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Goonies traduction Portugais

58 traduction parallèle
- They're around my place like goonies at a supermarket opening.
Cercaram a minha casa, tipo dia de saldos numa loja.
Last Goonie weekend.
O último fim-de-semana dos Goonies.
Kind of like us, the Goonies.
É o que nós somos.
Never say that. Goonies never say "die"!
Os Goonies nunca falam da morte!
Andy, I believe in you. Goonies always make mistakes.
Tenho confiança em ti, qualquer Goonie se engana.
Those are my friends, the Goonies.
Aqueles são os meus amigos, os Goonies.
We got Death Cab, Bright Eyes, The Shins Kavalier Clay and Goonies.
Temos Death Cab, Bright Eyes, The Shins, Kavalier Clay e Os Goonies.
You can never have too many copies of The Goonies.
Nunca se tem demasiadas cópias dos Os Goonies.
I'd gather them goonies and get whatever you've got, and come at me...'cause I'm gonna fucking hit you all.
E reunia os capangas e tudo o que tivesse para me atacar, porque eu vou acabar com vocês todos.
- I don't know, let's ask the Goonies.
Perguntemos aos "Goonies".
You're finally gonna watch Goonies again.
Vais finalmente voltar a ver o Goonies?
Not Goonies. Girls.
Goonies não, raparigas.
It's like Goonies meets Die Hard by way of Mission : Impossible.
É como se o Goonies conhecesse o Die Hard da mesma forma que na Missão Impossível.
This is the cave from Goonies.
É a gruta dos Goonies.
You know, the fat one that was in The Goonies.
Como aquela gorda dos Gonnies.
I don't know if the two of you are busy tonight or not, but I have got The Goonies.
Não sei se vão estar ocupados esta noite ou não, mas... tenho "Os Goonies".
The Goonies?
"Os Goonies"?
Oh, my gosh, you mean to say the two of you have never heard of The Goonies?
Meu Deus, quer dizer que nunca ouviram falar de "Os Goonies"?
- Like Goonies.
Tipo o Goonies.
- What's Goonies?
O que é o Goonies?
That's how Chunk won over Sloth in The Goonies.
Foi assim que o Chunk ganhou ao Sloth em Os Goonies.
Their Goonies child was kind of cute.
O filho até era engraçado.
We're watching Goonies, Gremlins and Young Sherlock Holmes.
Estamos a ver o "Goonies", o "Gremlins" e "O Enigma da Pirâmide".
She makes the best oatmeal raisin cookies ever, can recite every line from Goonies... "
Ela faz as melhores bolachas de passas de aveia de sempre, conhece todas as falas de "Os Goonies"... "
Lily saw Goonies in the theater right after her parents separated.
Ela viu o filme no cinema logo a seguir aos seus pais se terem separado.
- Isn't that from Goonies?
- Isso não é de Os Goonies?
- I am paraphrasing Goonies.
- Estou a parafrasear Os Goonies.
"Goonies never say die!"
"Goonies nunca dizem morrem!"
Goonies is on TV tonight.
Hoje dá o "Goonies".
You must not have heard me. I said we're watching Goonies tonight.
Não me deves ter ouvido.
I am not the Chinese kid from Goonies.
"Não sou a criança chinesa do Goonies."
- "Goonies."
- "Os Goonies".
- "Goonies"!
- "Os Goonies"!
You watched Goonies again, didn't you?
- Viste "Goonies" outra vez? - Não.
Uh, "Goonies" was not a "B" movie.
Os Goonies não é um filme de série B.
That's the plot for Goonies.
Isso é a história do Goonies.
Now it's completely different from Goonies.
Agora é completamente diferente do Goonies.
It's The Goonies and it's Citizen Kane.
Tem "Os Goonies" e "O Mundo a Seus Pés".
When did The Goonies become a good movie?
- Agora, "Os Goonies" é um bom filme?
Who directed The Goonies? I'll look it up.
- Quem realizou "Os Goonies"?
Christ, it's like the fucking Goonies.
- Parece a porcaria dos Goonies.
My mom took me to see "the Goonies" to cheer me up.
A minha mãe levou-me a ver "Os Goonies", para me animar.
And "Goonies" came out before we were even born!
"Os Goonies" foram lançados antes de nós sequer nascermos!
That was the monster from Goonies!
Era o monstro de Goonies!
Some kind of weird soccer-mom-looking Goonie monster?
Uma tiazinha que parece o monstro de Os Goonies?
Are you with the Goonies as well?
Andas com os Goonies?
I mean, just yesterday we went to see goonies together- -
Ainda ontem, fomos ver os "Goonies"...
Wait, you saw goonies yesterday?
Espera, viste os "Goonies" ontem?
Francis Fratelli. From The Goonies?
Francis Fratelli.
The Goonies.
Os "Goonies".
Oh! You feed her like Sloth from Goonies.
Dás-lhe de comer como o Sloth dos Goonies.

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