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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Habib

Habib traduction Portugais

167 traduction parallèle
Uncle Charles's lawyer, William McDonald, is handling it. He's coming out with Mr. Habib's representative.
Voltei do Vietnã, vim para cá, assumi o clube e não quis voltar.
This is Robert Emery, Mr. Habib's representative.
- Não, nada a subtrair.
Habib, how do you like it?
Hello, Las Vegas.
Las Vegas, aqui Habib.
This is Prince Habib. I wish to land on your airport. 10-4?
Quero aterrar no vosso aeroporto.
Again, let me apologize. We had no idea.
Desculpe, Sr. Habib...
And nobody steals from Habib.
E ninguém rouba o Habib.
And so is Habib.
- E o Habib também.
George, I'd like you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Habib. Hello.
George, quero apresentar-lhe o Sr. E a sra. Habib.
The Habibs would like to buy the house, George.
Os Habib querem comprar a casa.
Mr. Habib is willing to pay a generous bonus... for whatever inconvenience moving too quickly may cause you, George.
O Sr. Habib está disposto a pagar um generoso bónus pelo inconveniente de ter de sair já.
Oh, uh, Mr. Habib, this is my daughter Annie.
Sr. Habib, esta é a minha filha Annie.
Mr. Habib, you didn't tell me you were gonna tear down the house.
Não me disse que ia destruir a casa.
Mr. Habib, this is not "a piece of land."
Isto é um grande terreno. Sr. Habib, isto não é um terreno.
Mr. Habib, please.
Por favor, Sr. Habib.
Yes, make out, please, to the Habib Group.
Passe à ordem do Grupo Habib, Lda.
Mr. Habib, just one last question.
Só mais uma pergunta, Sr. Habib.
Look, I must get back to Habib. - Habib?
Preciso ficar com Habib.
- He's my author.
- Habib? É meu autor.
The only reason I'm here is because of Habib. Nicest cabdriver in this city.
Só estou aqui por causa do Habib, o taxista mais simpático de NY.
"They man's gonna be fucking with you now, Habib".
Eles agora vão ser lixados contigo, Habib.
A cell phone intercept between the sultan and Habib.
Uma intercepção via telemóvel entre o sultão e o Habib.
We have evidence connecting him to a man named Marwan.
Temos provas que o ligam a um homem chamado Habib Marwan.
The man responsible for what has transpired today, Habib Marwan, is still out there, and likely planning further attacks.
O responsável, Habib Marwan, ainda está por aí, talvez a planear novos ataques.
Our watch list. We put out a net asking for anybody connected to Habib Marwan.
Emitimos uma mensagem perguntando por pessoas ligadas ao Habib Marwan.
I was in a hurry, Habib.
Estava com pressa.
Thank you, Habib. Thank you.
Obrigado, Habib.
Habib Marwan, is at large.
- O Habib Marwan ainda anda a monte.
So you're pretty confident you'll be able to catch this terrorist, this Habib Marwan, - before he strikes again?
Crê conseguir apanhar este Habib Marwan antes de ele voltar a atacar?
We are trying to confirm Habib Marwan is in this building.
Estamos a confirmar se o Habib Marwan está no edifício.
Habib Marwan, has taken possession of a nuclear warhead.
Habib Marwan, apoderou-se de uma ogiva nuclear.
This crisis could have ended an hour ago if I hadn't interfered with the CTU operation that would have captured Habib Marwan.
Esta crise podia estar resolvida há uma hora se eu não tivesse interferido com a operação da UAT para capturar o Marwan.
- Yes, sir. CTU is heading up the search for this man who stole the warhead, Habib Marwan?
A UAT dirige a caça ao homem que roubou a ogiva, Habib Marwan?
- Mr. President. We've seen a tape recorded by Habib Marwan.
Sr. Presidente, visionámos uma cassete gravada pelo Habib Marwan.
Tell me where Habib Marwan is.
Diga-me onde está o Habib Marwan.
Mr. Lee. Tell me where Habib Marwan is.
Diga-me onde está o Habib Marwan.
We got a location on Habib Marwan.
- Temos uma localização do Marwan.
A missile carrying a nuclear warhead was launched by this man, Habib Marwan.
O Habib Marwan lançou um míssil com uma ogiva nuclear.
I don't know any Habib Marwan or anything about a missile. You have got to believe me.
Não conheço nenhum Habib Marwan nem sei nada do míssil.
A man named Habib Marwan.
Um homem chamado Habib Marwan.
As far as we can tell, this Habib Marwan's been controlling the override.
Tanto quanto sabemos, esse Habib Marwans tem o controlo do dispositivo.
Ask her about a man named Habib Marwan.
Pergunta-lhe sobre um homem chamado Habib Marwan.
Who's Habib Marwan?
Quem é o Habib Marwan?
Why don't you tell me about Habib Marwan?
Porque é que não me fala sobre o Habib Marwan?
Habib Marwan is the man our cell reported to in the united states.
Habib Marwan é o homem a quem nossa célula terrorista responde nos Estados Unidos.
Habib Marwan is controlling the override.
Habib Marwan tem o controlo do dispositivo.
We found out that the man you're looking for, Habib Marwan, works for McLennen-Forster.
Descobrimos que o homem que estamos a procurar, Habib Marwan, trabalha para a McLennen-Forster.
Habib Marwan is still out there and we have no idea how many other cells he might be trying to activate.
Habib Marwan continua a monte e não temos ideia de mais quantas células pode ele estar a tentar activar.
His name is Habib Marwan.
Chama-se Habib Marwan.
Your excellence have reached Habi.
Os Russos já chegaram a Habib.
Well, let's see, his name is Manu Habib, married, no children, owns his own newsstand.
Vamos ver. O nome dele é Manu Habib. Casado.

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