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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ F ] / Federal bureau of investigation

Federal bureau of investigation traduction Portugais

134 traduction parallèle
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Hold on, I'll put you through.
F.B.I. Espere, vou passar.
- My own Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- O meu próprio FBI.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The most silent service of the United States in peace or war... is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
O serviço mais silencioso dos EUA, em guerra ou em paz, é o FBI.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation had to be the world's... most efficient intelligence and counterespionage service.
O FBI tinha de ser o serviço secreto e de contra-espionagem mais eficiente do mundo.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to be the implacable foe... of all enemies of the United States.
O FBI continua a ser o carrasco implacável de todos os inimigos dos Estados Unidos.
Federal bureau of investigation. These are my men.
Estamos a fazer uma investigação, estos são os meus homens.
I want to talk to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in L.A.
Quero falar com o FBI Los Angeles.
Operator, get me the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Operador, ligue-me ao FBI.
I can bring you scotland yard, the federal bureau of investigation, or every bobby in the city of london.
Eu posso trazer a Scotland Yard, o FBI, ou qualquer polícia da cidade de Londres. É a polícia que quer?
"I'm from the federal bureau of investigation."
"Sou do escritório federal de investigação."
This is the federal bureau of investigation.
Isto é o escritório federal de investigação.
" Federal Bureau of Investigation.
" Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Agência federal de Investigação.
Alonzo Mosely, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Alonzo Mosely, FBI.
Jack Walsh, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Jack Walsh, FBI.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Agente Especial Dale Cooper do FBI.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation Regional Bureau Chief, Gordon Cole.
- Gordon Cole, chefe regional do FBI.
Coop, it gives me great pleasure to reinstate you into the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Coop, tenho o grande prazer de te reintegrar no FBI.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Departamento de Investigação Federal.
"Federal Bureau of Investigation."
Gabinete Federal de Investigação - FBI.
I'm Agent Dana Scully from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Sou a agente Dana Scully do FBI.
You spelled Federal Bureau of Investigation wrong.
Escreveu mal "Agência Federal de Investigação".
O Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Departamento Federal de Investigação.
Livingston Dell? Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Livingston Dell?
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- Não, FBI.
"federal bureau of investigation"?
"O Federal Bureau of Investigation".
"Fox Mulder, Federal Bureau of Investigation." Sorry, mate, never heard of it!
Fox Mulder, FBI. - Lamento, colega. Não conheço.
Agent Ricci, Agent Provano Federal Bureau of Investigation, OCD.
Agente Ricci, Agente Provano... ... fbi, DCO.
This is Special Agent Dana Scully with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Fala a agente especial Dana Scully do FBI.
[Operator] Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- Hi. I'm Dana Scully with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Sou a Dana Scully da Agência Federal de Investigação.
Yeah. Mr. Chase, I'm with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Sr. Chase, eu sou do F.B.I.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Da polícia de investigação federal.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
"J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.." "today issued a statement denying the Bureau was involved.." "in recruiting psychics in the battle against Communism."
J. Edgar Hoover, o director do Gabinete federal de Investigação fez hoje uma declaração a negar que o gabinete esteve envolvido em recrutar videntes para a batalha contra o comunismo. "
We at the Federal Bureau of Investigation are proud to have served you.
Nós, o FBI, sentimo-nos orgulhosos por os termos servido. Obrigado.
I'm with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Eu sou do FBI.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The fellow in the other car is from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
O pessoal do outro carro é do Serviço Federal de Investigação ( FBI ).
By the power vested in me by the Federal Bureau of Investigation I now pronounce you man and wife.
Pelo poder que me foi investido pelo F.B.I eu declaro-os agora, marido e mulher.
In the matter of U.S. v. Graham Spaulding... it is the judgment of this court... that the statements made by Mr. Spaulding... to Agents Malone and Fitzgerald of the Federal Bureau of Investigation... were elicited in violation... of Mr. Spaulding's constitutional right to an attorney... and are therefore inadmissible as evidence.
No processo EUA v. Graham Spaulding, entende este tribunal, que as declarações do Sr. Spaulding, aos Agentes Malone e Fitzgerald, do Gabinete de Investigação Federal, foram obtidos mediante violação... do direito constitucional do Sr. Spaulding a um advogado... e, por conseguinte, são inadmissíveis como prova.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
I'm with the federal bureau of investigation.
Sou do FBI.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation...
- Federal Bureau of Investigation...
federal Bureau of lnvestigation, 10th and Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C.
Federal Bureau Investigation, 10ª com Pennsylvania, Washington, DC.
We're with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Somos do FBI.
Authorities from National Transportation and Safety... and the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation... have arrived at JFKto begin the initial investigation.
Autoridades de Nacional Transporte e Segurança... e a Agência Federal de Investigação... chegou a JFKto comece a investigação inicial.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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