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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ G ] / Gaffney

Gaffney traduction Portugais

111 traduction parallèle
I'm going to telephone Judge Gaffney.
Vou telefonar ao juiz Gaffney.
Judge Gaffney, please.
Queria falar com o juiz Gaffney, por favor.
Wait until I telephone Judge Gaffney.
Espera até eu falar com o juiz Gaffney!
Judge Gaffney walked everywhere for years, didn't you, Judge?
Juíz Gaffney, você andou por todo o lado durante anos, não foi?
- Oh, Judge Gaffney.
- Oh, juíz Gaffney.
- Oh, Judge Gaffney?
- Juíz Gaffney?
Judge Gaffney, I want...
Juíz Gaffney, quero...
Why, you're not Judge Gaffney!
você não é o juíz Gaffney!
Would you mind asking Judge Gaffney to come back here?
Por favor, peça ao juíz Gaffney para voltar.
Tell him Judge Gaffney's here!
Sou o juíz Gaffney.
I'm glad to know you, Mr. Lofgren. This is my sister, Mrs. Simmons. And my very good friend Judge Gaffney back there.
Esta é a minha irmã, a Sra Simmons, e este é o meu bom amigo juíz Gaffney.
"carol cleveland, marie anderson, mrs. idle ; " makeup, madelaine gaffney ;
Participações de Carol Cleveland, Marie Anderson,
" costumes, hazel pethig ;
Maquiagem : Madelaine Gaffney.
" makeup, madelaine gaffney ;
Maquilhagem : Madelaine Gaffney.
[Man] Father Gaffney, thank you for allowing me to speak tonight.
Padre Gaffney, obrigado por me deixar falar esta noite.
I checked with Father Gaffney.
Confirmei com o Padre Gaffney.
Gaffney, get the pizzas.
Gaffney, vai buscar as pizas.
I'm Don Gaffney.
- Don Gaffney.
If captain Engle did this to us, we're gonna have to capture him as soon as we land. You, me, Mr. Gaffney and perhaps that British fellow.
Se for, teremos de capturá-lo assim que aterrarmos... você, eu, o Sr.Gaffney e talvez o inglês.
Mr. Gaffney, what's happening to us, the situation that we're in, this is crazy!
Sr. Gaffney, a situação que estamos a viver é que é loucura.
Albert, you and Mr. Gaffney are designated stretcher-finders.
O Sr. Gaffney e o Albert vão procurar uma.
Mr. Gaffney, if you look behind that counter,
Se procurar atrás daquele balcão vai encontrar duas facas bem afiadas.
He killed Mr. Gaffney because he walked in first.
Ele matou o Sr. Gaffney.
Gaffney's dead. Toomey might as well be.
O Gaffney está morto e o Toomey, quase.
Professor Gaffney says you'd be the perfect guy to help us with a special investigation.
Segundo o professor Gaffney és o tipo ideal para nos ajudar numa investigação especial.
There were famous people like Dean Gaffney and Jodie Marsh and thingy, that professor Stephen Hawkins and it was amazing, I was well the fittest girl there.
E estavam lá famosos como o Dean Gaffney e a Jodie Marsh e isso, do professor Stephen Hawkins e foi incrível, eu era sem dúvida a mais elegante.
But by then, her name was Phyllis Gaffney, and she was already on husband number three.
mas naquela altura, o seu nome era Phyllis Gaffney, e ela ia no terceiro marido.
Opa-Locka P.D. has arrested one Ethan Gaffney. He's in custody.
A Polícia de Opa-Locka prendeu um Ethan Gaffney, que está detido.
Mr. Gaffney, do you know a Stephen Rowe?
Mr Gaffney, conhece um Stephen Rowe?
Well, Mr. Gaffney, we'll look for some evidence we all can believe.
Mr Gaffney, vamos procurar provas em que todos acreditem.
Do you recognize the chain, Mr. Gaffney?
Reconhece esta corrente, Mr Gaffney?
Mr. Gaffney, you killed Debra.
Mr Gaffney, o senhor matou a Debra.
This is Debra Massey's murder. This is before Gaffney was arrested. Yeah.
É o homicídio da Debra Massey, isto foi antes do Gaffney ter sido preso.
So Rowe read everything he could about Debra Massey, copied it to the letter with Melissa to make the police think Gaffney did it.
O Rowe leu tudo o que conseguiu sobre a Debra Massey e copiou tudo com a Melissa para fazer com que a Polícia pensasse que tinha sido o Gaffney.
Mrs. Gaffney, it's a scam.
É um embuste, Mrs. Gaffney.
- Patrick Gaffney?
Conhece o Patrick Gaffney?
You take us to Patrick Gaffney... we'll all go back to our hotel together and get you the money.
Leve-nos ao Patrick Gaffney. Voltamos todos ao hotel juntos, e vamos buscar o dinheiro.
- Patrick Gaffney!
- Patrick Gaffney.
He's not Patrick Gaffney. He's an impostor. Don't give it to him.
Não é o Patrick Gaffney, é um impostor, não lho dês.
So, uh, Seeley Booth, Mark Gaffney.
Portanto, uh, Seeley Booth, Mark Gaffney.
- What? Tom Gaffney just offered me a job.
O Tom Gaffney ofereceu-me um emprego.
In metro news, Mary Hillman is going to gaffney for the weekend and hopes that Martha or stephanie will water her plants.
Notícias do dia : Mary Hillman vai passar o fim de semana em Gaffney e queria que Martha ou Stephanie molhasse as suas plantas.
As we used to say in Gaffney,
Como dizíamos em Gaffney :
- And he's pushing the parents to sue Gaffney.
E está a pressionar os pais para processarem Gaffney.
Sue Gaffney?
Processarem Gaffney?
It's worth throwing Gaffney under the bus to drag you into the mess.
Vale a pena tentar tirar o tapete a Gaffney, se te apanhar também.
Don Gaffney.
- Don Gaffney.
Mr. Gaffney will be your escort.
- Ele vai acompanhá-lo.
Where's Mr. Gaffney, Albert?
E o Sr. Gaffney?
Let's see if we can find Mr. Gaffney, and see if he got lucky.
Vejamos se o Sr. Gaffney teve sorte.

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