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Guilford traduction Portugais

41 traduction parallèle
For Mr. and Mrs. Violet Stebbings of 23 Wolverston Road, Hull the death of Mr. Bruce Foster of Guildford.
Para Mr. e Mrs. Violet Stebbings, residentes em Wolverston Road, 23, a morte de Mr. Bruce Foster de Guilford.
Now, for the latest report on Picasso's progress over to Reg Moss on the Guildford bypass.
E, agora, para as últimas sobre o progresso de Picasso, passamos a emissão a Reg Moss, na via secundária de Guilford.
O Guilford.
Guilford, let's go.
Guilford, vamos.
I don't think you've met my youngest and as yet unmarried son, Guilford.
Julgo que não haveis conhecido o meu filho mais novo, ainda solteiro, Guilford.
It's bedtime, Guilford.
Está na hora de ir dormir, Guilford.
- My third son is called Guilford.
- O terceiro chama-se Guilford.
- Guilford?
- Guilford.
I don't believe that the King wants me to marry Guilford Dudley.
Não acredito que o Rei queira que eu case com Guilford Dudley.
You will not marry Guilford Dudley?
Não vais casar com Guilford Dudley?
My dear Guilford.
Meu querido Guilford.
Guilford, nothing can ever justify what he's done.
Guilford, nada pode justificar o que ele fez.
Guilford must it always be like that?
Guilford tem de ser sempre assim?
Guilford, listen to this.
Guilford, escutai isto :
It's for Guilford Dudley.
É para Guilford Dudley.
It was so foolish, Guilford.
Foi uma tolice tão grande, Guilford...
Guilford, where are you?
Guilford, onde estais?
Why, Guilford!
Então, Guilford!
Why did you shame me, Guilford?
Por que me haveis humilhado, Guilford?
Jane Dudley, Guilford Dudley, you have been found guilty of high treason.
Jane Dudley, Guilford Dudley, foram considerados culpados de alta traição.
And Guilford Dudley, that you be taken from that place to Tower Hill, where your head shall also be struck from your body.
E, Guilford Dudley, que sereis levado desse local para Tower Hill, onde a vossa cabeça também vos será arrancada do corpo.
- Guilford!
- Guilford!
Leanne Guilford. President of Acquisitions.
Leanne Guilford, Presidente das Compras.
Yes, Miss Guilford. How are you?
- Sra. Guilford, como está?
Jerk. Ah, the lovely Miss Guilford.
A linda Sra. Guilford.
[Buddy] lt's the lovely Miss Guilford.
- A simpática Sra. Guilford.
I just spoke to Leanne Guilford.
Acabei de falar com a Leanne Guilford.
November 14th, Piscataquis County, Guilford Town Square.
No condado de Piscataquis, na praça central de Guilford.
But then you've got a son of a bitch who just happens to be walking in the Guilford entrance when the mysterious gray van comes...
Mas depois, tens um filho da mãe que, por acaso, está a entrar no Guilford e uma carrinha cinzenta misteriosa vem...
Winstone's CV says he graduated from Guilford Law School, but according to the registrar...
O CV do Winstone diz que ele se licenciou na Universidade de Direito de Guilford, mas segundo o registo...
There was no Leonard Winstone who went to Guilford.
Não existiu nenhum Leonard Winstone em Guilford.
The Leonard Winstone who graduated from Guilford Law School is dead.
O Leonard Winstone que se licenciou em Guilford está morto.
We're were champs till you gave in to Guilford.
Até mesmo os campeões devem pendurar as luvas.
Now I remember we lost to Guilford.
Lembrem-se que perdemos um campeão.
Guilford, right?
Contra Guilford, certo?
Toby's on a job at Guilford.
O Toby foi para Guilford, em trabalho.
This message from the Guilford County Corrections Office is for...
É uma mensagem do centro correcional de Guilford Para...
If there are any questions, please reply directly to the Guilford County Corrections Office.
Se tiver dúvidas, contacte o centro correcional de Guilford.
[CellPhone Rings] Buddy Love. Mr. Love. Leanne Guilford.
- Sr. Love, Leanne Guilford.

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