape got...
Vai mostrar-me o Central Park, a Estátua da Liberdade e o Empire State Building.
If Ben Luckett decides to jump offthe Empire State Building, do you have to do it too?
Se o Ben Luckett resolver pular do Empire State, tu tens de ir atrás?
There was this sound... like a garbage truck... dropped off the Empire State Building.
Era este som caiu de uma altura como se fosse do Empire State.
There's enough to blow up the Empire State Building.
Há o suficiente para fazer explodir o Empire State Building.
" Okay, people, next stop, Empire State Building.
" Próxima paragem : Empire State Building.
If I woke up one morning and I had all of your friends... and I was an Alligaroo... and I wore those cute shirts with the little horses on them... I'd jump off the Empire State Building and hope to catch my eyelid on a nail.
Se um dia eu acordasse, tivesse todos os teus amigos, fosse um Alligaroo... e vestisse uma daquelas camisas giras com cavalinhos, saltava do Empire State Building e esperava prender a pálpebra num prego.
I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building.
Eu quero ir ao topo do Empire State Building.
The scene on the top of the Empire State Building.
A cena no topo do Empire State Building.
OK, Mike. A dope dealer, a public defender and my ex-wife all get thrown offthe Empire State Building.
Um passador, um promotor público e a minha ex-mulher caiem do Empire State Building.
I remember once going on a school trip to the top of the Empire State Building.
Me lembro de, uma vez ir, numa excursão escolar, ao topo do edifício Empire State.
You could wallpaper the Empire State Building with the copies Flan had made.
Dava para forrar o Empire State todo com as cópias que o Flan fizera.
- On the Empire State Building.
- No cimo do Empire State Building.
Annie Reed wants to meet us at the top of the Empire State Building.
A Annie Reed quer encontrar-se connosco no topo do Empire State.
- Empire State Building.
- Empire State Building.
So he could be on top of the Empire State Building now?
Ele pode estar no topo do Empire State Building neste momento?
On the other hand, if I told him to jump off the Empire State Building... Hello.
Por outro lado, se pedisse para pular do Empire State...
You were like you just put a quarter in one of those metal things on top of the Empire State Building
Tu parecias que tinhas posto 25 centavos numa daquelas coisas gigantes de metal, no cimo do Empire State Building.
Couldn't find the Empire State Building with a compass, map and a guide.
Era incapaz de encontrar o Empire State Building com um compasso, um mapa e um guia.
Top of the Empire State Building?
No topo do Empire State Building?
Empire State Building.
Empire State Building.
Empire state building pennants!
Galhardetes do Empire State!
Get your empire state building pennants!
Comprem galhardetes do Empire State!
Empire State Building? What?
O Empire State Building?
- The Empire State Building!
O "Empire State Building"
This isn't right. Where's the Empire State Building?
Isto não está bem onde está o "Empire State Building"
I'm supposed to fall off the Empire State Building and land on a bicycle with no seat, so...
Fiquei de me atirar do Empire State Building e aterrar de bicicleta sem selim, por isso...
- The Empire State Building.
O Empire State Building!
Shreve and Harmon built the Empire State Building.
Shreve e Harmon construíram o Empire State Building.
For that kind of money I'd climb the Empire State Building.
Escalaria o Empire State Building.
How do I get to the Empire State Building?
Como é que eu faço para chegar ao "Empire State Building"?

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